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"Great, thanks Wendy, Super Dave says, "I got to get out of here."

"No problem", Wendy says.

Super Dave takes out his cell and calls Nick and tells him he's on his way.
"Good!" Greg clasped his together gleefully, "Now the truth will be known!"

Meanwhile, Wendy and Mandy run into Grissom's office and let out one of the cockroaches and then race off to find him.

They find him walking out the door and yell, "Grissom, one of your favourite cockroaches is loose."

Grissom paled and raced back into the office as he couldn't live without his favourite cockroach.
....not knowing that Nick already has a girlfriend. Julie and Nick have been going out for 2 years now.
Super Dave and Mandy arrive at Nick's. Super Dave hands the results to Nick who looks at them. "Wendy ran the baby's DNA results through the DNA database and got a hit," Dave says, " but the father isn't who you think it is."

Nick has a look of shock and his face. Warrick says to Nick, "don't keep us in suspense, man, who's the father?"

Nick looks up at Warrick and then looks over at Greg. "Yum, I can ummm, well, I really need to go to the bathroom," Greg says and runs out of the living room.
Nick is wondering who is Julie and asking since when do I have a girlfriend.

Then hands a magazine and a cup to Greg with a wink and says, "Have fun dude!!"

Greg says to Nick, "I've seen your little soldiers on ice man!!!" And winks back....

*...I don't know if I should be in here..I might create chaos with my zany takes on things..
Warrick busted out laughing. "C'mon man. Who is it really?"

Nick fixed him with a solemn stare. "I'm not kidding."
Greg sheepishly poked his head out from behind the bathroom door. "Geeze, Cath, that's what got me in this mess to begin with!"

No one laughed.

Sighing, Greg came out of the bathroom and joined the others. "Fine," he said, "I'll tell you the whole story."