All My CSI's - II

Catherine leaned down to kiss him, then whispered in his ear, while running a hand down his chest, "Oh I think we know what I can do, Nicky"
Nick smirked a little, resting his hands on Catherine's hips. "You might just have to refresh my memory.." he said, joking of course. He knew all too well.
Catherine licked his ear, then kissed him, running her hands over his chest, then licked his jaw, then his neck, then began kissing over his chest.
Nick groaned low in his thoat, clutching at the bedsheets a little. "My mind is already half way out to Jupiter.." he muttered.
Mac found himself giggling as they rubbed noses. He pressed his forehead against hers, still smiling.
Mac laughed at it, smiling up at her, saying "Show me what you got and i'll show you what i've got." He kissed her again.
Horatio chuckled and nodded. "Of course. Eventually, stamina wears thin. I may be old, but I haven't ran out of tricks," he told her with a smile.
Calleigh nodded. "That is very true Horatio, you've yet to dissapoint me." she said with a smile. "What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?" she asked.