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Hodgens, who had arrived with test results, saw the kiss and said, "Am I the only person in this lab NOT having sex?" Mandy, still holding on to Nick, laughed and Nick said...
"Don't look at me, I'm innocent," Nick said and leaves the print lab to call his girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Brass gets a call on his cell and the caller says....
"Please help me. He's going to kill me." It was a woman's voice.

Brass was startled, but finally replied, "Can you tell me where you are?"
The woman spat out the address and then gasped, "He's coming...please hurry!"

Brass recognized the address immediately. "Catherine, get the others. We need to get to Grissom's house!"
Brass saw Nick closing his phone. 'Nick we need to get to Grissom's house now'.

'I'll be right with you Jim. I need to call my new girlfriend. She's just about to start her shift at the diner. I need to let her know that I won't be able to drop her off at the University for her noon time forensic class that she's taking.'
"Well Nicky it's a school night, you need to make sure she makes her curfew!" Brass said.

Meanwhile, everyone is racing over to Grissom to find out what all the kerfuffle is about.
Warrick asked the question that was on everyone's minds: "I thought Grissom was in custody. So, who is at his house?"
While Warrick rushes over to Office Mitchell to see if he's ok he says to Wendy ' Get Archie to look at the tapes to see what happened.'

Meanwhile Catherine, Nick and Brass are on the way to Grissom's house when suddenly.......
The car swerves a bit to keep from hitting the deer and then they go on. Greg, Warrick and Vartann follow Nick, Cath and Brass in Vartann's car.

When they all got to Grissom's house, they found Sofia knocked unconscious...
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and tied up. She's lying on the chesterfield. Catherine is the first one to Sofia. She checks to see if there is a pulse. She says........
"Call an ambulance, her pulse is weak. Stay with us Sofia. Help is on the way."

Just then Catherine hears a familiar female voice scream "help me." She knows that voice and terror comes over her and says "Oh my God, he has...
Wendy locked in the closest. Hurry and get that door opened.'

Nick, Warrick and Greg all rush to be the first one to the closest. They all have had a secret crush on the former DNA tech turned CSI.