All My CSI's - II

(I love ya, Mel!)

Stella smiled at him, "I was thinking the same thing" She sent him a seductive wink.
Catherine winked at him, "How bout I wear the ones you got on now?"
Horatio smiled a bit, continuing to hum softly. He quietly watched as she closed her eyes and relaxed.
Nick laughed a bit, raising an eyebrow. "These ones? Why these in particular?"
He winked back. "There are so many things in my many different feelings. But the thing I know the most is that in my heart, I want this...want you...more than I ever thought I ever would want anyone again." He grinned "And now I think we should talk less and kiss more" He laughed, kissing her again, continuing to try to undo some of her buttons. "Darn clothes, they get in the way" he said between kisses.
"Because they look hot" she kissed his neck.
Stella smiled, and laughed at his last comment, and helped him unbutton her shirt, and then she took it off.
Mac felt more tingles and he wondered if she felt his heart pounding underneath it all. He gave a soft moan, then turned his head just slightly and left a trail of kisses and love nips on her neck.
Nick smirked a little, tilting his head to the side when she kissed his neck. "Or is it because you just want to see me strip?"
Cal's breaths evened out and became longer. She draped an arm lazily over him and fell into a very light sleep to his humming.
Stella moaned, and ran her hands down his back, and nipped at his ear.
Catherine smirked, "Well of course thats that too"
Horatio smiled when she fell asleep. He leaned back against the headboard of the bed, continuing to hum for a bit before sleep threatened to overtake him once again as well.
Nick laughed a bit. "Fiiiiiine.. You can have them," he told her, standing and unbuttoning the pants.
Calleigh made a small noise of content while she slept, muttering things in her dreams randomly as she slept.

(Haha, I should make her say things again, but I think I'm going to refrain this time)
Nick laughed a bit before doing a little thing like you'd find in a strip club. When he removed his pants, he tossed them at her and went for a pair in his bag. "You happy now?" he teased.
Horatio gently stroked a hand through her hair once before slowly drifting off himself. The small mutterings made him smirk.