All My CSI's - II

Stella pulled away, only to catch her breath, and to look into his eyes, She smiled. She was going to love him forever, She felt it in her heart and soul.
Stella looked into his eyes and smiled, "I want the same thing" She felt the tears forming, and she didn't stop them.
Mac hugged her, a few tears coming to his eyes as he savored the moment being so close with his arms around her.
"If those creeps try anything again, we can kick their butts together" he said with a little chuckle. "Because you're mine and I'm not ever letting anyone else have you." He kissed her again.
Stella laughed, and smiled into their kiss, and leaned against him, and said, "Come on, your going to be late"
{Hmm, well lets go with}

Stella smiled into their kiss, and licked his neck, She didn't want these feelings to end.
(it's okay, if you knew how many times I've *almost* mixed up things and had to either change before posting or hurry to

Mac raised his head a bit, giving her better access. He ran his fingers through her hair, moaning a little as she licked his neck.
{lol. Tnx Mel *hugs*}

She began sucking at his neck for a minute, and lightly bit at it, before raising her head back up, smirking at him.