Add a Line Miami Style Part 2

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Welcome to the thread! :)

''Now Couper stop crying like a baby'' he looked him through the camera '' I want a nice smile for my webside''.

Cooper pouted until Stetler came back into the room with a...
gigantic pacifier, like something from a joke shop. Stetler smiled and said, "Cooper, if there are any more outbursts from you, I'm going to put this in your mouth."

Cooper said, "Please, you've tormented me enough. I'm truly sorry about the 'Solve a Crime With Calleigh" website. What can I do to get you to let me go?"

Horatio spoke up. "Ok, Cooper, here's what you're going to do; you're going to...
erase everything on that website and write a retraction saying it was just a big joke and you're sorry that it caused her to get kidnapped. And more importantly, you're going to write that she did not cause Hagan's death. because you made her sound like a black widow... and that's not what she is."

"Okay." Cooper agreed. "I'll do it."

Eric looked at Cooper closely, trying to tell if the man was being truthful.
Eric didn't trust him, but he decided to give him a chance. They could always capture him again if they needed to. Eric glanced at Horatio. Horatio said, "OK, Cooper, you're free to go, but you'd better be sure to...
''but be sure you erase everything'' he took Eric's camera on his hands '' 'cause we still have the pictures'' Cooper looked him a bit terrified. He could say nothing so he just nod and left..
(Welcome Captain Nati. Glad you've joined us, The more the merrier!)


...and a few minutes later the team heard Cooper shrieking from down the corridor. They ran down the corridor and saw a whole ton of Paperazzi taking pictures of Cooper who was still dressed completely in drag. Cooper spoke, his voice wavering, "Horatio, they think I'm...!
Eric looked down and then started running off toward the bathroom.

Calleigh walked toward the others, looking at Eric running away and asked, "What got into him? He's running like his pants are on fire or something."

Horatio turned to Calleigh and said...
"Yeah, 'or something'", he said grinning and looking down at the floor. Calleigh gave H an inquisitive look. "What's going on Horatio? Is Eric OK?"

H had his hand over his mouth to try to stop his laughter. "Yeah, he just...
"had to go to the men's room." Horatio said.

Calleigh raised an eyebrow, wondering why that made H giggle. "Oookay!"

Aaron walked toward them. Not seeing the puddle on the floor, he slipped and fell...
and slid down the hall until he hit Stetler who...

Welcome Captain_Nati! We have so much fun here...:)
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the opened morgue door where they crashed into a table/bed. The dead body fell off the table/bed on top of the three of them, causing them all to scream like...
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