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Just then, he heard a car pull up in the driveway and was surprised when Cath's mom got out of the driver's seat (she was alone). "Oh, hi, Tony." She smiled at him, not having a clue that their home had just been ramsacked.
"Hi Lily, we have reason to believe that Grissom has been here," Vartann said.

Lily asks (not knowing what's going on), "Oh really, is there a problem? He did come by earlier saying he wanted to take Lindsey to lunch. Which I thought was kinda strange, being that Lindsey was still suppose to be on her trip. Linds said she really wanted to go to lunch with Uncle Gil and that she would call her mother and let her know."

"Wait," Vartann asks, "I thought Lindsey was on a trip?"

Lily responds by saying, "she was. She came home early."

Just then Catherine, Nick and others pull up...
"What's going on here!" Catherine snaps.

"Are we having a party?" Nick ask gleefully then yells. "Beer run!"

Catherine grabs him, "Oh no you don't!"

"OKay." Nick says looking glum.
"Mom!" Lindsey shouted, getting out of a car and running toward Cath. "Uncle Gil started getting really weird! He was freaking me out. My friend Amber and her parents were at the diner and I had them bring me home when Uncle Gil went to the restroom. What's wrong with him?"

Cath just hugged her, glad she was safe. "We have to get you and Mom out of here and somewhere safe." Cath said as her phone rang. She picked up the phone. "Willows." ....
"You're not a murderer. Not that Gil Grissom that I know." Cath was near tears. She didn't want to accept that her best friend was a killer.