All My CSI's - II

Horatio twisted a little under her fingertips, pinning her arms swiftly to the sides again. "Calleigh, cut that out," he said with a laugh.
Calleigh broke away from him, spinning and pinning him to the bed. "Or what Horatio?" she asked with a smirk.
Nick soon fished around for a tank top or a t-shirt, casting a glance at Catherine. "Like what you see?"
Horatio shifted a bit, about to turn her and pin her when he thought better of it, not wanting to hurt her. "This is almost unfair," he said, leaning up close to her. "How am I supposed to get you back without hurting you, hmm?"
Calleigh smirked down at him. "You're a smart CSI, you can think of a way to do it...." she said, leaning down almost to the point that their lips were touching. "Can't you....Horatio?" she asked in a seductive voice and then lifted her head back up, teasing him.
"Well, I can be decent or dirty.. Which shall it be?" Horatio smirked, tilting his head a bit as he leaned up to nip her neck softly.
Nick grinned finding a light, long-sleeved shirt and pulling that on, albeit, it was a little tight. He frowned and went after another shirt.
Cal smirked. "Whatever you want H man, you're the boss." she told him, keeping his arms pinned.
Nick gladly followed her tug, moving closer to her and kissing her back.
"'H man'?" Horatio laughed for a moment before kissing along her neck to her jaw and then to her lips.
Calleigh nodded and pulled her lips away. She then wouldn't let him reach up to kiss her anymore. "Yeah, what are you going to do about it?" she asked with a smirk.
Horatio frowned a little before using all his strength to sit up and wrap his arms around Calleigh, pulling her into his lap. "That.."
Nick fell back onto the bed again, looking up at Catherine curiously for a moment. "Something tells me I shouldn't have gotten dressed.."
Catherine straddled his legs and shook her head, "Nope, but its half of the fun though" She winked at him.
Calleigh yelped a little. Not in pain, but in joy and laugter. She gave up on fighting with him about halfway through and let him pull her into his lap. "Oh, I'm sure you liked that." she said.