Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

"I can still hear the breathing," Rick's mother said. "But that's OK. It's probably just this phone."

"Right," Rick said, trying to stifle a laugh. He delicately touched the back of his neck where Horatio had given him a powerful love bite, having been overcome by the scents of cinnamon and nutmeg in Rick's hair.

"So how are you, Richard?" the caring woman's voice asked. "We haven't heard from you in a while."
"I'm fine, really fine, just uh... following orders to rest and recover from what happened at that gas station and all... you know how the picky the brass can be; when they want you to stay put and do R & R they really mean it.." Rick bravely stifled a yawn.

"Daddy doesn't have to worry, the media over dramatizes things; I'm doing just fine. Yes... your precious *baby boy* still loves you... and Daddy too..."Rick could feel the blush rise to his cheeks.

If Horatio even hears even one word of this, I can see some major teasing in the works, the brunet began to wipe his forehead which was very damp. "Letting me go? Okay, talk to you later... bye, bye..." Rick held his breath as he put the phone down. "Man, talk about jumping from the frying pan almost into the fire whew..." he let out a breath of relief- from what he could see, Horatio was still dead to the world. "My loving H must be part *vampire bat...*I'll be wearing a high collar for sure for a few days... but I didn't do so badly myself I got my nibbles in too- he won't be taking any showers in the gym for awhile either..." Rick began to smirk as he thought about the love marks that he left on his beloved...
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As Rick continued to look over the brands of love on Horatio, there was a loud knock on the door. Horatio stirred as Rick pulled his robe on and went over to the door, looking through the peephole. It was the maid. Rick put a hand to his mouth. The room really needed cleaning. He glanced over at Horatio who had turned in his sleep and was now on his side with all of his frontal features facing the door.
That knocking would wake up the dead, Rick thought nervously and with his nimble fingers working faster than his brain, he picked up the large cacti towel off of the floor and threw it over his *over exposed* partner in crime....

"What is this? Practice time for draping a body?" Horatio woke up rubbing his eyes, not yet realizing the state of exposure he was in...
"Horatio, it's the maid," Rick said. "She looks mad. And the room really does need cleaned."

"Just tell her to come back later...or I'll tell her," and Horatio started to get up from the bed, the cacti towel dropping back onto the carpeting. As he watched the towel fall, Horatio caught a glimpse of himself. He looked down more, and then he looked up at Rick. "You naughty, naughty boy you."
"Yeah, I may be *naughty* and YOU may look like a cactus on that towel if insects had bitten all over it, but you got your nibbles in too. I mean... I can safely say that you put your mark on the crown jewels too, so to speak."

Rick paused and blushed as he checked to see that his robe was safely secured.

"Nevertheless, if WE don't leave this room and say go out for a little bit, we'll be getting a visit up here from our pals at our local neighborhood CSI down here and it won't be a social call..." Rick finished with an urgency in his voice that made the ginger haired man nod in agreement.

"Tell her with your best Southern style that we'll be up and out in about 25 minutes; we can go casual right?" Horatio blushed as he kept looking at himself...
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***Twenty-five Minutes Later***

Rick self-consciously pulled his shirt collar up higher in the back as he and Horatio headed toward the restaurant entrance. Both men were walking with some difficulty because their jeans were chaffing at love-bitten areas as they took each step.
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Both men sat down very carefully at a table a bit away from the crowd. "This is an Argentine restaurant," Rick said. "Here, the waiters come around with skewers of broiled beef and you pick what you want-they slice it off for you onto your plate" he winced a bit as he got into his seat.

As Horatio tried to make himself comfortable, Rick looked at him and sighed: "Man, I feel like a bone that a dog has had a field day gnawing on..." Rick put his hand on the back of his collar as he looked on wearily at the redhead.

"You would say that; I don't need to think about gnawing, let alone what the poor dog was gnawing on, believe you me..." Horatio replied in an equally exhausted voice as he tried his best to make himself comfortable in the hard wooden seat.
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"So you need a couple of days off, Horatio?" Rick asked, laughing, knowing full well what the answer would be; knowing full well that neither of them, no matter how sore, would be able to avoid physical contact with the other for very long.
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"That would make the *cure* as they say, worse than the *disease* wouldn't it...dear one..." Horatio whispered his reply, ducking his head shyly and smiling.

"Well, in that case, why don't you indulge me and eat. The beef is excellent here and they have delicious wines to go with it. I know that you are concerned about your weight, but I can attest to three things, one: you haven't gained any weight, two:you're truly fit and trim and three: if you did gain any, we have a for sure fire exercise regimen that, at the rate we're going, guarantees weight loss..." Rick's eyes were shining as he finished his remark in a teasing, but loving tone as he put his hand on Horatio's forearm.
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"Ok, I'm going to indulge you," the redhead said, placing his other hand on top of Rick's. "And maybe the delicious wine will make some of this soreness go away."

Within a few minutes, the waiter walked over. "May I take your order, Gentlemen?"
*****2 hours later*****

"I forgot that you like your beef quite rare", Rick said with a smile. "Did you enjoy it?" he continued as he poured out two more glasses that emptied their third bottle of wine.

"Second best thing I've had today...." Horatio hit his lover with a tell tale gleam in his eye as he reached for his glass...

"Hmmm ....don't have to think TWICE about what's going to be next on the menu. But I can promise you THIS... if you go near that caramel flavored * love potion *you call lotion again, I won't be responsible for what I might do.." Rick replied smirking, with a devilish twinkle in his brown eyes that caused Horatio a very familiar restless feeling...
"Oh I believe you, snookie," Horatio said, squirming in the wooden seat, feeling a mixture of pleasure and pain. "I think for my own safety, I'd better give that lotion a rest--"

"What did you just call me?" Rick asked, cocking his head and chuckling.

"Well, I've been trying to think of a nickname for you. I was thinking of "Snookie" or maybe "Snarkie."

"Horatio, my angel, you are tipsy."
The brunet put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud as a blush began to darken his cheeks while Horatio put his head down to dampen his own laughter.

The couple helped each other be as discreet as possible as they paid their bill and left the restaurant. It did not take but a few minutes for their shuttle, called the Desert Cactus Express, which had a tall, large cactus painted on the side as a logo to arrive. The cactus resembled one which seemed to have suffered from an insect bite or two and it stopped to pick them up. This shuttle was a service provided by the inn they were staying at and it was the same one that had taken them to the restaurant earlier.

The driver gave the two a smile and a nod as they went to the far back seat. They were the only passengers in the vehicle. "I won't be picking up any other passengers gentlemen..." the driver said, almost teasing like as he could see the two of the them settle down onto the long back seat in the rear of the shuttle.

The delightful air conditioning, the gentle music being played and the dim lights, along with the driver's eyes being kept strictly onto the dark road out of town, worked like a lure- the two lovers gently began to kiss and hold each other tenderly. "Calling me that... that was so... cute..." Rick embraced the redhead and began a series of gentle kisses, kisses that only deepened as their ride continued.
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"Rick, I have to warn you," Horatio began, "I can still smell a little of that cinnamon and nutmeg in your hair. I may have to give you another bite."

Horatio started to kiss Rick's hair and then down along the side of his neck. It felt so good that Rick didn't protest about the possibility of another bite.

The shuttle driver didn't look in the rearview mirror, but if he had, he wouldn't have seen his two passengers in a verticle position.

"Yes, Rick," Horatio said against the brunet's neck. "I really do like my meats rare." And Horatio began to give him a slow, gentle bite.

At the same time Rick was enjoying the suction at his neck, he saw a Billboard out the window for the microwave meal, Hot Pockets. He started to laugh, the effects of the wine helped turn the laugh into a guffaw. Horatio stopped his biting, and looked up into his lover's eyes. He smiled at him with a questioning look.

"Horatio, I think I just saw a warning that we should cool our "pockets" down until we get back to our room."
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