All My CSI's - II

"I haven't been this happy in a very long time...I'm feeling things I'd given up on ever feeling again. And right now, I couldn't feel any more wonderful."
(I likely won't get anymore posts in until I return from Six Flags tomorrow night, so in any of the games, if ya need to move Mac a bit, do it :) )
{I'll miss you!!}

Stella licked her lips, and let the tears that were forming fall, and they went onto his chest, and smiled at him, "I'm sorry, thats just so sweet, Mac, Nobody has ever been this sweet to me"
(Back...I so wish I could've kidnapped Gris and brought him along lol) "I know what you've said about your past...about how you felt. But now, you'll never be unloved or unwanted ever again" he told her.
{LOL. Did ya have fun?}

Stella smiled, and licked her lips, and placed her head on his chest, and kissed it, "I love you so much"
Mac kissed back, silent while that was going on. But he didn't miss a beat when they finished. "Nope, love you more" he said with a giggle.

(darnit, I had sunscreen all over me and my shoulders are still slightly fried. I must not've put enough on after the water ride I did likely washed it off. At least it's better than the one I got last summer at the race track. No blisters this time and not nearly as painful.)
{Thats a good thing! :D I hate sunburns alot of the times}

Stella also giggled and kissed his cheek, "Nope it is I who love you more"
(ouch now the blisters are here but they aren't as bad as last summer's. I need someone like Mac to rub stuff into them and cuddle me so I forget :D )

"Nope, I love you more" Mac laughed. "I knew this'd happen, that's why I did it. It's funny."
{I'm sure he would darlin'! :D }

Stella nodded, and laughed, "It really is, but I love you more" She wasn't going to let him win, She winked at him.
"I know you won't give up 'till you win, so I'm calling it off" he said with a laugh. "But I do love you, with all my heart."
Stella smirked at him, "Of course, but we already know, I'd win anyways" She gave him a wink and kissed his chest, "And I love you with all of mine" and smiled up at him
"Yeah, because you don't quit once you've decided something." he replied. "Most fo the time I either love it or hate it depending on if it's directed at me or not and whether we're on the same side or not." he laughed. "But seriously, your being so strong and determined is something I've always liked about you. You never give up, and I wasn't about to give up either, and we made it through. I think that whatever happens, we'll get through it as long as we're together."
Stella wipped a tear away that was forming from her eyes, Mac was the best thing that ever happened to her, and she was going to make sure that she showed him everyday, she leaned up to kiss him lightly, before looking into his eyes, "I'm so glad that I have you, you're such a great man"