All My CSI's - II

Calleigh stayed still in her sleep, since moving at all would hurt her wounds, although during the time she was moving, she felt fine. She woke up some hours later, finding it to be noon when she finally opened her eyes. She just groaned and then rolled over.
Horatio was in a light sleep, but when Calleigh woke up and shifted, she hit a particularily ticklish spot, making his whole body jerk a bit. He woke up instantly, his elbow moving to rest close to his side, looking around then to Calleigh with a soft laugh.
Calleigh turned back around. "What's the matter honey?" she asked with a soft smile. She wondered why he was laughing and flailing around a lot.
Horatio shook his head, smiling. "Oh, nothing.." he replied to her. He'd settled back into place again, all though the smile wouldn't leave from his visage.
Calleigh rolled over so that she was facing him. She traced her finger across his lips. "Come on, tell me what caused that smile." she told him.
Horatio smirked and shook his head a bit. "You can use it against me, that's all I'm saying," he told her with a chuckle. "Draw connections."
Calleigh knew exactly what he was talking about. She then reached over and tickled him a bit. She didn't do it long, since she didn't want to irritate him.
Horatio's whole body tensed and jerked once again. He grabbed her hands and pulled them away from his sides. "Don't you dare start, Calleigh Duquesne."
Nick chuckled and kissed her back. "Well, I'm not as good as you, because I didn't earn any money from it," he replied, fishing through his bag and snatching out a pair of dark jeans.
Nick smirked, looking to Catherine. "Yes, it is good enough.. And don't you say that about almost everything I wear?" he asked with a cheeky grin. Nick soon pulled on the jeans, and soon a black, leather belt.
Calleigh smiled, thinking of the dream she had had earlier, that dealt with her in a white dress, Horatio in a tux, and the changing of her last name. She pushed the thought aside for now and kissed Horatio on the lips. "Start what Lt. Caine?" she asked with a smile.
Horatio gently kissed her back, releasing his hold on her wrists. "Tickling me. Because you'll wind up in more trouble than you think," he told her with a smirk.
Cal was feeling a bit precocious today. (not sure if I spelled that right) As soon as he let her go, she tickled him again.