Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

As Rick got up to refill their cups of rum and eggnog, Smokey came in from the kitchen to join them. Horatio smiled as the kitty began happily scratching on his new scratching post, one of many, this one happened to be taped to a leg of a table, the cat also would look up once in awhile at his caregivers.

"I'm glad you took him to the vet and that despite everything, he's rather healthy," Horatio told Rick as he traded blue eyed glances with their pet.

"I'm really happy too and relieved. He's such an affectionate little fella; PetMeds will be sending me some supplies for him that the vet wrote down for me to order for him in order to keep him healthy. He's even got his own health insurance now. I'm taking him back to the vet next week so he can get rubbed down with this special medicine- when they put it all over him once a month, it will protect him against all kinds of parasites. In addition, I set up a new automatic litter box for him a few days ago. It's easy to keep clean- everything just ends up neatly wrapped in plastic and is ready for scent free disposal. Smokey really likes that," Rick smiled at the animal who began to play in earnest.

"He sure plays with a passion, doesn't he?" Horatio's eyes grew wide and he smiled like a child as he watched the cat scratch in earnest.

"Told you he was like you; remember at the inn how you really scratched up my back?" Rick smirked over his drink as he could see the redhead begin to blush.

"Well, you only begged for more- you should be remembering that too...I sure DO..." the ginger haired man retorted with a snort, laughing as he moved his gaze from the feline to his lover.

"Is that a cue for me to get out the antiseptic ointment again for tonight as well as wear a thick white undershirt when I go to work- can't show any *cat scratches* can I?" the brunet gave a knowing look back to his partner.
"Yes," Horatio nodded to him firmly. "I intend to ring in the New Year right. You're going to need to wear a bodysuit by the time I get done with loving you."

Rick flushed at this, and Horatio eyed him suggestively.

Rick swallowed. He felt ten degrees hotter as he asked, "Do you want me to take our cups upstairs after I re...fill them?" His voice caught a little at the end of his question.

"Yes," the redhead said, raising his eyebrows as he continued to probe his lover with specific glances.

"OK, then I'll..." Rick felt almost pinned to where he stood by the way his lover was looking at him. The blue eyes were burning with a soul-searing intensity. "I'll uh, go do that." Ricked walked nervously to the kitchen, feeling his skin prickling with anticipation.
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The brunet could feel a weakness in his knees even as the rest of his body began to vibrate with anticipation as he walked upstairs carefully with his hands loaded with two very full cups of eggnog laced generously with rum.

"That's nice...really very, very nice- see how I have a tray for the cups ready right by the bed?" Horatio said with an ease; however, his eyes still held the same intensity that they had carried towards his lover when the two of them were downstairs.

Rick put the cups down carefully as he could see his beloved lying down on the bed on top of some lovely medium blue silk sheets; with his crimson head as a backdrop to the blue silken pillow he appeared to the brunet like something primal.

"Don't tell me that a chill is getting to you... I'll have to warm you up properly...your legs are all too stiff looking..." Horatio teased as Rick walked gingerly to the door to close it.

"You are a naughty, wicked, totally hedonistic tease, Horatio Caine..." Rick smirked as he did his best to make an athletic stride to the bed. " I may be walking rather oddly, but it's not from being chilly...I can vouch for that..." the brunet replied with his own seductive voice, smiling and allowing the amber in his eyes to glint as the small night light played off his irises.

"...DO tell..." the ginger haired man replied casually as he put one graceful part of his arm just under one of the covers, causing the brunet to look at him with his mouth wide open; Rick felt a trickle of sweat run down the length of his back.

"Looks...looks like you want to play and you need a volunteer..." the dark haired man coaxed the words out smoothly as he looked at his lover slip out pieces of gold and red tinseled garlands that apparently he had taken from the Christmas Tree.

Horatio didn't say anything but instead began to roll the shiny material between his fingers with one hand even as he patted the bed in a come hither gesture with his free one. "Yes, I'm your man!" Rick wasted no time on taking his position onto the bed; now he was lying down upon it, waiting for the little game to begin.

The redhead's heat laden hands first put a deep blue silk scarf around his lover's eyes and the brunet could tell that they had the faintest hint of caramel on them.

"You're trying to kill me aren't you?" Rick was already twitching and undulating under the charm of the scent that seemed to work as love potion when mixed with the chemistry of the redhead's own body.

"No...quite the opposite..." I need you to be alert and at attention.." Horatio made his voice wax between seductive and a distinct command as one in the military might give.

Horatio removed each bit of clothing from his lover and what little he had on himself beneath the covers. Then, he proceeded to tie the brunet's hands just so, they were partially restrained- he wanted Rick to be able to touch something that he had in his hands.

"Reach up and" the command was given. Rick began to reach up and his hands felt a paper mache globe that was fun to touch-it was absorbing the dampness of perspiration off of his palms.

"Like the feel of that, do you?" the commanding voice breathed.

"Yes, its dimensions seem very familiar to me and I wonder why...?" Rick smirked- he knew that this would show his lover that he could give as well as he got.

"Such a rude boy you ARE... it's fine- as long as you only do it for me..." Horatio's breath began to catch in his chest- he wasn't sure how long he could maintain his total composure.

"Then give it a squeeze... there's a surprise..." Horatio contiuned with bated breath as Rick did as he was told- almost in an instant, the object broke in half and subsequently, confetti rained down in a fluffy fashion onto his beloved's flesh; Rick moaned at the feel of the softness melting into his love heated body.

"If I'm so rude... then don't I need...? " the brunet's Southern accent made the words as sweet and tempting as the cinnamon spice that drove the redhead wild with excitement- words now were caught in his throat as nature demanded to be answered in other ways.

Like heavy breathing beasts in the season of mating, the two lovers began to consume each other- lip to lip, mouth-to-mouth- flesh searing, melting into the other's flesh. Awash in love bites, confetti and their own passion, they began their own personal festivities, beginning another year of love; a love that each man hoped so deeply in his soul would continue onward into the far, far future.
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**Breakfast Nook, Later**

Horatio leaned forward and plucked a piece of confetti from Rick's hair, interrupting the passage of the brunet's spoonful of oatmeal to his mouth.

"We really slept in this time," Rick noted. "Twelve hours of sleep."

Horatio chuckled. "Yes, I think that's a record."

"I really got gnawed and pawed," the brunet said, glancing at his arm, which bore a scratch mark and a bite indentation. "Even though these marks aren't too deep, I think you must be part werewolf and part vampire, Horatio."

"Oh, what's that you're saying, my furry sasquatch with fangs?" Horatio whisked open the front of his robe to show a heart-shaped design on his chest that had been created by six love bites.
"Man, I need a good soak; the love bite practically on the seat of my pants without the pants..." Rick mockingly ached at the thought of it, pretending to squirm in the comfortable, well padded breakfast nook seat.

Your rear. You should be so lucky. I've got one other love bite mind you, one very nice ring shaped one too, which is going to compel me to seek out the farthest area to shower if I have to, as well as the most distant men's room in the whole building, let alone the lab, when nature calls," the redhead groaned at the intimate little table.
"Well, just try to think of that as a temporary promise ring, Horatio," Rick said, chortling.

"Well, then, I'd better reciprocate and make sure you get one, too." The redhead snickered.

"Can't wait."

"I'll bet you can't."

Rick smiled and took another bite of oatmeal.
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"I DO not believe it! I got some cinnamon on my cream colored robe," the brunet began to frown as he began to wipe the offending spot with his fingers. However, it only spread the spice onto his fingers and his lap-the tell tale color of the spice could be seen as a darkening spot on his bare skin.

"My angel, can you get me a wet dish cloth so I can..." the brunet's eyes grew wide as suddenly, his lover was no where to be seen.


Rick yelled out the words as with wide open eyes as well as grabbing onto the sides of the round breakfast nook for dear life. It seemed that within a blink of an eye, the very mention, let alone the promise of the lure of the tempting spice had driven his crimson tressed lover to make good on his recent promise.

The round breakfast nook table roiled up, as well as shook violently from side to side as if it had been affected by the tremor of an earthquake.
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**Around 25 Minutes Later**

Rick sat back comfortably on the sofa wearing a tranquil smile. He had put on a different robe, a dark blue one. "You are a beautiful man, thank you so very much," he dreamily said to his lover as the redhead walked into their living room. Rick's eyes were half-closed.

"Oh, you're welcome, colt. I've always been big on reciprocation."

"I feel so wonderfully relaxed now."

"And actually, you're not the only one." Horatio laughed softly. "Look at Smokey."

Rick opened his eyes and looked where Horatio was looking. Smokey was underneath the Christmas tree sleeping, and he was in a peculiar position. It was as if he'd been playing on his back with some of the ornaments and had suddenly gotten tired and fallen asleep like that--with his paws in the air.

Rick started to burst out laughing. He clamped a hand over his mouth when he realized he'd wake the kitty. But the kitty had heard Rick and woke up, righting himself. He yawned and looked at Rick, then sauntered off in the direction of his food bowl.

"Aw, I'm sorry, Smokey," the brunet said.

"Hey, what's that?" the redhead asked.


"There's something way under the tree there, behind that large heavy ball ornament." Horatio pointed.

"Oh, yeah, I see it--Oh my--"

"What--what is it?" the redhead asked as he fished the object out from the depths of the tree.

"That is one of your presents, my angel. It must've gotten pushed deep under the tree during our Christmas 'exertions.'"
"Oh, what nice wrapping paper," Horatio commented, examining the gift. "I love the Christmas themed cacti."

"Go ahead and open it," Rick urged.

Horatio carefully undid the wrapping, not wanting to tear through the cacti scenery with its bright green and red lights.

When the redhead was done removing the paper, he held a bronze framed photo in his hands. He smiled broadly at what he saw.

"You like?" inquired the brunet.

"Oh, yes, I like it very much," Horatio said. His eyes went over the photo of himself and Rick standing in front of The Rolling Spur in their fancy clubbing clothes. "Thanks, colt, it's a great in those spurs..."

"I'm glad you like it." Rick beamed.
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"Come with me." Horatio said softly as he asked Rick to follow him. They went deeper into another part of the house, to one place that had some rich, heavy wooden double doors to it, ones that at present, were closed. Also, curious as ever, after hearing the rustling of the wrapping paper, Smokey followed in tow.

"I haven't seen this room yet." Rick exclaimed as Horatio began to work with the lock.

"I know- we've been too preoccupied to visit here," the redhead smiled and blushed as he ran a comforting hand down Rick's arm.

As he opened the doors, Rick saw inside- it was a fine old fashioned sitting room; in the room was a baby grand piano, fine sitting furniture as well as of course in place of a fireplace, a beautiful mantle of rich maple wood which was underneath a mirror.
In another corner, modestly displayed in a special glass case, were the numerous awards, medals and other honors that Horatio had earned in his career.

Rick could see that the mantle had only a very precious few pictures on it; as he walked up with his lover, he could see that they were ones of Horatio's immediate family.

"I am a private person and I planned to have you come in here anyway, but somehow we just seemed to get all wrapped up- either in events or one another..." his azure eyes were soft and had a glow to them as he spoke the words.

"I know what you mean...truly," Rick was taking in the beauty of the room which had a window that faced out to some greenery outside that gave the room a further air of serenity.

"This is where I go when I want to be either with myself or with family, very strictly family. I made an exception with Ryan; he only cleaned in here twice and I knew he'd promise not to snoop nor reveal it to any of our co-workers," Horatio excused himself and turned his back to Rick for a moment as he put the bronze framed picture up in a great place of honor.

"There! It's just perfect there! The only other thing to do is get a copy and hopefully another frame and put it in another house- a house that we'll build inland together-nearer to Nickerie, don't you think?" as he spoke the words, he smiled at Rick who had to wipe his eyes.

"Yes...yes... we'll do that when things settle down at work... we will, my angel..." Rick said as he found his voice at last.

"There is also one other thing that I want us to do," the ginger haired man put his lover into his arms and laid his head upon Rick's chest, as if to make contact with the *fur*, which his blue robe had hidden.

"You didn't say it, because you thought I'd be stubborn about it. You didn't want to spoil the holidays for me or for US. But I'm not going to fight it. About our tragedy...I'll be happy to go to therapy but please let's go to someone outside of Miami-Dade. I'd hate for things to get back at work about it, would that be all right?" deep blue eyes gazed hopefully into ones of brown and amber.

" angel, we'll find the right person for US-it's a private thing and we'll keep it that way, just like this room...god, I didn't think it was possible to love you any more..." Rick let himself fall straight into a deep kiss.

The kiss lingered until a lovely meow was heard- as the lovers looked down, still wrapped in each other's arms, they found their pet who looked up to them, apparently as happy as they were.

"Sounds like the family is happy...all of the family..." Rick said, happily gazing from one set of blue eyes to the other.

"Yes, I have to agree with you- totally" Horatio smiled down at the animal as then as one, they turned to look at the framed photograph- the sunlight made the bronze shine like a sacred object in an ancient temple.
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**IAB Headquarters, the Following Week**

Rick was almost done with his paperwork, and every other minute he kept checking the clock. Just another fifteen minutes and he could leave and drive to the stables. The arena was lit at night and he wanted to ride Nickerie for a little while. Then, by the time he got home, Horatio would be there, too. Now, if the darn clock would just cooperate and time would just hurry up and move forward.

There was rapping at his door. Oh, no, please not now.

Rick started to open his mouth to say "Come in" and then stopped. Who says I'm even here? he thought sneakily. I just won't answer. He had the blinds drawn on the windows. Although they weren't closed flat, he doubted anyone could see in unless they carefully peered through the angled slats.
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The brunet held his breath; it wasn't like him to walk away from extra work, but this time he had a real hankering to get back to his *veulen*, his colt, as he now thinking of the frisky animal in Dutch.

"Oh, this can wait until tomorrow," he heard the assistant say, pretending to be innocent as if her boss' office was empty and soon Rick could hear the clicking of heels as she walked away.

I owe HER one... a long, executive 2 hour lunch on the house...Rick mused as he smiled and began to secure his desk and belongings.

After he had completed his task, he stealthily left his office, locking the door behind him. With a gym bag in tow, he sneaked to some showers that were at the IAB headquarters but ones that were seldom used.

As quickly as possible he changed out of his work clothing into his riding gear, something that he had been eager to wear all day. Rust colored pants graced his legs and hugged his slender but nice looking form, while he decided to wear a khaki colored shirt. He kept on his shoes, knowing that his special boots were hidden carefully in the trunk of his car. In true thoroughbred fashion, he took long, quick strides out of the office; if heads turned because of how nice his clothing looked, the brunet didn't notice, his mind was set in one direction only: that was to get to where Nickerie was as soon as possible.

****45 or so minutes later****

Rick's company vehicle had barely stopped when he turned off the engine and eagerly got out of the car and went straight to the trunk, where he pulled out his pair of tall black leather boots, ones that had extra leather on the top of them around the leg.

He put them on with practiced ease just as Carl, who took care of Nickerie came outside to see what was going on since the sun had just set.

"Hello!" Now I can see why Nickerie was prancing and pawing about, he sensed that you were here!" the young man smiled at Rick who went quickly over to him and after giving the young man a firm handshake, looked straight at his horse.

"I haven't felt this happy about a horse since I was a boy!" the brunet's voice was cheery as he gave the animal a hug and began speaking in Dutch; Carl gave Rick a few lumps of sugar to give to the eager colt...

Minutes later, both horse and rider were outside in the well lit area- Nickerie was eager to be ridden hard and fast again, Rick could feel the strong muscles undulate eagerly beneath him.
"Easy boy," Rick told his colt. "You're not on the racetrack anymore." The brunet began to steer the colt into a smaller circle to encourage him to slow down.

One of the things Nickerie had a habit of doing was that everytime Rick even slightly nudged him with his heels, the colt would charge forward like he was coming out of the starting gate. Rick, with the help of Carl, were teaching Nickerie that there were more gaits than just walk and run.

"Looking good, looking good," Carl called out enthusiastically from the other side of the rail at the end of the arena where he had been watching.

Rick smiled and cantered Nickerie around in another circle before guiding the colt over to the rail where Carl stood.

"He's coming along very nicely," Carl said, stroking the colt's face. "I might even take him over a couple of low jumps when I work with him tomorrow."

"Sounds good," Rick nodded happily. He leaned forward and patted Nickerie's neck.

The men talked for a bit about Nickerie's training program, and then Carl left to go home.

Rick had gone back to cantering the dark brown colt around in the arena. Nickerie was more relaxed after going around in the large enclosure several more times.

"Very nice!" a voice called out.

Rick turned in the saddle to see Horatio standing at about the same spot where Carl had been standing.

Rick turned the colt. "Hey!"

Rick was so happy to see Horatio, that he momentarily forgot about how sensitive Nickerie was and gave him a bump with his heels as if he was on a regular riding horse.

At the same time Rick realized what he had done, he felt his colt bunch up like a spring. It was almost as if the animal had become smaller underneath him from the tightened muscles before "enlarging" and releasing himself into the air in a half rear while at the same time rocketing forward in a jarring motion.
For a couple of seconds Rick was no longer connected to the saddle and was falling back. He reached forward to grab the front of the English-style saddle's pommel and for a long moment he seemed to have nothing but air in his hand. But his long fingers caught hold of the leather just enough, and Rick pried himself forward and back onto the seat of the saddle. He had only been vaguely aware of his redhaired lover yelling "Hold on!" from where he stood at the rail.

But Rick had lost his hold on the reins. Nickerie was running forward now and picking up speed. The reins had been pulled out of Rick's hands and now drooped on the colt's neck, inching more and more forward and out of Rick's reach with each stride the colt took. Rick had to think very quickly. He watched as a part of the rein started to slap against the colt's neck and into the air. He grabbed at it desparately as he knew that it could end up flipping over the colt's head if he didn't. Fortunately, the reins were the kind used in racing and the main part of them was covered in a textured rubber that helped jockies to keep a good grip. This fact about the reins enabled Rick to re-establish hold of them, and he quickly scooped up the slack. He pulled back firmly to get the colt to slow down and stop.
Nickerie threw his nose forward against the bit, resisting the command. Rick firmly said "Stop" to the colt in Dutch. Nickerie then slowed to a fast, rebellious trot with his head high and his nose up, trying to avoid the bit. Rick pulled downward on the left rein to move the colt in a counterclockwise circle. He knew he couldn't let the riding session end until he'd re-established control of the situation.
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