All My CSI's - II

(... x_x FINE!!)

Horatio chuckled and nodded. "Of course. Eventually, stamina wears thin. I may be old, but I haven't ran out of tricks," he told her with a smile.
Calleigh nodded. "That is very true Horatio, you've yet to dissapoint me." she said with a smile. "What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?" she asked.

Nick smirked a little. "I remember now."
Catherine giggled, "I'm glad"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out, Calleigh," Horatio said to her, leaning down to kiss her softly, suppressing his smirk.


Nick smiled a bit before shifting under Catherine. "You gonna keep me pinned here all day, or what?" he asked.
{*pets you* Good Lauren}

Catherine smirked at him, before leaning down and kissing him, "That could be a nice idea you know"
{*Blinks as she reads the goings-on with H and Calleigh.*}

Offering him a small smile, she nodded her head again. "Thanks." Sara leaned into him slightly, the back of her head resting on his shoulder. It was nice to have someone to lean on, the brunette had to admit, even if she never wanted to tell herself that she needed someone like that.


Greg's brown eyes had continued to be focused on the small pond in the courtyard, his thoughts sweeping him off his feet and off into a sort of dreamland. Though, he was quickly and forcefully pulled out of those thoughts when his cellphone rang. Greg scrambled off the railing and stuck his hand into his jean pocket, retreaving his phone. "Sanders." He answered, seriousness lacing his tone.
(*looks at Alexx's posts in turn* ... I love your writing.)

"Heh.. Do you think you could keep me down for twelve hours?" Nick then asked. He was somewhat amused with this.
{Oh lord..}

Grissom smiled, and kissed the top of her forehead, and kept his arms wrapped around her, and smiled to himself, This felt nice.
Sofia had almost given up and was going to hang up the phone when she heard his voice, it took her a minute to respond, she really didn't think he'd answer, "Greg?" She almost quickly.
Catherine tightened her grip on his arms, "Of course I can" and smirked at him, and licked at his lips.
{Lauren...You do?}

That smile stuck to her face as he kissed her, and Sara further relaxed. "When are we going home?" She asked him, that same curiosity that had driven her to be a CSI coming out in her voice. It wasn't that she didn't like Canada, actually, she was becoming rather fond of it, it was just so much different from Vegas...From the desert.


A smile graced Greg's thin lips as he heard Sofia's familiar voice on the other end of the connection. "Sofia?" He questioned her, if only to make sure he hadn't been mistaken about who it was. Though, the man didn't leave her time to reply before he went ahead with another question. "What's up?" There were only a few reasons he could think of that would make Sofia Curtis call him, and a few of them weren't something he wanted to hear her say.
(x3 Yes, I do.)

"Quit what?" Nick asked with a laugh, moving his hands to her elbows, trying to make them bend so she collapsed.
Mac lifted his chin to let her in, and wrapped his leg around her.

(are they unclothed yet? 'Cause the clothes are seriously gonna cramp some style if they aren't lol)
"This weekend" He smiled at her, and kissed her neck lightly. Grissom had been in love with Sara since the moment he meet her, and now that he has her, it feels so unreal.
Sofia smiled again when she heard his voice, she had missed it so much, "What room you in?" She asked him without thinking, and hoped he wouldn't hang up on her.
Catherine gave Nick a glare, "Nicky? You better quit" and held onto his hands tighter.
{I think their nekkid!}
Stella kissed on his chin, and over his neck, and licked back up to his lips, and nibbled at his lower lip.
{Thanks loads then, Lauren. I'm rather fond of your writing as well! And dudes, whatever happened to PG-13?}

Sara's head tilted to the side slightly as his touch, but she was rather used to him being around her like that. "That's good." She said with mild interest, her brown eyes still focused on the cars passing by, cutting off her view of the city briefly each time they did. As much as Sara Sidle loved her work, she had to admit, standing there with him in a new place like that was rather enjoyable.


The grin on Greg's lips broadened as her question sunk into his skin. He had been waiting for her to ask something like that for a while, at least a year or two. "I'm outsides of room number 420." He said, trying his best to keep his voice steady as he choked back an ethusiastic yelp of success. Greg was quite aware of why she was asking him this question, or, at least, what it meant. Sofia would be coming over to his room. That blonde detective that he had watched so closely for the past two years was actually going out of her way to spend time with him.
Grissom smiled at her, "I like this place, You should let me take you on the rollercoaster sometime" He gave her a wink.
Sofia smiled to herself, "I'll be there in 20 minutes" She said as she hung up the phone, not giving him a chance to say no.
Catherine leaned her head against his, "Are you challenging me, Stokes?"
"I could be, Willows," Nick replied, looking up at her with a calm and cool expression. This could turn out to be quite interesting given the circumstances.