Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

"I'll say." Horatio piped in as he rubbed the tummy of their pet. "He feels thin, Rick; I'll bet you were the only that fed him most of the time," the redhead gave a sympathetic look as the little kitty began to lick Horatio's free hand.

"I think that was the case, sad to say," Rick put the last knot into his robe and began to slip on his slippers. "He's got your eyes and the thinness; he's so much like you," Rick couldn't help but smile as Smokey gave the ginger haired man one final lick before scampering off the bed, seeming to make a beeline downstairs, where Rick kept his food.

" 'afraid so, I am a bit on the skinny side..." his lover blushed in response and began to shyly put the covers back upon himself.

"Come downstairs, I'll feed YOU too- you won't get plump but you'll stay as sassy as ever for sure..." Rick made his voice a teasing one.

The remark made Horatio laugh and taking that as a cue, he got up out of bed to get his own robe.

As Smokey finally began to eat a generous amount of gourmet dried cat food, Rick washed up and went towards the Christmas Tree. In silence, he watched as Horatio found the presents that the brunet had put to the side, forgetting to place them under the tree from last night's events.

"Left the television on too," Horatio found the news spots on the local channel annoying and with a touch of a button, turned the offending program off.
"Come on colt, come over here," the redhead said, looking at his lover tenderly. He held a present in shiny blue wrapping paper with silver snowflakes out to the brunet. "Open this one first."
Rick walked over and took the present. Outwardly he smiled, but he was very concerned about Horatio. Despite having nosed around trying to find out things about the redhead's New York past before the events in Nevada happened that had brought them so close, Rick had had no idea that Horatio's mother had died on Christmas Day. And as he continued to smile and unwrap the present, he wondered if the lavish Christmas decorations and lights in Horatio's yard, and the way the redhead was so intent on making love to him under the Christmas tree was Horatio's way to counteract the tragedy that had happened on this holiday. And he also thought about the fact that if they were at work, it would be his responsibilty to suggest--even demand--that Horatio talk to the Psychiatrist at Psychological Services.
The brunet knew how the redhead was resistant to therapy; he equally knew that Horatio was always capable of putting up a good front, in this case he would try to act *normal* in order not to spoil the holidays for anyone, especially his lover.

Since this occurred in our home, it needs to stay a "home problem" not a "work problem", that was the first idea that came to Rick's head, thus, that meant no suggestion of therapy that was available at the job- unless the unthinkable, an attempt to take his own life ever came up.

I won't force the issue, but we are going to talk about it AT home. I've got to get Horatio to see that this is no longer his tragedy, but rather, it's ours and we'll do the therapy and face this sad thing together; the brunet involuntarily shuddered at the very idea of imagining his own 'Mama," who loved him fiercely and deeply, in addition to the fact, that she had the perseverance of an old fashioned 'G-Man', when she wanted to get to the bottom of a problem, especially ANY problem that concerned her precious baby boy dying, in a fashion he already knew was a violent death.

"These ties are beautiful...thank you, my angel," Rick spoke the words softly, with a gentle hopeful smile.
Rick had pulled a dark blue tie from out of the box. It had a lighter blue pattern on it. The shapes in the pattern made Rick think of crescent moons. And there was another dark blue one. It had light blue and pink diagonal stripes. There were three ties in total and the last one was a wild Christmas tie that was green with candy canes all over it.
"The pleasure is all mine; you know even when we argued, I couldn't help but think at the very same time how sexy your ties always looked on you. I probably overreacted sometimes just to fight off a feeling that I got once in a while but didn't really want to own up to at the time," Horatio responded as he went right over to the large box.

"That's nice to know. Now don't treat this one like something that needs your expertise in detonations okay?" Rick took a teasing tone as he saw the redhead's eyes grow wide at the size of the orange gift wrapped box that was graced with a deep blue ribbon around it.

"Promise not to..." the ginger haired man replied in the exact same tone, then he proceeded to lift the box carefully and finding it to be lightweight decided to open it with an unexplained eagerness. He went through layer after layer of delicate paper after another until he reached a gold embossed envelope. Opening it carefully, he could see that it was a gift certificate.

"A certificate for rare meats from Portenos!" Horatio held it up like he had won a prize.

"I'll bet that was hard to get too; it's nice Rick, so thoughtful, especially,
...after...after...well, I haven't been much fun in the bargain, all things considered last night, Ray, my reaction- not exactly what one would bargain for, I suppose..." he said the words hesitantly and proceeded to sit down on the comfortable sofa.

"You know actually, I feel that I've received a very great present," Rick sat down next to his lover after putting down the ties and gently removing the golden envelope from his partner's fingers.

"Horatio, you've given me the greatest gift of and all of your feelings...and I mean all of them," Rick put his graceful hands into the redhead's own calm lovely ones.

"All that fooling around beforehand...I can't explain it all yet, maybe you wanted to forget or not remember OR not spoil things for me. Only YOU know the real reasons and I want to you to tell me, to promise me that you will and hopefully not in some far off future. I'm glad Ray called...I love you, you need to understand... a love like least what I want to, what I do plan to give and keep on giving to you, means that you don't have to bear these tragedies alone..." Rick noticed Horatio lowering his eyes as if he were ashamed.

"I'm not complaining, love....just please, don't run away and hide from me...don't shut me out away from your pain, especially the pains of your heart. It's our pain now, just as our happiness is ours too. You'll never be alone again mijn vlamboom...not as long as I have the breath of life in me and beyond even that if I can," Rick smiled as slowly, the redhead lifted his face up, showing the blue eyes that now were so filled with vulnerability along with a dampness that made them seem like part of a freshly painted portrait.

"I...I am so used to being strong for others, my colt..." Horatio's voice was shy as Rick carded the red tresses in a different way, one that made the redhead gaze at him intensely.

"Momma used to put her hands in my hair like that when I was upset; guess it's I promise not to hide...or run like that. I know that you love me- both the light and the dark of it; I love you so much, Rick. Those words have my very life in them," the words were spoken with solemnity as the redhead finished and as he released their hands which had been held tightly, proceeded to surrender to his lover's healing series of kisses. He'd keep his word, Rick had not said it but he knew that the brunet would want him to seek therapy and Horatio intended to do that- that was a promise. We'll go together, just as my colt would want.

He moaned and relaxed, deepening the kiss, tightening their bond.
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And their passion was such that once again they rolled off the sofa and found themselves at the base of the Christmas tree, rustling its branches. A spur fell, but Rick was ready this time and caught it. He pushed it onto the carpeting and sent it on its way for a waiting Smokey, who energetically batted at it and chased it toward the kitchen which seemed to be his favorite place to play with his toys. Horatio laughed, and Rick pulled him close again. Maybe making love under the Christmas tree was the best thing for Horatio, Rick thought. Maybe it really would be a good way to counteract his lover's painful memories, and help turn Christmas into something happy for the redhead. With this thought in mind, Rick began in earnest to do much more to make his lover happy, causing a sharp moan of delight to come from the man.
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In a very short time, the lovers had rolled around near and around the tree so much, so intense was their act of joining, that each man had a tantalizing scent of freshly fallen pine needles in their hair.

A little bit later, Horatio sat up and pulled his lover up to a sitting position, deciding to gently remove any bits of pine needles from the brunet's hair.

" Let's go upstairs and shower; it's a walk in but a tight fit for two, I'm afraid," the ginger haired man got up to his feet, pulling up Rick in tow. "Well, if you promise to stick to just showering I think I can manage..." the brunet's eyes were gleaming as he picked up his robe and followed his partner upstairs.
"Oh, yes, I see what you mean, Horatio," the brunet said when they were both in the small shower. "I could easily get *ahem* 're-stimulated' in this situation. And I see could you." The brunet grinned down at the lower part of his lover's birthday suit and said, "It looks like one of those pine needles has found a new branch."
"Well, I'm NOT letting you hang any ornaments on that *branch*; so turn around, so I can do your back properly..." Horatio said in a matter-of-fact type of voice and smiled as he took up a sponge that was saturated with an oatmeal based cleanser.

"Still haven't finished?" Rick smirked as he complied, turning around as ordered yet at the same time, he managed to have his head at a slight angle, giving him a small but interesting view as his partner began to rub vigorously between the brunet's shoulder blades.

"You remind me of something colt and it's a nice surprise for you that I have in store; that's why we have to move along, dress and leave," Horatio pressed the sponge into his lover's skin as firmly as he was speaking, in order to allow it to clean his beloved properly.
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**45 Minutes Later**

"Did you really have to handcuff me, too?" Rick asked from the passenger seat of the moving Hummer.

"Yes," Horatio said. "Yes, I did. You have a very curious nature, and I didn't want you to pull the blindfold off and peek."

"Well, these handcuffs are kind of pinching my wrists."

"I promise to kiss them and make them all better, later."

"OK, Horatio, I'll hold you to that promise."

"Just relax, colt."

Rick tried to do what his lover said but he couldn't help concentrating on what sounds he was hearing that might give him a clue as to where they were and where the redhead was taking him.

Horatio glanced over to see how his lover was doing. God, the man was so sexy with the blindfold and his hands pulled behind his back like that. Horatio had to grip the steering wheel in an effort to stay focused.

"Are we almost there?" the brunet asked several minutes later.

"Yes, we're almost there, just a few more minutes."

Ten more minutes seemed to pass and Rick tried to keep quiet. He was just about to protest the handcuffs again, when he felt the Hummer slow, make a right turn and heard the crunch of gravel under its wheels.

"We're here, my colt." Horatio drove for a bit more and then eased the vehicle to a stop, turning off the ignition.

Rick heard something from outside that sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. Horatio smiled at what Rick was hearing. He reached for the key and gently removed Rick's handcuffs. Then before Rick could do it, he pulled the blindfold down, too, so his lover could see what he himself was seeing.

Rick now saw a large paddock in front of where the Hummer was stopped. There was a beautiful dark brown horse galloping around in it. There was a large red bow tied around its neck.

Horatio put his arm around Rick's shoulder and said, "His name is Nickerie and he's yours. A colt for a colt."
"Oh, Horatio!" Rick said watching as the colt turned toward them as if hearing his name. "He's just--" Rick glanced at his lover and then back at the colt. "--awesome!" Rick put his arms around Horatio and hugged him. "Thank you!"

"Oh, you're welcome," Horatio said, smiling, happy at his lover's reaction to his gift. "He's young, only a two year old. He's been trained for racing, so you might have your hands full. But after seeing how you handled that would-be bronco last weekend, I figured you could handle this one...and what can I say...he reminded me of you."
As the men watched through the Hummer window, the colt, Nickerie, suddenly dodged to the side, did a half-rear, bucked twice, and took off at a mad gallop around the paddock.

"That is how you see me, Horatio?" Rick gave his lover a playful pointed look, half hangdog and half mock-insulted.

"Yes, just like that," Horatio said, nodding and laughing. "You're a wild, mischievous colt who needs taming, and I plan on doing that taming."

"And I welcome it," Rick said.

"You'll get more of it later," Horatio said in a low sexy growl. "Now go say hello to your new friend."

"Yes!" Rick scrambled for the handle of the passenger side door and got out. There was a slight breeze and the fresh air felt good. The Hummer's windows had been rolled up and it had started to get a little steamed up inside the vehicle.

Rick walked up to the side of the paddock, leaning his arms against the wooden railing. His colt was at the opposite end of the paddock now, pawing the ground.

Rick called to him. "Here, Nickerie! C'mere boy!"

The dark brown colt's head shot up, the ears tightly pricking, and he galloped straight toward where Rick stood. Rick was pleasantly shocked. He hadn't expected such an immediate reaction.

"You do have a way with horses," Horatio said, walking up and standing next to his beloved. "There's a saddle and bridle in the tack room, if you'd like to ride him. I'll go get it."

"Thank you, my angel. Yes, I'd like to ride him." Rick stroked the front of the colt's face, noting the pretty white blaze marking. "Hi, Nickerie, it's nice to meet you."
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As the redhead went to get the saddle and bridle, he saw a young man who looked to be in his late twenties inspecting the other supplies. "How do you do, Sir?" the young man looked up at Horatio from his work. He was standing at attention too, as if this were a formal occasion. Although this piqued Horatio's curiosity, he decided that he wanted to put the young man at ease.

"Merry Christmas to you; please put yourself at ease. My name's Horatio Caine and yourself, are you the handler?" he smiled at the young man slightly.

"Yes, I am and Merry Christmas to you. My name's Carl Vandenberg. I can get the saddle and bridle for you. I know one that Nickerie really likes a lot," he went eagerly to get it and bring it outside.

As the two men went outside back within earshot of Rick and the colt, the brunet thought of the animal's name and decided to try something-"begrijpt u het Nederlands, mijn fijn veulen?" Rick was asking his fine colt did he understand Dutch.

No sooner had he spoken the words, the animal's ears pricked up at attention and the expression on his beautiful face showed the brunet that he did understand the language.

"Yes, he really does, Sir." Carl spoke as he came near the horse and would-be rider.

"The owner named him and we've both spoken commands and such with him in Dutch as well as English. You know it too and speak it well...if I must say so's not your everyday language," Carl handed the items over to Rick.

"Sir here, makes me sound like a very old, old man-not my style for here. I'm Rick Stetler and Merry Christmas to you too, or I should be saying, *Vrolijke Kerstmis* by the way," Rick extended a hand peeking out from underneath the saddle.

"Thanks, I'm Carl Vandenberg, the handler. As I was telling your companion." the young man was beaming seeing how the horse and both men were getting along just well with one another.

"I'm curious, how did he get the name Nickerie?" Rick asked and Horatio's head cocked in unison- both were eager to hear the story.

"Well the owner named him; after a town called Nieuw Nickerie in Suriname. He just liked how Nickerie sounded; I can tell you the colt sure liked it from the moment he was named," Carl went on as the animal suddenly held its head up proudly at the mention of his name.

"Suriname?" Are you both, I mean all three of you from there?" Horatio asked.

"No," the blond young man smiled shyly. "The owner and I are Americans, born here. Nickerie was born here. But the owner and myself lived for quite some time in Suriname. It isn't as developed as Miami but it has eco-tourism; a lovely natural wildlife. But you have to be watchful of the caimans- they're as sly as the alligators are here in Florida," Carl finished.

"The two of us lived in the Netherlands for awhile, then went to Suriname for a change of scenery- glad we spoke Dutch there. The locals have a local language but Dutch works for just about everything; it's the official language there," Carl finished, as he noticed that Rick had mounted his new colt and was ready to try out a ride.

"Well, Nickerie show me what you've got..." Rick said in a boyish fashion as he took the reins, ready to ride...
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And as Horatio had warned, Nickerie was a handful. But having grown up around horses, Rick knew how to handle him, just as Horatio had also known he would. It was mostly a matter of keeping the colt's attention, and using a stronger bit. Nickerie was like a teenager and was going to need a lot of time and patience. Rick was looking forward to giving him that, and carefully training him.

**New Years Eve/New Years Day**

"Well, it's almost 12:00," Rick said, holding his cup of eggnog and looking at the clock.

"Yes, it's been quite a year," Horatio said, reaching for his cup of eggnog that was on the living room table.

There was the sound of fireworks in the distance as the couple watched the clock strike twelve.

"Happy New Year, Rick," the redhead said, smiling and moving his cup forward.

"Happy New Year, Horatio," Rick said, smiling into his lover's eyes. He brought his cup up to the redhead's.
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