All My CSI's - II

Cal cracked her eyes open. She wasn't granted sleep as she hoped she would, but she hoped Horatio brought good news. "Yeah.." she said as she squeazed his hand.
Horatio smiled to her gently, leaning down to be eye level with her. "You've been released into my care.. Though, there are several things you must agree to," he said softly.
Calleigh smiled. "I don't care, I just want to go home, but what do I have to do?" she asked.
"Next three weeks you arn't doing anything. Bedrest," Horatio began. "I want you out of the office for at least a month and a half. When you return, you have to do paperwork tops untill three months from now is up. Am I making myself clear?" he finished, looking at her somewhat seriously, but having a caring tone. He didn't want her stressed.
Calleigh sighed when he said three weeks of bedrest. Then, when he told her the rest, her face totally dropped, and she looked up at him like her life had just been put on hold for three months. "Fine, but every day, you come home and tell me how your cases are going, maybe I can give you a fresh mind after a long day." she told him. "Now get me the hell out of here." she said with a hint of a smile.
Horatio chuckled. "I would shorten it.. but it's doctors orders and mine. If you disobey them, I won't hesitate to suspend you from walking into the lab for three months," he replied before going over and getting her clothes for her.
(I always grin when I see that freakin' icon, Lynn.. I loves me some Tibbs!)

Nick grinned to Catherine a bit, holding her to him a bit.
Calleigh nodded. "I understand." she said as she slowly got out of bed. She felt a little woozy, but that was to be expected. She held onto the bed for support while Horatio got her clothes for her.
Returning to her, Horatio set the clothes on the bed next to her before looking to her. "You're okay to get changed on your own?" he asked, looking at how hard she was gripping the bed for a moment.
(*laughs* Lauren, your a nut..Your gonna miss it when I find another one, aren't you?.. :lol: )

Catherine smiled at Nick, "I love you"
"I don't know." Cal said as she took a step towards him, wondering if she could hold herself up. She let go of the bed, but her legs gave out on her, so she grabbed it again. "I should be alright as long as I hold onto the bed." she told him.
(...I'ma nut? o_O? Which is why I stole it! *sneak!*)

Horatio's arms reached out and grabbed her gently, it was almost reflex. "You sure? All right.. if you need me, just call, okay?" he said before slowly letting her go and turning to let her change.
Nick smiled back. "I love you too," he replied.
"Okay." Cal said. A few minutes later, she emerged from the room, walking slowly, but surely. She was doing good so far. "Can we go home now?" she asked him.
Horatio turned and looked to Calleigh, soon going to her. "We can go back to the hotel.. Home.. Might have to wait for a couple days, unfortunately," he replied with an appologetic smile. He gently wrapped his arm around her lower back, his free hand lightly gripping her arm.
(You didn't steal it, I gave it to you the other day! :lol: aww, look, it went away :( )

Catherine laid her head down on the pillow, and snuggled up closer to Nick.