All My CSI's - II

(It was last night I thought about this while I was in bed and I couldn't see to make a note. :lol: See I forgot anyways.)

Nick mumbled something in his sleep lightly and shifted a bit under the covers. He was woken up a bit by the loss of heat, his hand reaching out blindly to feel around.
(I didn't even know Laurne had posted o_O)
Calleigh came back out of the bathroom, all bandaged up, and smiling. She saw horatio in a sartled position and her smile faded. "What's wrong?" she asked softly.
Horatio looked up to Calleigh, smiling. "Nothing.. I'm okay," he replied to her. "Just one of those odd feelings I get every once in a while."
Catherine peaked her head out the door, and smiled when she saw Nick, and frowned trying to figure out what he was doing.
Calleigh looked at him intrested. "Okay." she said as she came over to him and sat next to him on the bed.
Horatio smiled to Calleigh and gently wrapped his arms around her. "How are you feeling?"
Nick looked over to Catherine, grinning a bit. "Buenos dias, como estas?" he asked her, soon sitting up.
Calleigh smiled and took a deep breath. "Better." she told him. "A lot better actually." she said as she leaned into him.
Calleigh nodded and snuggled into him. She always felt better when she could snuggle into him. "So are you going to force me to stay in bed all day like the doctors told me to or are you going to let me be stubborn and do something today?"
"Well, it depends what you do," Horatio replied to her, keeping her held close to him. He was happy she wasn't being like the day before and trying to push him away and do things by herself.
"I just want to do something nice and easy." she told him, buring her face into the crook of his neck. She was going to take it easy today, to show him that she at least had some sense of control.