Hello and welcome to Add a Bit.
This is going to be like Add a Line Miami Style except you can add a little more than a line if you want to. And it's slash with Horatio and Rick Stetler.
No bashing please. This is for fans of the two characters only. Here's an example of what Add a Bit means. It can be like this:
Rick rested his head against Horatio's shoulder.
Rick rested his head against Horatio's shoulder and said...
Rick rested his head against Horatio's shoulder and said, "I love you, you know that don't you?"
"Yes, I do," Horatio said. He reached for a small black box. "I love you, too, and I want to give you something." He placed the box in Rick's hand.
Each line or bit builds the story.
The first story we're doing is carried over from Add a Line Miami Style, Part 3 and it's called "Travels With Horatio and Rick." H and Rick are on vacation and are staying at an Inn owned by Rick's family called the Cobalt Sky Inn. It has some nice creature comforts like a Jacuzzi and hot tub, a kitchen, and each separate unit has its own private pool. The guys have been having quite an exciting time there. :adore:
Rick rested his head against Horatio's shoulder.
Rick rested his head against Horatio's shoulder and said...
Rick rested his head against Horatio's shoulder and said, "I love you, you know that don't you?"
"Yes, I do," Horatio said. He reached for a small black box. "I love you, too, and I want to give you something." He placed the box in Rick's hand.
Each line or bit builds the story.
The first story we're doing is carried over from Add a Line Miami Style, Part 3 and it's called "Travels With Horatio and Rick." H and Rick are on vacation and are staying at an Inn owned by Rick's family called the Cobalt Sky Inn. It has some nice creature comforts like a Jacuzzi and hot tub, a kitchen, and each separate unit has its own private pool. The guys have been having quite an exciting time there. :adore:
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