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Wendy came flying out of the closet as soon as the door opened. She immediately began to give everyone a description of her harrowing experience with Grissom, finishing with, "I don't know what he's going to do next. He did say something about 'Getting even with Catherine.' Have you spoken to Lindsey lately?"
"Lindsey is out of town." Cath says. "I'm the only one who knows her whereabouts. Not even my mother knows." Cath stopped and a look of horror crossed her face. "My mother! He's going after my mother!"
"I just got a call." Brass said. "Male night club owner found dead." He had the name written down on a piece of paper.

"Let me see that." Cath said, taking the paper from him. She looked at the name of the vic and the name of the club. "Chris." She said softly. "I dated him for a while. Is this how Grissom is exacting revenge... killing some guy who cheated on me?"
"We don't. Sorry, that was just me thinking out loud. I'm still very confused about this whole case. Gil's just been acting so strange lately." Cath said.
'Well before Grissom started dating Sara he did ask me out. I turned him down. I didn't want to get mixed up with co-workers,' Catherine says
Needing to bring people back to the present Greg piped up 'OK who's going to Catherine's house to go after Grissom and who's staying here to process the evidence?'

Wendy and Catherine chimed in at the same time 'I'm going to go after Grissom!'
"Me too." Greg says. "Let's go."

"Rick and I will stay here and Ronnie Lake from Dayshift will be here soon to give Rick a hand." Brass says. "Vartann will join you guys at Grissom's. He's already on his way there now."