All My CSI's - II

Stella smiled, and leaned up and gave him a big kiss, "I might end up getting wet kisses all over you" she winked at him.
"Same for me" Mac replied, still laughing a bit. "We could steam it up without any hot water at all."
"You make me feel a lot of things I haven't in a long time" he replied as they kissed again. "Wonderful things."
"Well, for the first time in a long time, I'm excited about my future. I know I'm not going to be alone anymore. And I have a reason to get up in the morning besides just going to my job. I have you."
Stella felt a tear form in her eyes, and swatted it away, and smiled at him, "Mac, your the most sweetest man I have ever known, and I'm very lucky to have you"
Stella kissed him, then kissed his nose, and around his neck before looking into his eyes and smiling.
Mac gave a very soft moan, kissing her back as she kissed him. He then smiled back as their eyes met.
Stella ran a hand through his hair, "I love you" she muttered softly, before putting her head into his neck, and lightly kissed it.