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"Come on Greg," Warrick says, "we all know how much of a crush you had on Sara. Do you really expect us to believe she was being a surrogate? We all know how much time she spent helping you through the beating. If you got her pregnant just say it."

Catherine chimes in, "yeah Greg, we won't judge you, but if you did get Sara pregnant, this could be a motive and puts Grissom at the head of the suspect list."
"I didn't sleep with Sara, okay!" Greg said. Greg's phone rang and he answered it, putting it on speaker accidentally. "You got my girl pregnant and I had to kill her and now it's payback time!" A voice said.

"That didn't sound like Grissom." Catherine said.

"It sounded like Hank." Greg told them.
Nick says, "if Sara was being a surrogate, why is the other half of the baby's DNA hers? If Sara was really being a surrogate, then Sara's DNA would not be there."

"I, I, I," Greg looks away from them.

Meanwhile elsewhere, Hank puts away his cell and with a gun to his head says, "I did what you wanted, please don't kill me."
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"The other half of the DNA is Sara's because my girlfriend can't produce and Sara being friends with both of us decided to help. We didn't want our baby to have a stranger's DNA." Greg told Nick.

Back where Hank was, the crazed woman looked at him and said, "Don't worry, Hank. I'm not going to kill you. I haven't made a minature yet."
Meanwhile, Nick says, "What is this? Weird Science?"

"Don't go all movie on me man!" Warrick said, "Bad enough you throw those Pedigree Dog Adoption Commercial eyes at me when you want me to stop taking pills."

"It worked didn't it?" Nick widened his eyes and made puppy noises, "Yip! Yip!"

"Jury's out." Warrick told him.

then Nick walks over to the bathroom door, "Just make sure you clean up in there with that antibacterial spray I got."

"Which one?' Greg asked, "Nick you are so OCD, it's not funny."

"On top of his ADHD." Catherine announced.

"That was supposed to be a secret." Nick snapped, "And I'm taking my Ritalin for it.."

Pops a pill and swallows.

"Okay, let's get back on track here." Warrick announced.
Everyone packed up and headed back to the lab. Meanwhile, at Hank's apartment...

"Don't even joke about that," Hank told the "woman". "She killed a lot of people, and even tho Sara and I broke up I was still worried sick when she was missing."
'Ah ha I knew you still had a soft spot for Sara' said the "woman" The "woman" takes off her hat and with that comes her mask. Under the mask is none other than....
...Gil Grissom.

"Hank, my boy, there's a reason I named my dog after you," Grissom chuckled as he headed for the door. "I trust you're at least as smart as he is and won't mention this anyone." With a final wave of his gun, Grissom closed the door behind him.
Mean while back at the lab everyone was following Nick who was headed towards Trace where he was sure Hodges and his magical Kilt could get things sorted out.
Just as they neared the trace lab, they saw Hodges running full tilt out the door and over to DNA, his kilt flying in the breeze. They followed him into the lab.

"Hodges, what are you doing over here, and why in God's name do you have that thing back on again?" Nick asked, appalled.
'Well Nick I'm your new DNA tech,' Hodges said. 'Wendy is now out in the field, so Ecklie asked me if I could do DNA as well as Trace and I said sure as long as I can wear the kilt.'
"Oh excellent," Nick groaned as he rolled his eyes. "Okay. Out with it. We know Sara's baby belonged to Greg. What else did you find?"
"Guys," Warrick said, "if this was any other case and any other suspect, we'd have them interrogated by now."

"I'll call Brass," Catherine sighed.