All My CSI's - II

"'Cause it might end up somewhere other than in your mouth," Nick replied, leaning towards her and giving her a kiss, tongue running over her lips gently.
Catherine smiled, "Alot better now that I'm in your arms, I'm safe" and she looked up at him, "How are you?"
"I don't know." Cal said. "It just hurts Horatio." she said as she squeazed her eyes shut. "Can you come lay with me Horatio? Maybe it'll help." she said as she scooched over a bit. "Please?"
Mac moaned softly, lifting his head so she could get to his neck better. His arms, still wrapped around her, ran through her hair and rubbed her back. He turned his head slightly and nibbled gently on her neck in return.

(*cries* if we dont' get the computer back tomrrow, I won't be back 'till Monday...I hate Sundays for that reason)
"I'm wonderin' the same thing," Nick replied with a grin.
Horatio frowned a bit, tilting his head to the side. "Calleigh, I don't see how.." he replied, gently lying her back down again and kissing her forehead. He went over and turned off the lights before returning to her, hoping that would help a bit.
Calleigh whimpered when she was laid back down. She then took a deep breath as she felt her head hit the pillow. She couldn't see him because of the lights, and she was scared again. "Nooo, Horatio, where are you?" she asked. After her unfortunate event, she was afraid of the dark. She reached her hand out, desperate to find Horatio, hoping he was still there. She forgot about her headache, but now she was scared.
(aww Mel *hugs* )

Stella moaned, and runned a hand up his shirt, and looked at him with a wicked grin, before kissing him.
Catherine playfully hit Nick's shoulder and smiled, and kissed him.
Horatio gently reached out to her, clasping her hand tightly in his, leaning down and kissing her cheek. "Don't worry.. I'm right here," he replied. "You're all right, nothing is wrong."
Nick grinned before he gently returned Catherine's kiss.
Calleigh was crying silently by now. "Horatio, I'm scared." she told him as she squeazed his hand.
"Don't be, hun.. You're okay.." Horatio whispered to her softly, kissing her cheek again while his free arm wrapped around her, almost protectively. "Don't worry.."
Calleigh wrapped her arms around him. She buried her face into the crook in his neck, and then cried softly. This whole incedent had her perminatly scarred. Cal played with his short red hair a bit, tugging lightly at it between two fingers. For some reason, doing that calmed her.