All My CSI's - II

{Al, You are Sara, I honestly have no clue Greg is, but you can have him too

Yes, Lauren, You have to

Good Mel, you found it}

Stella giggled at him, and kissed his neck, "Love you"
{Um...Okay then. Greggo and Sara, got it...So, yeah, tell me when you want me to actually post, because it would be odd if they just showed up with the snogging New Yorkers...}
{We're in Canada - Grissom and Sara are still in their hotel room ;) .. Greg, I dunno, we can have him surveying something with Sofia?}
{Yup, And you Should - Lauren}
"I'm too smart for that this time" Mac giggled at her. "Love you too." he replied, figuring she might've been baiting him into another game of "love you more". He kissed her neck back.
Stella smirked at him, she loved playing that game with him, she didn't know why, but she did. She kissed his neck, then kissed him.
Mac could see her expression. He knew what'd happen but he couldn't resist. "all right, you you more." He laughed.
Stella licked her lips, and returned his kiss, then ran her hands down his chest, and lightly clawed at him, and winked at him.
Mac moaned a little, tingling at her touch, leaning forward a little to kiss her and lick and nibble her neck and chin.
Stella moaned, and leaned her head back, and then raised up and kissed him, running her hand over through his hair.
Mac kissed back, his heart racing, still trying to believe this was real....he was actually about to make love to the woman he'd love for so long. At the moment, he didnt' care what anyone thought.
Greg Sanders could truthfully say that he had been there now. Oh, he had been there, and loads had happened there too. The man ran a hand through his already messy hair, the cold air caused his hair gel to become even stiffer then normal. But, that was perfectly alright because he liked it that way. Spikey. That was always nice, and it continued to set him apart from the rest of the team.

I'll See You Soon

Letting out a deep breath, Greg leaned over the railing, looking down upon the courtyard of the hotel below. His hands gripped the sides of the bar as his abdomen was pushed against it, making it slightly harder to breathe. Brown eyes wandered over the freshly watered lawn, all the way to the small pond that had been placed in the middle of the clearing. For a moment, he contemplated going down there, but there wouldn't have been much point...He would have been alone anyway, and a pond full of fish could only hold your attention for so long...Especially Greg's.


They, the whole team, had endured an...interesting night, to say the least. Though, she was rather relieved that they had gotten Catherine back and safely in Nick's arms. Which, for some reason, wasn't too suprising. It was cold in Canada, really. This caused Sara to put a dark colored sweater on over her shirt. The brunette pulled a loose string from the sleave, though, she knew it really wasn't the best idea. Shrugging, she let it drop, and continued to look out over the city. It was odd, to be able to stay in a hotel that, on one side, you had a courtyard with pristine features, and on the other, you could watch the townspeople move along at their own pace. It was certainly a change from the Las Vegas casinos, that's for sure.

{There, I hope that is good enough for you people. v_v;;}
Stella smiled at him, and licked over his chest, and placed little kisses there, smirking up at him.
{Do we wanna go CSX?}
Grissom watched her, and smiled, "Chilly?" He said as he got closer to her.