All My CSI's - II

Calleigh shrugged. "As long as I'm here with you I guess I'm alright with it, I mean, it did bring us together in the end, right?"
Horatio smiled and nodded. "It did.. But it's one of the more painful ways to do it, unfortunately. I'm sorry."
Nick laughed then motioned to his bag on the floor. "Go for it."
Catherine got off of the bed, to grab the bag, then brought it back to the bed with her, "Hmm lets see what Nicky's gotten hidden in here, shall we?"
Nick smirked. "Flight left in two hours when we got notice and I had to go check on your mother and Lindsey before heading to the airport," he told her.
Calleigh shrugged and shook her head. It's not your fault H, it's really no one's fault but mine, I should have faught back harder." she said. "But I did fight Horatio."
(I think our smacked is still kissing inside of the room ;) )

Catherine smiled at him, and nuzzled her nose against his. "I love you, Nicky"
(they were on the bed, I think Stella pushed them there.) "I still can't believe this is real" Mac said as he broke for a quick breath. He quickly returned to the kiss, his body tingling all over every time she touched him.
Nick smiled, gazing up at Catherine. "I love you too, Cath.." he replied.
Horatio gently ran his fingers through her hair for a moment. "You fought hard enough.. You did good, Calleigh."
Cal smiled and looked up at him. "I'm just glad it turned out the way it did in the end. And you, you caught the bad guy and got the girl." she said with a grin.