Add a Line Miami Style Part 2

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Horatio wished that everyone he cares about (his family and his team) remain safe.

"Granted;" The head on the coin said, "and your second wish?"
A guy wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants, ran out into the street yelling "I want it! I'm thirsty!" He was clearly intoxicated. He dove for the moltov cocktail...
Horatio had his gun drawn. "Sir, DO NOT move", he warned unsure if the man was really out cold. A weird blue gas started coming out of the man's nostrils. Horatio started taking steps backward and...
"Will ya watch where yer going, H???" "Sorry Francis", H said as he helped him up. H started working buttons on his cell. "I'm calling Hazmat so they can...
come check this situation out."

"Good idea, H." Eric said. "I'll call the team and tell them this area is under quarantine, so they need to stay at the lab." He pulled out his phone and made the call.

Frank looked at the guy on the ground and said...
heard Rick Stetler walk up to him and say:" What's all this? Looks like some amateur's imitation of a bad James Bond movie to me..."
"Shut up, Stetler," Eric snapped.

Rick cocked his head. "What did you just say to me, Delko?"

"Gentlemen," Horatio said in a low voice. "This is...
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