All I Need.. [Catherine/Sara Friendship & GSR]

s'ok thought it probably was! great update, but i said that allready. wooot, 2 hrs of csi for me tonight! yay!

laters, tigger_willows xoxo
** This chapter takes place 4 months down the road. Sorry for the skip-ahead, but the Grissom’s would like to wait until the twins are alert to get married. **

Her brown eyes shot open, as three replicas in white silk and lace stared back at her as she stood on the spot. Her long thin body curving out at the bust line and hips just so, everything else falling smoothly, just right, just the way she wanted it.

The strapless top exposed her bulging breasts that looked emphasized and perked up in the high empire waist with beading flowing out in an elegant pattern. Her eyes flashed to the tall strawberry blonde standing next to her, and they smiled warmly at each other.

“Just perfect,” Catherine whispered.

“Isn’t it,” Sara squealed, “Just perfect! Everything’s just perfect! The chapel, the flowers, your dress, Sofia’s! And now my dress! Catherine, I’m getting married in a week!” Sara screamed as she flew from the stand and on to the floor, hugging Catherine. Catherine sputtered a laugh and hugged Sara back.

Sara stood back up on the raised podium, spun around swiftly in a tight circle. She hopped down again, ran off towards the changing rooms, and returned back in 45 seconds wearing jeans, a black tee shirt and a jean jacket. She stepped up to the counter with Catherine behind her and laid the dress on top. The man behind the counter smiled at her, and took the dress in his arms.

“Dees dress iz on zale, Madame,” he husked in his French accent, “75% off today.” Sara gasped and hauled out her credit card.

“Thank you, how much?” She laid her card on the counter as the French man punched the numbers into the computer.

“$105.43, but it iz only for today,” he said, ringing it in and swiping Sara’s card. He folded the dress in a long sheet of tissue paper and laid it in a box-like bag with “Le Chateau” on it.

Sara took the bag in her arms, and walked outside, smiling her happy gap toothed smile. Catherine opened the door to Sara’s Denali and sat down, slamming it behind her. Sara appeared in next to her.

“How perfect,” Sara exclaimed, starting the car. “On sale! I’m just so excited!”

Catherine nodded, smiling, “Now all we have to do is do up the list, and then you’re ready to get married.”

“I know!” Sara drove at an increased speed and within 10 minutes was back at her townhouse.


“Warrick, Nick, and Greg are best men, Lindsey’s the junior bridesmaid, and Brass is the best man. You and Sofia are my bridesmaids, and Wendy is invited, as well.” Sara took the pen off the white lace-lined paper and tapped it against her teeth, thinking.

“My mom, and that guy from dayshift, Hodges, Ecklie,” Catherine mused aloud, and Sara wrote. “What about your mom and Gil’s mom?”

“My mom,” Sara said blankly, her hand poised above the paper, “My mom.. Wouldn’t come.”

“Oh, okay, how about Mrs. Grissom?” Catherine said, flustered and embarrassed.

“I’ll have Gil call her when he gets home with the girls,” Sara said, her mind wandering..

”Momma,” said a 4-year-old brunette with big brown eyes, sitting on her mothers lap as she pasted some photos in a memory book.

“Mm,” her mother replied, not looking from the pages of the book.

“Did you like getting married to Daddy?”

“Yes, I did,” her mother replied, shifting the little girls weight.

“Was your Momma there,” asked little Sara, watching her mother’s intense expression as she cut around the side of her wedding photos.


“Will you be at my wedding when I get married?” Sara’s eyes were wide and curious, watching her mother’s skilled hand cut quickly around the photos. Laura laid her scissors on her lap and turned her focus to Sara.

“Of course I will,” Laura said softly, kissing Sara’s forehead. Sara laid her head on her mother’s shoulder and planted small butterfly kisses on her neck.

Sara was smart for a 4-year-old, always asking crazy grown-up questions. Laura watched her daughter trace her finger along the lace border of the book, and stroked her hair gently. Sara blew her bangs out of her eyes and laced her arms around her mother’s neck.

The almost perfect moment was ruined when the pair heard the front door bang open and Sara’s father’s loud footsteps. Sara jumped off her mother’s lap and bolted to the couch. She turned the TV on as her mother folded up the scrapbook and laid it on the coffee table. She sat next to Sara, and they waited for her father to enter the room, an air of anticipation hanging over them. Neither knew what was going to happen, but they knew it couldn’t be good. Sara curled up in a ball, laying her head on her mother’s skirt-clad lap, and closed her eyes.
‘Please go away, please go away,’ she thought to herself.

Sara sighed as her focus was brought back to reality. The door to the townhouse opened and Grissom walked in with the two almost 5-month-old twins in a sling on his chest, and two large bags in his hands – One a tux, one a pair of shoes. He carried his possessions to the bedroom and hid them in the closet. Sara put the pen down, and watched Grissom carry the twins to the playpen in the middle of the livingroom.

“Hi honey,” Sara said, smiling softly as she watched the two girls try to sit up in the playpen, pushing off bears and balls.

“Hello dear,” Gil responded. “You’ll never guess who I saw at the shoe store.”

“Hmm,” Sara mumbled as Gil sat down next to her at the island.

“Hello to you, too,” Catherine smiled sarcastically at Grissom.

“Hi Cath,” Grissom said, ignoring her. “I saw my mother,” Sara gasped. “But that’s not all – She has a boyfriend now.”

“Oh, that’s great.” Sara tried to picture Mrs. Grissom with a boyfriend and snorted out loud. “Sorry,” she grinned, trying to stifle a laugh, “But that’s a funny picture.” Catherine laughed quietly, and after receiving a glare from Gil, stood up and walked to the living room, sitting on the couch and keeping an eye on the twins.

“Well,” Grissom said seriously, “Is she invited to the wedding?” Sara pushed her book across to him. Gil scanned through the names and smiled, coming across Mrs. Grissom’s name under Lindsey. “Alright.”


Sara lay in bed that night, after putting the twins to bed and a quick drink with Catherine and Gil. She smiled as she thought over her dress, the flowers, and the vows she was working on. Her wedding was going to be a dream come true. She sighed and rolled over, facing Grissom, who reached out in his sleep and laid his fingers on her cheek. She smiled contently and drifted off, finally, after a long day.

Sara's dress.
Sara woke up that morning and stretched. Her neck was in a twist - She had been sleeping in the crook of Grissom’s shoulder. His naked chest was gleaming next to her, the sun playing off his relaxed muscles gently. Her naked form was curled next to him; her head lay on his strong right bicep. She shuffled out of the bed and walked over to the closet, the sun beating off her back.

She pulled on a pair of shorts and a white tank top, and walked out into the kitchen. She flipped the radio on quietly, and listened to the announcer:

“Good morning! And what a lovely morning it is. We have temperatures of 65º so far this morning, sunny and hardly any wind. It’s a great day to go outside and have a picnic with the family. We’re expecting a high of 85º by noon. Now at 7:30, we’re going to have a bit of Cute Is What We Aim For with The Curse of Curves. Enjoy.”

I've got the gift of one liners
And you've got the curse of curves
And with this gift I compose words
And the question that comes forward.

Sara sang along under her breath as she fixed some cereal for her breakfast. She sat at the island and ate quickly, her foot tapping along to the beat as she hummed.

Are you perspiring from the irony
Or sweating to these lyrics
And this just in
You're a dead fit
But my wit won't allow it.

After finishing her breakfast, Sara put her bowl in the sink and ran the water, allowing it to fill up. She continued to hum as she pulled the bread out of the breadbox on the counter.

The inside lingo had me at hello
And we go where the money goes

I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win

She grabbed the peanut butter out of the pantry and the jelly out of the fridge, and made up some peanut butter sandwiches. Sara packed the sandwiches in individual bags and laid them on the counter.

Her bone structure screams,
"Touch her! Touch her!"
And she's got the curse of curves
So with the combination of my gift with one liners
And my way, my way with words
It seems I'm too hip to keep tight lips
And you're on the gossip team
You're making something out of nothing
And jealousy is the cause the cousin of greed

She took the bag of lemons from the fridge and sliced 10 in half, juicing them into a large measuring cup. She took the bag of sugar from the pantry, and a jug with a cover from the cupboard under the counter. She poured her juice into the jug, and measured 4 cups of sugar, adding them in.

We all have teeth that can bite underneath
To where the reality grows
Yeah, that's where mine go
that's where mine go

We all have teeth that can bite underneath
To where the reality grows
Yeah that's where mine go
The reality grows:
From what I've heard with skin you'll win
And From what I've heard with skin you'll win

I want someone provocative and talkative
But it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower
And from what I've heard with skin you'll win.

Sara mixed her lemonade as Grissom emerged from the bedroom, dressed in khaki shorts and a light blue button down shirt. He kissed Sara on the cheek, and looked at the food she had laid on the counter.

“Are we going somewhere?” Grissom grabbed an apple from the fridge and took a large bite, sitting at the island.

“Yeah, I was thinking we could take the girls on a picnic,” Sara said, taking two bottles of milk from the fridge and placing them in a cooler bag. She took four plastic cups from the cupboard above her and put them on the counter. “Do you know where my old picnic basket is?”

“Yeah, it’s in the linen closet. I’ll go get it.”

Grissom returned a few seconds later with a picnic basket and a white and red-checkered blanket. He laid his possessions on the island and took the food from the counter, placing it inside.

Sara smiled as the announcer came back on the radio, laughing.

“That was Curse of Curves from Cute Is What We Aim For. Hope you enjoyed that one this morning. We’re just going to take this call.”

Sara adjusted the radio to another station, with the news. She took the baby monitor from the counter and flicked it on, listening. There was cooing coming from the bedroom.

“I’ll go see,” Sara said, leaving Grissom with a kiss on the cheek. She bounced down the hall, feeling light and happy.

“Good morning,” Sara cried to the two babies sat up in their cribs, cooing in their own secret language. Both little heads turned in Sara’s direction when she entered the room. Isabella put her arms up and wiggled her fingers. Sara scooped her out of the crib, and Catherine did the same, craving attention. Sara tried to balance both babies on her hips, failed, and put Catherine over her shoulder and cradled Bella in her arm.

“Now to get you two dressed,” she said in a singsong voice. She laid Bella on the change table and strapped her on, and Cathy next to her, so they wouldn’t fall off.

She turned to the closet and fished through the top rack of Catherine’s clothes, picking a blue and white dress; The top solid white with a little teddy bear on the chest, and the bottom pleated with blue and white checks. Sara hunched down and went through Bella’s rack, finding a dress identical to Cathy’s, except in red. Sara returned to the change table, undid the straps on Isabella’s side and changed her.

Sara slipped the dress over Bella’s head, gently moving her arms into the short sleeves. She picked a pair of white sneakers and frilly socks out of the dresser drawer, and slid them on her feet, setting the infant on the ground by her feet. Bella sat quietly near Sara’s legs and watched her mother’s face.

Sara undid Catherine’s buckled straps and changed her as well. Catherine put up a fuss as Sara tried to take the white one-piece pajamas off her. She kicked her legs and started to cry, her face bunching up.

“Oh, Cathy,” Sara cried, trying to slip the blue dress over Catherine’s head. She finally pulled Catherine’s last arm into the sleeve, settling on sandals and no socks – Cathy hated socks.

Walking out into the livingroom with the girls, Sara looked exhausted. Her white tank top was stained with baby drool, and her shorts looked uncomfortable. She put the babies in their playpen, and smiled in Gil’s direction. He was reading the newspaper, is eyes flicking quickly over the words.

Sara walked back towards her bedroom and went to the closet. She opened the doors, and her eyes scanned her half. She found a small white babydoll sundress with blue, pink, yellow and green hearts, the sleeves nothing more than tie up strings. She smirked at the thought of walking next to Grissom in the park, and found it enjoyable, playful.

Sara slipped out of the clothes she was wearing, threw them into the laundry basket in the closet, and pulled the sundress over her head. She stood in front of the mirror and tied up the strings, pulling her hair out of a ponytail and letting it bounce down to her shoulders. She combed it out with her fingers and took a comb-like hairpin off the dresser, pulling the hair on the right side of her head back and sticking the pin in it.

Sara pulled on her white sandals and tied them up around her ankles. She walked out into the livingroom and Grissom looked up from his paper, greeted with a friendly, playful smile from Sara. He whistled through his teeth long and low.

“Well, hello Ms. Sidle,” he hummed.

“You ready to go?” She walked over to the door, grabbed the stroller off the wall and the picnic basket from the floor, where it was laid.

“I’ll get the kids,” he said, laying down his newspaper and walking to the playpen, “Or do you think we could leave them home?” Sara smiled.