All My CSI's - II

Stella chuckled and kissed him, "No, I need you more" and rolled over onto her back, and wiggled her finger at him, "Come here"
Mac laughed as he obliged and got into position on top. "Yes, ma'am" he said with another laugh. "And nope, I need you more"
Stella wrapped her arms around him, and ran her hand through his hair, bringing him closer to her, and she got her lips even with his before replying, "Nope" and kissed him.
Mac kissed back, his heart rate picking up as his fingers ran through her hair. He had a feeling they'd be in here a while not that he particularly minded; he rather enjoyed their current activity thank you.
"My feelings exactly" he said, then got quiet as she kissed him and he kissed back. "You're priceless to me."

(so do you :) )
Stella felt tears come to her eyes, and she let them fall, and she kissed him again, "I love you" she said in a whisper.
{Yes, well, it's cold now, Lauren. There is no possible way that it's hotter there then it is in Florida, so I'd like to go cold in this one, if you don't mind. *Alexx needs a brake from the heat* And, yes, if Catherine is with Nicky, then CSX is good, Lynn.}

Sara looked over her shoulder at him, regaining her composure after being surprised by his voice. The woman absentmindedly rubbed her arm as she offered him a smile. "A little bit." She moved her head in a nodding motion, sending dark strands of hair falling about her head in odd angles.
{Yes Catherine is with Nicky.. Now where is my Nick (Lauren!)}

Stella nodded, and kissed his neck, and wrapped her leg around his.
Sofia went into her hotel room, and wondered what Greg was doing, so she called his cell.
Grissom walked up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her, and rubbed her arms. "Better?"