All My CSI's - II

(whoo, steamy hehe...Nick/Cath, that is)

"Definately incredible" Mac nodded. "I don't know how you do it, but I love it" he smiled.
Calleigh slept soundly through the night. The fact that Horatio was there made it a whole lot better for her to sleep. She liked having him next to her.
(xD Shuddap)

Horatio dozed lightly through the night, this probably being the most sleep he's had in ages. He was happy as long as Calleigh was safe and happy next to him, and he was going to make sure of that.
Cal woke early the next day. She turned to see Horatio beside her. She smiled at the thought of waking up every morning next to him. Unfortunatly, when she made a move, her stitches didn't agree with her and caused her pain. She winced and screamed inwardly, but didn't make a sound as not to wake her sleeping prince.
(God I am so sappy lol)
Horatio was now lying mostly on his stomach, face partially burried in the pillow under his head. He was still in a somewhat deep sleep but his expression didn't show the usual signs of tiredness.
Calleigh looked to her side, glad to see that holding in a scream was worth it. She watches his sleeping form and then went to the bathroom. She redid all of her bandages. She was quite proud of herself for doing them alone, and it hurt, but she was proud of it.
Horatio shifted onto his back in his sleep, soon waking up. He rubbed his eyes tiredly, looking over to where Calleigh previously was and soon shot up into a sitting position. Was that all just a dream? he thought for a moment before hearing rummaging around in the bathroom and letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. You're overreacting, Caine.. Yet again..
(haha. N/C hottness :D makes me shipper heart happy, thanks Lauren ;) )

Catherine woke up before Nick, and slowly removed herself from him, and went into the bathroom.