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...had stepped outside. Catherine had calmed down, and she looked at Vartann and said, "I guess we need to get the warrant for Gil's arrest."
Vartann lifted Catherine's chin, looked her right in the eyes, and said, "But I've never disappointed you, have katydid?"
Catherine opened her eyes and looked up at the guys. "Cath, are you okay?" Vartann asked. "You passed out right after you got off the phone with Grissom."

"I had a nightmare. You called me katydid and then pulled off your face and you were Grissom." She said.

"Woah... too many Scooby Doo cartoons for you, Catherine." Greg joked.
Greg laughed and smacked Nick playfully on the shoulder, "You are such a goofball sometimes, Nicky."

Warrick followed Greg's lead, "I concur."

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better, guys." Cath told them, smiling a little at their comments.
"So that means I don't get a Scooby snack?" Nick asked crestfallen. Then he stomped his feet. "I want my Scooby snack! I want my Scooby snack!!"
Warrick smacked Nick in the back of the head and said, "Grow up, Nicky or I'm gonna tell everyone the little secret about something you carried around as a kid."
"You mean his woobie?" Vartann asked. "Oh we all know about that!"

Nick glares at Warrick. "You told!!!"

"Did not!" Warrick defended.

Nick leaps on Warrick and they have a knockdown, drag out fight!!!
Greg yells, "alright you two, grow-up for crying out loud. You two act like children."

Nick and Warrick stop, look at Greg and then each other, both smile wickedly, turn back to Greg and...
Greg says, "Don't even think about it!" while holding the water hose, finger on the trigger. "I will spray you both if you don't behave!"

Mandy steps up next to Greg, looks at Nick and says, "And more importantly... I'll let him!"

Nick looks at Mandy, "When did you get here?"
"I"ve been here the whole time, dude! You're just too busy with your head up your butt to notice me." she snapped.

"I notice you now buttercup!" He jumps and kisses her.

"Alright! When did this turn into Grey's Anatomy!" Warrick clapped his hands. "Everbody get it together. Nick kiss Mandy later. Catherine! Vartann! smarten up! Greg..well..I don't know you were doing but stop doing it right now!"