Add a Line Miami Style Part 2

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"I'm on a week's vacation, Eric!"

"I know, H, but a riot's breaking out here cause some suspects got loose. Frank, Valera, Ryan, Calleigh, Nat and I are currently hiding underneath a table, H! We NEED you here desperately."
"A riot! Okay! I'll get the next plane out! I'll be home as soon as possible!"

Horatio jumped up,threw his things in his bag and rushed to the airport. Catching the first flight put him back at the lab in only a few hours. When he walked in the door he saw...
"A riot! Okay! I'll get the next plane out! I'll be home as soon as possible!"

Horatio jumped up,threw his things in his bag and rushed to the airport. Catching the first flight put him back at the lab in only a few hours. When he walked in the door he saw...

Nothing...their bedroom was still in the same shadow and light shape as when they both fell asleep. "What a nightmare!" Horatio declared as he shook his head in disbelief, thinking about the crazy events that had occurred in it. Rick opened his eyes upon the stirring in the bed with a questioning look in his eyes...
Tables overturned and papers on the floor. Calleigh, Frank, Natalia, and Eric were in the break room with Ryan who was putting ice on his face. Horatio walked over and asked...
"What was the nightmare about, Horatio?" Rick asked.

Horatio saw the concern in Rick's eyes. "It was really silly, not even worth mentioning." Horatio put a hand on Rick's forearm to reassure him.
"What was the nightmare about, Horatio?" Rick asked.

Horatio saw the concern in Rick's eyes. "It was really silly, not even worth mentioning." Horatio put a hand on Rick's forearm to reassure him.

The phone rang and Horatio answered. "I'm NOT coming in, Eric. I don't care if there is a riot going on! I'm on vacation!"

Eric stared at the phone. "How did he know?" He muttered to himself.
Eric then turned to Calleigh and Frank and said, "Well Horatio won't come back to help us. We need to call the Chief and see what needs to be done to get Calleigh made the new Lab Supervisor."

Frank looked at Calleigh and Eric and...
Eric then turned to Calleigh and Frank and said, "Well Horatio won't come back to help us. We need to call the Chief and see what needs to be done to get Calleigh made the new Lab Supervisor."

Frank looked at Calleigh and Eric and...

Calleigh said, "I really don't want that responsibility. Besides, Horatio is still on vacation. Can't really blame him for not wanting to come in on his time off. I guess we'll just have to handle this ourselves." She sighs. "Somehow."


:lol: We all keep posting at the same time. Anyway, I need to get offline. I've got to leave early in the morning. Won't be back online (after tonight) until Sunday afternoon. Have a good weekend, everyone. :)
"Horatio, it's OK, Rick said. Calleigh is in charge of the lab while we're on our vacation. She knows what to do so you don't have to keep dreaming about it".
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