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Re: Det Vartann

Yay, I was going to do a search for this thread the other day but the search wasn't working at the time. I love Det Vartann he is great - this might sound silly but at the moment he is my favorite CSI character! :lol:
Re: Det Vartann

Yeah, the Vartann love lives!

I love Alex's acting style. He's a very subtle (but effective) actor. I love every time he gets this look on his face. He does it on CSI a lot, when the CSIs are rambling about their scientific mumbo jumbo. He's all, "I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about, but keep going, I'm amused." It's so cute.

Sadly, we're missing some Vartann primo time now that Sofia is a detective. Boo, writers. Boo.
Re: Det Vartann

on your pic he has his "WTH are you talking about?" look.... god i love this man he is just too amazing.... love everything he do!!!!!love alex carter!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Re: Det Vartann

They showed a re-run of 'Iced' the other day in the UK, and it's a great Vartann episode - I love that bit he had with Dr Robbins! :lol:
Re: Det Vartann

I can't believe I've never seen that episode. Isn't it airing again soon in the US?

Vartann and Ecklie coupled up, who would've thought?!
Re: Det Vartann

They showed a re-run of 'Iced' the other day in the UK, and it's a great Vartann episode - I love that bit he had with Dr Robbins! :lol:

god this epi was AWESOME!!!!!!!!! the interaction between doc and vartann was too amazing :lol: when i rewatch the epi i cant stop laughing on their scene: doc was making fun of vartann and he finally saw it :lol:
Re: Det Vartann

Ugh, I can't wait to see that episode. It's airing again tomorrow at 8, and I'll be at work!. I'll have to set my VCR.
Re: Det Vartann

Ugh, I can't wait to see that episode. It's airing again tomorrow at 8, and I'll be at work!. I'll have to set my VCR.

yeah dont forget it because this epi was an awesome vartann epi!!!!!!!!a lot of vartann on one epi it's just a dream!!!! you will love it midnight for sure!! :cool:
Re: Det Vartann

Oh, I know I will. They could have an entire episode where it's just Vartann, sitting on a chair, and reading the obituaries, and it would still be the best episode ever.

He's on the credits for 4x4, but I don't remember him in that episode. Who did he work with? Catherine?
Re: Det Vartann

Oh, I know I will. They could have an entire episode where it's just Vartann, sitting on a chair, and reading the obituaries, and it would still be the best episode ever.


He's on the credits for 4x4, but I don't remember him in that episode. Who did he work with? Catherine?

He worked with Warrick and Catherine investigating a dead woman found at a car expo.

Here's the transript if anyone's interested.
Re: Det Vartann

Awesome. I don't think I watched 4x4 all the way through, that's probably why I don't remember him.

I should totally go to Blockbuster and rent all these DVDs, and have a Vartann marathon. Yeah! They'd find me in bed the next morning, dead, my tongue hanging out the side. Drowned in my own drool.
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