All My CSI's - II

It made Horatio's heart ache, seeing her like this. "I'm here to stay..." he then whispered. He let Calleigh do whatever she wanted that made her calm, honestly enjoying her touch.
Calleigh calmed down more in the next ten minutes. She eventually stopped crying. She still hugged him close, sniffling a bit every once in a while. She rested her head on his shoulder and then whispered to him, "Love you." ever so softly in his ear.
Horatio gently rubbed Calleigh's back, a small smile coming to his lips when she whispered that to him. "Love you too.." he replied, equally as quiet a soft.
"I wanna go home." Cal whimpered as she continued to lightly tug at his short red hair. "I don't feel safe here, I wanna go home."
"I can see if the hospital can release you into my care, if you want.." Horatio replied, shifting a bit to sit on the bed, looking down to her. His hand raised a bit to stroke her cheek, smiling to her calmly.
Calleigh nodded. "I just want to go home, I don't care if I have to go to the hospital there, I just want to be back in Miami again." she said softly as she lifted her hand up to meet his.
"Give me a second, okay? I'll go see what I can do," Horatio said, leaning down and giving her a gentle kiss. He slipped off the bed and started making his way towards the room's door.
"Okay." Cal said after she kissed him back. She then turned on her side and closed her eyes, praying that without Horatio, she would be okay for the next two minutes. She was deathly afraid of everything if he wasn't there.
Horatio looked back to her for a moment, smiling to her a bit before exiting the room. He made his way to the nurses station and asked how long it would be till she was released, and if she could be released today.
Doctor McDreamy confronted Horatio. "You can taker her home, but I want her on full bedrest for the next three weeks, and no work for three months, especially for the job that she does, I don't want her to step foot in that office unless it's to do paperwork at a desk." he said firmly.
Horatio smirked a bit. "I wouldn't see it any other way," he replied. "I'm not about to have her go into the field given the state she's in, so I completely understand your motives for saying so. Thank you, Doctor," he replied.

(Kinda forgot we were in Ottawa.. Or at least I did.)
The doctor nodded. He then turned and gave Horatio the paperwork. "Take good care of her Mr. Caine." he told the man.
Horatio smiled to the doctor. "I will.." he replied, soon beginning to fill out the paperwork. He did it fairly quickly, having done it about a billion times before.
The doctor took his paperwork and set it in a file next to him. "She's all ready for you then Mr. Caine." he said before nodding to him and then going to another patients room.
Horatio nodded as well before heading back to Calleigh's room. When he reached the room, he flicked on of the lights on but not all of them, walking over to her. "Cal.. you awake?" he asked softly, reaching out and gently taking her hand.