Add a line Vegas Style

'Jim,' says Catherine, 'can you get a car to go and pick up Grissom. We need to get him to answer some question. Also we need a search warrant for his apartment and car.'
An hour later, Grissom was in the interrogation room at LVPD. He had waived his right to have an attorney present but requested that Catherine be there while Brass questioned him.

*Yoshi, Yoshi, Yoshi...
Brass looks at Grissom and sighs heavily, "Gil, I don't know where to begin? We go way back and I gotta tell ya, this isn't looking good for you."

Grissom just sits there and stares at Brass.
Catherine breaks the silence. "C'mon guys, we're all friends here. I'm sure there's some mistake, right, Gil?"

Grissom fixed her with a stony stare. "You read the note from the crime scene, didn't you?"
"Yeah and I think someone is trying to set you up, Gil. So, help me help you." Catherine said.

"The thing in the note about me having feelings for you... it's true, Cath."

"What about the rest of the note?" Brass asked.
Grissom gave him an unwavering stare and replied, "What do you think?"

Catherine, tiring of Grissom's mind games, finally said...
"The Gil Grissom that I know would never do that, but lately you've changed... so I can't say for sure." Catherine finally answered him.
"I know." Grissom said, "I can't explain my behavioiur. I mean, or maybe I've been this way for years and did a great job of hiding it."
Brass let out an exasperated sigh. "All right, let's just get this over with. I know your prints and DNA are on file here, but we need to get them anyway. Protocol. Go ahead, Catherine."