Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Smokey the cat had followed Rick to his car with very little encouragement. Rick slid his suitcase inside the trunk and then opened the driver door. He scooped the cat up in his arms and set him inside, gently moving him toward the passenger side. Rick got in and closed the door.

Rick started the ignition, looked over at Smokey and said, "This is a Department vehicle, so no pooping till I get you a litter box, OK?"

Smokey started to purr and laid down in the passenger seat, looking at Rick expectantly.

"Yeah, I know you're hungry." The brunet reached over and stroked the grey cat. "I'm going to stop and get you some things, don't worry."

The IAB agent drove himself and his new cat to a local convenience store that was on the way to Horatio's house.
Rick had gotten the necessary things for Smokey, plus an extra container of cinnamon at the store and was now turning onto Horatio's street. As he neared his beloved's house, he couldn't believe what he saw: Horatio's house was glowing brightly with Christmas decorations. As tired as Rick was, his eyes widened at the sight.

On the lawn were four reindeer brought to life by sparkling white lights. In the middle of the reindeer was a large snowman, made real by white and red lights, the red for the wide belt around his middle. And from the edge of the roof, dazzling multi-colored lights dangled in the shape of icicles. Other multi-colored lights with the same enchanting effect decorated nearby trees and hedges.
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Exhausted, but smiling a contented smile, Rick managed to get himself, his suitcase, and his new cat inside the house. Horatio had given him the extra garage door opener so he'd been able to easily drive right into the garage and close the door behind him. Rick went back to the car one more time and retrieved the supplies for Smokey and the container of cinnamon.

Rick found a recessed area by the back door that looked like it wasn't being used for anything, so he decided to put the litter box there. He put a large amount of tuna and a bowl of water a little ways away. Smokey dove at the food bowl, eating hungrily. There had been a note from Horatio on the kitchen counter saying that he hoped that Rick enjoyed the Christmas decorations, and that he hoped they had turned out well. Horatio also had written in his note that he wouldn't be home till 11:00 due to some things at the lab that required his supervision, and for Rick to please relax and make himself at home because as Horatio had written: This is your home now, colt.

Rick wandered out to the front room. He didn't want to go to bed until Horatio came home, but the sofa sure looked inviting. Maybe he could just lie down and rest till the redhead came home. He took off his suit jacket, loosened his tie, and kicked off his shoes. He sank into the soft material, sighing pleasantly.
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It was about 11:16 PM when Horatio came home from his long first day back at work. He had come in the entrance door after parking the Hummer in the garage. He smelled tuna and figured that Rick must've fixed himself a tuna sandwich. His instinct told him to head to the front room to find his lover, but it didn't prepare him for the comical sight he saw when he got there.

He saw his lover sprawled out on the sofa, snoring softly, with a grey cat on his chest. The cat looked at him with a possessive look in its blue eyes and at the same time it curled its paws as if it were trying to hug Rick. Horatio just had to laugh. "It looks like I have some competition," he said.
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**Christmas Eve**

The past weekend, after their first week back at work, Horatio and Rick had decided to go horseback riding after they realized they both knew how to ride in more than just the one way involving consenting adults. The conversation happened when Rick had been showing Horatio another pair of spurs from his collection. Horatio had mentioned that he had taken riding lessons at his mother's encouragement when he was a kid, and Rick had said how his family had owned horses, and that he was practically born knowing how to ride since his family had started him at such an early age. Now the two sat in the front room of Horatio's house near the Christmas tree talking about their experience at the stables among other things.

"And I just have to say it again, Rick, I was impressed with how you handled that horse." Horatio threw Smokey his toy ball and watched him race after it into the kitchen.

"Well, it was just a matter of keeping his head up and then forcing him into tight circles, so he couldn't keep bucking."

"Oh, something smells good," Horatio said, sniffing the air. "Yum."

"That's the Snickerdoodle cookies I'm making," the brunet said. "They should be just about ready."
Rick went into the kitchen to check to see if the cookies were ready, and when he saw that they were, he carefully took them out of the oven. He had made sure not to put too much cinnamon on them since he didn't know how Horatio usually liked to spend this holiday. He knew that his lover was Catholic, and he didn't want to do anything that might cause the redhead to go against his usual traditions. So he erred on the side of caution. There was only a sprinkling of cinnamon on top of each cookie. Nothing that should excite Horatio against his will.

Rick put the cookies on a large plate and brought them out to the redhead. He saw that his lover was looking out the window, but when he saw Rick with the cookies, he snapped out of whatever reverie he had been in, and became focused on the cookies. "Those look and smell delicious, colt," he said, leaning toward the plate.

Rick placed one on a napkin and handed it to his redhead.

"Ooooh, cinnamon...Mmmm." Horatio took a huge bite of the cookie.

Uh oh, thought Rick.
"Come on over and sit next to me on the sofa, colt," Horatio said, chewing.

Grinning nervously, Rick went over and sat next to his lover.

"You have a real knack with cinnamon desserts...I feel really good...I I need to give you a kiss..." Horatio grabbed Rick and pulled him close.

"I didn't put hardly any cinnamon in those cook--"

Rick's words were curtailed by Horatio's lips pressing warmly against his mouth. Rick gave in and let himself be taken over.

The men hugged and kissed...and rolled right off the sofa onto the soft, white fleecey throw that was next to the Christmas tree. They got a little too close to the tree. They rustled its branches, and caused some of the smaller spurs that Rick had hung on the upper branches from his spur collection to fall off and land on Horatio's back. Horatio didn't really notice, but Smokey, who had been watching the men's antics, noticed. He thought the shiny silver objects were darn interesting and he started to bat at one with his paw, causing it to wheel freely, once he'd gotten it onto the flatter carpeting. Smokey batted harder and got the spur moving faster like some kind of strange-shaped race car heading towards the kitchen.
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As he turned sideways, Rick could only look helplessly upon the sight of his feline's frantic antics, wondering for just a moment if cats too, could be driven wild by the smell of the spice. "Let Smokey have his fun, Rick; I sure plan to get my *own share of fun* in as well..." the ginger haired man spoke the words as he lavished kisses growing ever more fervent and heated by the moment, while at the same time he tightened his embrace around his lover's slender waist.

"Only you, Horatio, would seek to be so seductive on Christmas Eve with practically an entire Christmas tree falling down on your or I should say OUR bodies..." Rick smirked but felt a bit skittish- this bit of naughtiness was something he hadn't planned on, especially on such a solemn occasion.

"Don't you think I've been a good boy? Don't I deserve to check my stocking for a nice surprise?" Horatio made his voice low and throaty, the very way he knew the brunet liked it.

"A very good boy indeed..." Rick decided to reply using his own seductive Southern tones which he knew his lover couldn't resist.

They were heading towards their well strewn path of ignition and passion when suddenly Horatio's telephone rang.

At first the amorous couple were tempted to simply ignore it, but after the third ring a voice that had not been heard in months came on the line.

"Feliz Natal! as we say in Brazil or Merry Christmas...I'm sorry that I've somehow missed you being at home right now..." the familiar voice said cheerfully.

Like a bucket of cold water, that voice stilled the passion of the two heated parties- "My god, it's my brother, Ray!" Horatio abruptly spoke after reluctantly ending a deep kiss...
The redhead quickly disengaged himself from his partner and with a gracefully swift movement of body that would have been worthy of Rick’s new cat, he got to the telephone just as Ray had taken a momentary pause.

Ray; wait, I’m here!” Horatio spoke as he took the phone and cradled it between his ear and neck while using his hands to take the rest of the device and sit down. “Just coming off of a shift again?” his younger brother chuckled as he heard the elder sound a bit out of breath.

“Er…not exactly, an ornament fell…down from the Christmas tree and rolled away from me- I was running it down; it doesn’t matter now, it landed where I’ll be able to pick it up later,” Horatio ran a damp hand through his silky locks which were damp too. Thank goodness I don’t have a video phone, he sighed with relief.

“At any rate, Merry Christmas to you too; are you playing the mystery Santa for the kids, is that why you’re up so early?” the ginger haired man asked.

“Well actually Yelina and Suzy agreed that for today, Madison and Ray Jr. get a small present today and then get more presents later on, on January 6th, you know, the Los Tres Reyes thing, just like in Miami, except that it’s Os três reis here,” Ray laughed to himself. “I mix up the two at times; Yelina helps a lot as does Madison, who sends you 1000 kisses by the way-she made me promise her to tell you that if she didn’t get to speak to you first,” his brother’s voice was warm- it felt so good to speak to Horatio about something happy for a change.

“Please tell her that her Uncle sends the kisses back with double measure,” Horatio blushed and he had a paternal look on his face as he thought about the little girl.
“…and Ray Jr? How is he? Or, is he past the mystery Santa thing?” Horatio found his voice again and continued.

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that, he’s helping us out. Yelina's got him in some club that is quite structured and helps disadvantaged youths- they meet at the local parish here. He really enjoys it and it keeps him out of mischief. He stays quite busy between that, his Portuguese language lessons and school- no time for monkey business; that’s quite a relief to us here. Also, he feels a big responsibility to Madison; he’s her friend, very protective of her and loves being big-brother-in-charge; he sort of acts like someone that, shall we say, we both know all too well…?” Ray made the last sentence a teasing one.

“Still will act that way too, you know, if I have to,” the ginger haired man said, imitating his own *big brother* protective voice.

“I sure won’t forget it. Suzy and Madison are here with us for the holidays; we all plan to go to Mass around 9:00AM; gives everyone time to look their best. So warm here, it’s Summer, the same weather as in Miami. Wish you were here with us, although doing that wouldn’t bring back memories of our own Christmas times together when we were young; Midnight Mass in New York…brrrrr,” Ray made a mock shiver.

“A bone chilling cold that I can hardly relate to right now; if we had gone to that here, it would have been like a balmy night in Miami,” he finished his thought and suddenly went silent.

“No…not, not like Miami at all…” Horatio replied quietly, sensing a shifting of moods between the two siblings. In that brief moment, he looked over to Rick, who hadn’t move an inch from where he was. The brunet had used all of his will to smother his deep breaths until his breathing was regular and silent- he was sympathetic to his lover’s dilemma; sure don’t want H to have to do any explaining about heavy breathing, Rick thought, as only he allowed his eyes to move about; all else remained silent. He was taking in his beloved’s eyes; as always, they were indicative of the state of mind he was either in, or moving towards.

A quick glance about showed that Smokey was still quite a ways away from the two men, playing out of earshot quietly.

“It was so exciting for me; for us H, one of the few times we were ever allowed to stay up late and be out at night too, till we were practically grown up,” Ray waxed thoughtfully. “Yes, it would be you, Mom and me, all bundled up, getting to St. Patrick’s Cathedral a bit early- Mom always wanted to be in the first or second pew so we had a great view of everything. She’d always put us on either side of her either holding our hands or having her arm around each one of us…that really felt so good, we’d be that way all around the votive offerings, and statues, kneeling around the whole place, practically,” the younger brother continued.

“..and you never fidgeted, WE never did…Momma would always smile and… and call us her very special, loving, good little boys, with a hug and quick kiss too…” Horatio’s voice caught in his throat.

“Dad used to tell me that he didn’t like the crowds- he preferred to go in the late morning on Christmas day and be alone. I never questioned it. I’m sorry to say I thought it was just his way and Mom seemed to go along with that…too bad I didn’t understand things better…at the time; but YOU understood, you always seemed to understand everything-big brother,” Ray spoke softly, his voice betraying a wistful tone.

“…don’t blame yourself, little brother; I was older… that’s all…” Horatio sought to comfort, but deep down an old feeling, indeed a bevy of old feelings were gathering around him with each passing word.

“I…I didn’t mean to be a downer; I’ll light a candle for her, for you- for US. ‘gotta go, get a bit of extra shut eye before we all get dressed; Ray Jr. and I in matching suits-we’ll be sharp for sure. Love you, Horatio; love you always…” Ray always ran his words quickly in a sentence when he spoke when he was about to cry, Horatio knew, as he heard the tempo in his brother’s voice.

“Love the family, love YOU, Raymond…” Horatio found himself falling unerringly into his protective strong role, the bedrock of confidence that his younger brother needed and counted upon. The redhead held the telephone until the click was long over and the annoying voice of an operator gave him the warning to hang up.
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It was the arrival of Smokey, who eagerly rolled his new *toy* back into the room where the tree was, stopping only to rub one of the ginger haired man’s legs, which made him in turn, stretch his hand out to pet the cat, that gave Rick the impetus to finally speak.

“Can I?” Rick kept his voice as quiet as possible.

“Yes, he rang off. You can get up now.” Horatio sounded so very far away.

The brunet complied; it didn’t take being a rocket scientist, he mused, to tell that the two of them wouldn’t pick up the way they had left off. Brushing some loose pine needles from his clothing, Rick began to figure out the best way to put the tree back in order.

“Sorry… I’ll be over there to help in a sec,” Horatio squared his shoulders unconsciously.

“No need for sorry. Stay put H; I can do this, okay?” Rick responded quietly, but his eyes were on the cat, which had not come near him yet, but chose instead to stay with the ginger haired man, looking at him with a look on his face that the brunet had never seen before, even at his old place.

“It’s a just a bit after 1:00AM, maybe…ah this is what I was seeking,” the brunet found the remote to the large, state-of-the-art, plasma screen television that hung in a very chic fashion on the opposite wall. “Don’t get to watch it very often...because of…work,” Horatio’s voice had a matter-of-fact tone mixed with another element.

“It’s a fine TV,” Rick said as he turned it on, his finger hitting one button that seemed to tune into a local channel. “De Kerkviering van de middernacht, Misa de gallo, Rick found himself slipping from one language to another, noting how the redhead cocked his head at the first set of words, as he nodded at the second set, which he had heard so often in his town. “From the Vatican, in progress too," the brunet continued as the music caught his attention.

“Yes, it is.” Horatio replied, almost barely giving his lover a whisper as his eyes and thoughts went swiftly towards the program.

The dark eyed man decided to give his partner this sacred space; this was Horatio’s religious territory, not his own, as he, like his family, were Episcopalian. It’s not too unfamiliar- we’ve always been High Church, Rick mused as while as quietly as he could, he worked on getting the tree back to some semblance of normality, yet all the while, he found himself glancing at his beloved as well as Smokey, who had not left the redhead’s side, indeed, the cat was studying the terrain and the distance between him and after making a quick judgment, successfully leaped into Horatio’s empty lap.

At first, the ginger haired man did not acknowledge his new feline companion, but as the cat seemed to move ever closer and rub his body against Horatio’s belly, Horatio looked down and began to accept the comfort that the animal was attempting to give to him.

Meanwhile Horatio’s thoughts, his very life, seemed suspended in time as the religious program continued. Of course, the service presented to him on the television was not the one he and his family had grown up with as little children, but certain things about it were all too familiar. Unconsciously, he wrapped his arms around his middle as a bodily memory of the biting cold that swept through one, despite the mittens, scarf, warm fur hat and deep warm coat that his mother insisted that they all wore when facing the coldness of a New York winter’s night. It wasn’t so bad-we wore winter undergarments too, Momma always washed them with baby soap powder so they would not itch, he caught himself in an inward smile.

It was a mixed treat to go to Midnight Mass; first, because it was one of the few times that they were allowed to go out at night as children; both of his parents had been unusually strict about that. Next, his mother, he always knew, was able to get a generous amount of money for new suits for him and Ray, as well as a new Sunday type dress for his mother, from their father. “Caines don’t go to Mass, especially Midnight Mass and Easter time, looking like poor church mice…” his father would say authoritatively, as he willingly doled out a generous supply of money for the event, which would mean new *everything,* from the skin out, haircuts and a trip to the beauty parlour for their mother, included, down to new dress shoes, which were gotten way ahead of time, so that they would be broken in and comfortable to wear for the special night, or day if something unforeseen forced them to go to one of the other Masses on Christmas Day in the daytime itself.

“Henry John,” as his mother would say more often than not, except in front of his friends, might have held the purse strings rather tight around the rest of the year, but never with things like church. He was tight with his presence though, a hard look appeared in the redhead’s azure eyes; as to the reason why. He’d say he preferred to go alone on his own, but in reality, he’d be holed up somewhere with his drinking cronies, way till nearly dinner time the next day.

I asked Momma did Dad ever really ever go to church and she said that yes, when they were courting and when they were first married… and for a short time too, after I was born, but somehow when I began to walk and that was early… he stopped going with her…with us.

Never gave any other explanation, except that he wanted to be alone, that the crowds of the cathedral that she liked so much bothered him- he would always claim that he preferred to go in the day time too, to a smaller church elsewhere, to the last service near noon time. Horatio set his lips tightly in a frown as he remembered this as a half-truth; most of the time, the old man would leave Christmas Eve day and wouldn’t be back until 3 or 4PM the next day, not staggering drunk, but his own blue eyes, which were exactly like Horatio’s own, would betray the amount of liquor, hard liquor such as scotch or gin that his father had drank during those sojourns away from home.

It was up to him and his mother, *Momma* he called her, to make the best of things for the family, especially for Ray. It was as a family, the three of them, went to Mass at night, all fresh faced with wonder and awe, especially Ray, who Horatio held by hand or stood right next to, nearly all the time, for dear life.

She looked out for us and I looked out for them in turn- he thought about how their little ritual before the cathedral got too crowded was to walk from statue to statue, lighting candles, kneeling and praying before the scene of the Manger and all of Momma’s favorite saints, we’d have the joyful mysteries of the Rosary done right before Mass- Momma had us practically first in line for confession too, there were always some religious about, a nun or two that she would entrust Ray to when he was too young to confess, when it was time for her or I to go, Horatio put a weary hand through an unruly lock of his hair at just the very thought.

“Sometimes, I don’t know how she found the strength to deal with it all…especially...” Horatio closed his eyes, then, opened them. Meanwhile, the television began to show the innovation started when Horatio was no longer a child. A procession of children, two or so from every country, usually a boy and a girl dressed in the traditional garments of their country, held the items that would be used later for the consecration part of the Mass. Each set of children would be blessed by the Pope as he took the items and put his hand on each head of each child, giving them a blessing.

The redhead did not grow up with this, but the few times he had watched this, it never failed to move him. For him, it would be remembering that when all three of them knelt at the altar rail, Ray would get the blessing until he was old enough to make his first communion. Horatio would remember his mother’s gentle face, graced with a lovely scarf, head down until they came to her, seeking out the Sacrament for strength to continue onward.

Onward…for her, but more for her good little boys, she would hold their hands even tighter at the rail.

While this tableau was being displayed, Rick watched in silence. He was getting worried; he thought that the religious program would give his beloved some much needed comfort, but the look on his face seemed otherwise. Also, Smokey kept looking at the redhead too, alternating between looking, snuggling further down into the comfortable lap and making tentative lickings with his tongue on Horatio’s hand, which Horatio responded to by gently stroking the comforting animal.

“All… all we had was each other and then…” Horatio whispered, but Rick only saw his lover’s lips move. “Why, Momma? WHY?” Horatio’s voice suddenly could be heard above the television. Rick heard this and before he could move to his lover, the ginger haired man had gently moved the cat to the floor. “I...I am sorry, Rick…” the redhead’s voice trembled as he left the room quickly, without a backward glance, moving unerringly away from him, going swiftly up the stairs; Rick heard footsteps and then an ominous silence as a door slammed shut.
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The brunet dropped everything in his hands and in true thoroughbred fashion, bolted up after his beloved, heart pumping but his head trying to remain cool and calm as if he were in the midst of a crime scene in progress. He got to the bedroom door and stopped, eagerly listening for something.

"Horatio...please..." he put his hand on the knob of the door, grateful that he could turn it; he hadn't locked it from the inside, Rick took a very deep breath of gratitude. It was silent; all, too silent for the brunet's taste as unbidden, he could feel his heart lunge up in his throat. Before he could say another word, Rick heard a very loud sound coming from below; right at his feet, his blue eyed, four legged companion began to meow and tentatively scratch at the door- he seemed equally determined as his human companion to intervene.

"...come...come on in..." a muffled voice finally responded at long last. As Rick opened the heavy door walking in stride, the cat did the same, however he stood by near the door like a sentry waiting to see what would happen next.

Horatio had his back to him; he was looking out of the window onto the ocean, whose waters were lapping calmly. Rick chose to say nothing, instead he put his lover in an body embrace, holding him close. Horatio could feel his lover's chest practically molded onto his back, the heart that belonged to the brunet pounding with worry as the brunet put his head down onto the shoulder that at first was squared so strongly, then suddenly the strength from it seemed to vanish like the morning mist.

"I need to know angel, *some thing* besides the fact that you weren't going to take your own life..." Rick's voice had the gravity of the grave.

The redhead's body inhaled and exhaled in a laboured fashion, his muscles and hands clenching. He couldn't control the tears that bathed his face, in fact, they ran down dampening his lover's hands which held him tightly around the waist.

Rick was willing to give Horatio his time, they both stood in silence.

"I can only tell you... I can only tell you..." the ginger haired man's voice lumped out the words.

"It's not always like this... not usually at...this time of year... why this time..." the redhead's voice fell silent again. Rick continued to wait.

Horatio then put his own hands on his lover's in a gesture indicating that he wanted to be turned a loose for a moment. When he complied, the redhead turned to look at him; with only a very dim night light for light, Rick saw into his beloved's eyes.

"I...I...lost my... I mean...Momma died on Christmas Day, my colt..." the words were said in the barest of whispers, drenched in numbing pain.

Suddenly, the two men felt the cat make a pass around their respective ankles and as if it had a sense of something, he left the room, curling up on the other side of the hallway, just inside the open door of another bedroom.

Rick closed his eyes and kissed the eyes of his lover, saying nothing, wanting his actions to say everything. "Please...mijn vlamboom... please... whatever you want...what ever you need..." the brunet pleaded after opening his eyes after a space, knowing that the pain mirrored there would tell his beloved the sense of sorrow for him that mere words alone could not convey.

"Need your healing touch..., need you to love me..." Horatio's words were soft and simple.

It was in that fashion that his dark haired lover began the process of healing, starting with the door being closed as if to create a world just for the two of them; a world that continued to evolve with kisses, caresses, clothing falling to the ground just like snowflakes.

In this act, so silent and elemental, the brunet said no words but let nature and his body speak for him, each movement was given in a nurturing, healing fashion, promising not oblivion from the painful past or the heart wrenching revelation, but instead, it was a bond unspoken- one that promised to begin the long, painful process of healing that the amber eyed man knew that his beloved needed.

Horatio drank deeply from the healing waters offered to him; he took all that Rick was able to give, returning the same with tears erupting from all the emotions coming to the forefront and to the surface.

Hearts and bodies entwined, the two stayed in their bed in that fashion finally after a long while each finding a peaceful rest, one that would continue way into the morning.
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**Christmas Day**

As golden morning light washed the upstairs bedroom with warm, soothings rays, and the couple continued to sleep, activity and expectation began to stir at a certain inland location...
Horatio was becoming more aware of something warm pressing against his right ear and the side of his face, and that the warmth was moving up and down; rising and falling. Then he realized he was actually the one who had his head lying against this wonderful warmth. He smiled as he became more conscious and recognized the warmth as Rick's furry chest.

Horatio lifted his head off the furry pillow, and started to stroke the "fur." He thought it would be a nice way to gently awaken his colt. The brunet murmured and opened his eyes partially, just enough to watch his lover. He smiled sleepily.
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Without a word, the brunet put his lover's head back onto the "fur" also, he was grateful to see him smile.

"Go back to sleep, Horatio; you need your rest and as I said need for need for regrets...all of what only makes me love you all the more." Rick's voice had a lullaby tone to it as he pressed his "fur" deeper into the silky red tresses of his beloved's hair.
**2 Hours Later**

The couple began to slowly awaken. Horatio had turned in his slumber and now had the left side of his face and ear embedded in Rick's "fur." A scratching sound came from the other side of the bedroom door accompanied by some unhappy meowing. Horatio raised his head off Rick's chest, and the brunet got up to let Smokey into the bedroom. In a blur, Smokey bounded in and lept onto the bed. He looked at Rick, then started to purr loudly. He stepped toward Horatio who was now sitting up in the bed.

"I'd better get him something to eat," Rick said, walking over to get his robe from where it was draped over the bed.