All My CSI's - II

"Hopefully not...but even if they do, I won't let them take you again." he replied. "They'd have to kill me first."
As much as she was flattered by that, she couldn't live with herself if something happened to him, especially if it was her fault, "Mac.."
"what?" he asked. "It's just...if anything happened to you, I couldn't go on...I'd rather be dead than go on without you."
He kissed her back. "Whatever happens, I know we can make it if we face it together...whatever is ahead for us, I'll be right there with you, I won't leave you, I promise." he said. "We'll be together."
Stella seemed comforted, and to accept what he was saying, "I believe you, and I feel the same way" and she kissed him.
Mac was happy about that. He kissed her back. "I never want to face life again without you." he said.
She cuddled up against him, laying her head under his neck, and lightly kissed it, "I never want to be without you again"
"Me either" he replied. "I think that when we get you home and everything is safe again...that I want to make you my wife." he said. "Would you do me that honor?"

(here we go again LOL...I told you I'd get him married in all these games)
Stella heard him, but she wasn't really sure she heard him. Thought it was a dream, then mentally kicking herself, and leaned up to look at him with a big smile, "Mac, I would love to"
Mac was afraid she'd say no, so her saying yes made him very happy. "Nothing would make me happier" he said.
Stella laughed, and leaned up and kissed him, it was true, they were getting married, all of her dreams were coming true.
"I'm lucky...I never thought I would come to love anyone this much, to feel all these things again. You make me feel complete...and I'm glad I won't spend my life alone."