Add a Line Miami Style Part 2

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Stetler immediately spoke up: "Cooper you're not going to be permitted inside the lab anymore no matter how concerned or interested you might be. But you may be able to still help us by..."
"That's right, Cooper", said Eric, who had just returned with the security camera tape. He handed the tape to H. "The last janitor freaked and quit when he had to clean up some..."
bird crap."

"Yeah. Someone left a window open." Ryan said, returning hand-in-hand with Valera. "And a bird got in."

Eric chuckled to himself. "What's so funny, Delko?" Frank asked as he...
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walked up with a horrible look on his face.

"Frank, what's wrong?" Horatio asked.

"Well, I'm sorry to interrupt with this news," Frank said. "But there's been a mole and wart outbreak in this hospital."

Horatio looked at everybody. "OK", he began. "Everybody RUN!!!!!!!!"
"We're cool." Ryan said. "Maxine and I have both had our mole and wart shots... to keep from getting them."

"But, we'll leave with you." Maxine added. They all left the hospital in a rush.

On their way, they came upon a crime scene....

The usual onlookers had their attention fixed totally upon the scene. Many of them were there simply to watch Horatio take measure of things; his usual *working his shades* never failed to magnetize many in the crowd. He was oblivious to their stares, except a vague feeling came upon him that he was being watched and not for pleasure, but rather by an enemy... he heard his instinct as a voice saying..."hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..." He paid attention but could not as yet see who his enemy was, but she, an older, wealthy woman of Latin origin, hiding not only in the back of the crowd, but equally hidden behind her own sunglasses had HIM definitely in her sights... "you ruined my it's time for me to ruin what's left of YOURS..." she said in a bare whisper before she turned away and left.
After gathering some evidence, most of the group went back to the lab. Horatio, Frank, and Eric stayed at the scene. Horatio asked Frank to put cops at the residences of Yelina and Julia to protect them and the boys.

"H, come take a look at this." Eric said, pointing to a piece of evidence on the ground.

Horatio said, "This is a...
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Guys, please remember this is ADD a Line.;)

I don't want you to get in trouble with the Mods.

This is a fun game where you follow someones line, not meant to a story.:)
Hehe, sorry. I just get carried away. :lol: Sometimes I start writing and can't stop. :lol: I've shortened all of mine that I could still edit.
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