All My CSI's - II

Catherine then pounced on him, kissing on his neck, and holding his hand with hers.
Stella looked into his eyes, and wrapped her leg around him, "Make love to me, Mac?"
Stella smiled, and positioned herself better on the bed.

la la la la.. we know what their doing now, la la la la

Stella wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him, and let out a final moan, and kissed his neck.
Catherine smirked back, and kissed his neck, "Of course"

Greg, who had chickened out and ran inside at the last minute, took a deep breath. He knew very well who was knocking on his door. There were only a number of people who knew which room he was in, and only one of them had gestured to visiting him. Her gesture wasn't obscured by a number of unneeded words and beating around the bush. No, Sofia had requested that she visit him simply, and Greg liked that. He had matured over the last few years, and that was certainly something that he had come to admire of her. Placing a slender hand on the handle, the former lab tech turned it and pulled the wooden door open. What he saw quickly brought a smile to his face...
Nick chuckled a bit, looking at her. He soon held out his hand to her, raising a brow. "Stop pinning and torture to actually either get somewhere or do something."
Sofia had almost given up when he hadn't answered, and when he opened the door, she gave him a big smile, "Hey" she said in almost a whisper.
Catherine put her hand into his, and smirked at him, "Just kiss me, Nicky"
"Hey." Greg greeted her back, watching her. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, just looking at her. Taking her into his mind for a moment, just incase he never got to see her again in some tragic twist of fate. After a moment or two of looking at her with that goofy grin, Greg shook his head. "Right...Yeah, come in." He said, stepping off to the side a bit to allow her access to the hotel room in which he had inhibbited for the past day or so. Strange as it was, Greg had actually managed to keep the place...clean.
Catherine brought her hand up to go through his hair, bringing him closer, and kissed him back.
Sofia smiled at him, "Thank you" and walked into his room, it was nice, "Nice room" she winked at him, before sitting on his bed.
Mac moaned back, smiling with the passion as they continued exchanging kisses. "I love you..." he breathed.
Stella ran her hands through his hair and smiled, "I love you too" and he kissed him.
Catherine moaned, and wrapped her legs around him, and ran her hands through his hair, and let out a light, "Nicky"