All My CSI's - II

"Well.. There's Parliament Hill if you want to go out walking," Horatio suggested. "I know more about Toronto than Ottawa, unfortunately."
Calleigh shrugged. "We could go do that, I just don't feel like laying here in the hotel room all day." she admitted.
((Isn't that where you sent the NCIS and NY? :lol: )

Catherine smiled and walked over to the bed, "I'm good, How'd you sleep?" and sat down on the bed, and ran her hand over his arm.
(*Snaps my fingers* THATS WHERE THEY ARE! xD Thanks for reminding me.)

"If we're lucky we might get to see the Prime Minister," Horatio said with a soft chuckle.
Nick smiled to her, gazing at her. "Great. Haven't slept like that in a long time," he replied gently pulling her into a hug.
Cal laughed along with him. She then asked a totally random question. "Can you speak French Horatio?" she asked.
"Oh God.. In the deep recesses of my mind, I can. I haven't spoke French or even been to Quebec in about a century," Horatio laughed again. "Why do you ask?"
Nick smiled and gently kissed her back. "Feel up to doing anything today?"
Cal shrugged. "You seem to know everything, I wondered if you spoke french." she told him as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
*pokes Nickcath*(Drat forgot your name again)Don't forget Stella and Mac :)
(guys my home 'net is fixed :) But I gotta be careful, we're back to one phone line and we don't fancy having SBC screw us again just to get the second one returned.)
(Lynn? xD You should concider yourself lucky, Mel.. I'm sure she'd kill me if I forgot. o_O And YAY you're back!)

"Yep, I am. But I'm going to leave it up to you to choose what," Nick replied with a soft laugh.
Horatio chuckled. "Key words: Seem to. You get to be my age, and everything makes sense in some way or another explination wise. Use what I know to my advantage," he replied. "My French dates back to high school, so I wouldn't be trusting it."
(Woo hoo!)
Calleigh laughed a bit, but had to stop since it hurt. "I hate being hurt." she told him as she curled up in his arms.
((Mel's back! We can parta now, Where is our little Smacked at?....Yeah, Lauren, I'd kill you :D )

Catherine smirked at him, "You know I'll have to borrow your clothes right?"
Nick paused. "I.. Forgot about that.." he said to her. "If you can find something that fits, then be my guest," he told her.
Horatio pretty much cradled Calleigh in his arms. "I know.. I would to."