All My CSI's - II

Stella laughed, "I can't believe it is either, but if its a dream, don't wake me up ok?" She asked as she kissed him, and ran her hands down over his neck.
Catherine kissed him again, and ran her hands through his hair.
Horatio chuckled. "I only do what I can.." he said to her.
Nick gently kissed Catherine back, one of his hands moving to rest on the back of her neck.
Nick smiled to her, gazing at her for a moment. "So tell me.. Are you going to choose some clothes or walk around in your underwear all day?" he teased.
Cal smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "I love you Horatio." she said, just enjoying her time with him.
Nick shook his head for a moment, trying to rid his mind from the image before it turned into something. "Cath, just choose something.."
Horatio smiled to her. "I love you too Calleigh.." he replied.
"Believe me, I won't" Mac replied, running his hands down her neck in return as they continued the kissing.
Catherine sent him a smirk, and kissed his neck, before going back to his clothes, and found a shirt.
Stella smiled at Mac, and continued to kiss him, and ran her hands down his back, and over the belt of his jeans.
Mac's hands played with the buttons of Stella's blouse, the thought crossing his mind that clothes just got in the way. He smiled back at Stella.
(now I know what happened, I was wondering about Stella saying something about a dream, then realize "oh that's her OTHER Stella lol" In the CatNip, GSR, ext game.)
Cal smiled and rseted on him. She never wanted to let go. She was set on spending the rest of her life with him, no matter what they went through.
Nick smiled a bit to her. "Now.. What I want to see is you to find some pants that fit somewhat," he chuckled.
Horatio gently ran a hand through her hair, beginning to hum a very soft tune.
A small smile crept onto Calleigh's lips when he started to hum. "Don't stop." Cal said as she closed her eyes, listening to him peacefully.