All My CSI's - II

"I love you too" he replied, lifting his chin a little and moaning as she kissed him, kissing her forehead as she did.
Stella looked into his eyes, and kissed his nose, then kissed his eyes, and leaned her forehead against his. Words couldn't explain how happy she was just to be in his arms.


For Lauren

I think on the Horatio one, you and Jess are doing something, I don't really know.
Calleigh nodded. "That is very true Horatio, you've yet to dissapoint me." she said with a smile. "What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?" she asked.

But as for Nick/Cath. Nick was acting like he didn't remember what Cath can "do", and then he said he did. This is my response :D

Catherine giggled, "I'm glad"
Mac kissed her nose back with a smile still on his face as they went forehead to forehead. He didn't think he could get any happier.
Stella continued to rub little circles on his chest with her finger, while her other hand rubbed through his hair, and she kissed him.
Mac smiled as they did, not caring at the moment what anyone else thought, just caring that he was happy and it felt so right to him. His hands moved through her hair as they kissed.