Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Horatio smiled as he got ready to play. "Life imitates art doesn't it, H?" Rick smirked as his playmate began to wiggle onto the bed in an effort to get into the best position for tossing. This comment by Rick was a tactical move designed to counteract the redhead's famous hypnotic stare and it was working as Rick could see a tell tale blush begin to come to Horatio's cheeks.

This made the ginger haired man realize that he was going to go up against a formidable opponent and since he loved a challenge, that was going to make the game all that much more interesting...
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"Are you ready, Horatio?" Rick asked with a cute smirk.

"Sure am, Rick, let's do it."

Rick had all his ants lined up on a hardback book. He had his finger on the small plastic tab located at the ant's behind. This was the "trigger" which when flicked would propel the ant up toward--and preferrably into--the pants.

"Ok, on the count of three," Rick said. "One, two, three--go!"
But the brunet successfully flicked all eight of his ants into the pants first.

The redhead raised his eyebrows, impressed. "Ahh, so you weren't kidding about being good at this I see."

"Do you think you can handle another round, Horatio?"

"Oh yes, Rick, let's do it again. By all means."

Although he had to scramble a bit more, Rick won again. Now he was aiming his IAB smirk at Horatio. "Heehee, gotcha again," he chuckled.
Horatio smiled back at him, he knew how to lose gracefully as a gentleman should. However, his eyes showed that there was a fire in his belly, a determination to go on, to continue and to win...
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The brunet and the redhead lined up their ants again.

"One, two, three--go!" Rick's fingers moved smoothly and swiftly as he expertly flicked his ants.

But Horatio's fingers were catching up with him. Both men scrambled to line each of their ants into place and flick them upwards.

"Done!" yelled the redhead, raising his hands in victory.

"Wha--?" Rick sighed. He had two ants left on his book.

"I got you this time, Ricky." Horatio gave him a devilish grin.
Rick was equally mesmerized by the sparkle in those deep blue eyes and suddenly, as the room became heated with the excitement of the game, their own delicious bodily scents, along with the mixtures of cinnamon, nutmeg, apple and caramel began to fill the air and work on their inner appetites...
"I want you to have me," Rick said, momentarily caught by Horatio's intense stare, and the aromas he had started to notice. "But...I still intend to win this next round..." Rick pulled himself away from Horatio's eyes and turned the game's "pants" upside down so he and his partner could get their ants. The ants spilled onto the tray and the men started lining them up again.
"The feeling is mutual," Horatio found himself caught off guard and the intense stare took on a tender appearance - he found himself ducking his head to the side, with a blush forming on his cheeks...
The blushing caused Horatio to take a little longer to line up his ants. Also, he could feel Rick's brown eyes on him. When the redhead finished lining up his last ant, the brunet began the countdown again.

The men were in the midst of the game. There was the sound of fast breathing and the scrabbling of hands on the books as each man reached for the next ant. Fingers flicked and ants zoomed upward.

"Done!" yelled the redhead with joy. "I gotcha Ricky! I gotcha again!" Horatio leaned forward and started to tickle his lover.
This bit of horseplay on Horatio's part caused the two of them to roll about giggling in delight until the unexpected took them both by surprise; they both ended up still laughing and tickling each other on the fleecy shag carpet on the floor.

After catching his breath for a moment, Rick sought to gain the upper hand by nibbling and kissing onto the redhead's feet, which he knew were tried and true *hot spots*....

Horatio's deep rich laughter soon changed to sighs and moans of pure delight- he could feel the fire of desire once more fill in every vein...
Horatio had put a caramel scented and flavored lotion on after his shower, to go with his candy apple pajamas. Rick nibbled and kissed at the sensitive area above Horatio's left arch, driving the man wild. It felt so intensely good to the redhead that he tried to pull away temporarily. But Rick would have none of that; the caramel scent and taste were driving Rick crazy, and he grabbed hold of the redhead's ankle.
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"You look good, but you taste even better... Candied apple with caramel," Rick said as he stopped kissing the ankle for a moment. "And you DO know that when you ate one,"Rick murmured in between breaths," didn't quit until you ate it all the way down.... to the stick..." he went back to kissing straight up the lieutenant's ankle...
***Nearly Three Hours Later***

Horatio and Rick's bed had been knocked six feet away from the wall from an amazing amount of vigorous activity. And both men were so tired, neither of them cared about moving it back into place until they rested for an hour and a half.
***sound of a telephone***

With a sigh, Rick breathed a very weary *hello* into the phone. "Oh, it's YOU, Mama... I'm fine, really fine.... I've been inside a lot's comfy here...not because I'm sick or anything- no need to worry... Oh, you hear breathing?

You know how life like some television shows are ... and yes I'll turn the TV down..." Rick ran a nervous hand through his tousled hair as he carefully got up from the bed. He's out like a light, thank goodness, the brunet gave a grateful sigh as he looked over at his beloved asleep on his tummy, the back of his knees covered with well placed love bites....