Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

The fact that they were not able to see or interact with one another, because they had chosen to bathe at completely separate ends of the shower room, while at the same time, noting that the room was filled with other men, made it easier for the pair to bathe and groom themselves without becoming too excited.

Horatio chose one of his usual suits; although he expected to go straight home, he was not sure if anyone important might want to meet him at the airport and he was not a man to leave anything to chance.

Rick, for his part chose to wear his suit as well, one that he would have normally worn to work. He was grateful that he had chosen not to self-medicate, he realized now, if he had done that he would have not only embarrassed himself with a hangover, but now the person in his life that meant everything to him. He didn't want to think of Horatio's name at the moment, let alone any endearing pet names he had given the ginger haired man. He just hoped that he would have the strength to *keep up appearances,* as it were.

****Some time later*****

The separated lovers, now properly bathed and cleaned met back into the general club area. Horatio looked away from his lover at first, right into the new afternoon sun. Subsequently, for the first time in a long, long time he put on his trademark shades.

"The sun is bright from the outside, a sure sign of home," he noted, as he chose a pair of very dark shades.

"As if Vegas's sun wasn't very bright," Rick paused and instantly regretted the bite in his tone of voice.

"I'm.... I'm sorry Horatio," Rick's apology was prompt but he couldn't tell how his lover was taking it.

"Sure...I understand," Horatio spoke in a low voice, almost too low for Rick to hear.

In silence, they walked to the area where they would catch their connecting flight, each pretending not to notice the other's garments.

"The sun is not so bright here," Rick said quietly as they reached a corner turn where there was very little foot traffic. He looked at the ginger-haired man in a puzzled, almost annoyed fashion- something that the redhead picked up upon almost instantly.

"I nearly always wear shades Rick, you know it's me," Horatio's voice suddenly turned defensive. "Yes I know you do; but they can be for hiding from something or someone...just as much as they can be used for protecting the eyes," Rick responded in his IAB voice in retort.

"Do YOU think I'm hiding something?" the redhead decided to stop and ask, peering behind his shades.

"Well, if the shoe fits..." Rick's voice had a mixture of terseness and pain in it; when he heard the pain in his voice he drew back as if he had touched a flame.

For what seemed an eternity, the two men stood facing one another, with Horatio realizing that he had the advantage. However, the flash of pain in his lover's eyes and voice simply was too much to take.

"...something to hide? What do YOU think?" with an urgency and unbidden anguish that he tried so hard to keep down, the redhead pulled off his sunglasses swiftly, allowing the brunet to see his eyes.

Rick's own brown eyes grew wide with pain as he saw those azure orbs marred with redness as well as puffiness. " I...I...held it in as long as I could... but while I was in the shower...I took...I took advantage of the water splashing in my was an excellent cover....for awhile... I had to fight to stop the tears...harder than I've ever had to do in a long, long time..." Horatio whispered and looked down, his face a mask of deep anguish.

"Horatio... oh god..." the brunet said in the same whisper, his voice slipping into that Southern accent of his when he himself was in pain. He so wanted to hold his lover, to bring healing and tell him it would be all right, but they were not alone, but the brunet took a very great risk- he put a concerned set of fingers on his beloved's cheek and felt a small trickle run down, one that his fingers could wipe.

With a lump in his throat, he took his fingers away and watched as his beloved put his sunglasses back on. They knew it was all necessary, but this pain was cutting into both of them like a surgeon's knife.

The only thing the lovers could do is to gaze upon one another in silence, hoping that their rapport would give each man the strength to carry on the facade. Not wishing to provoke any more emotional scenes by talking nor touching, they went in silence to the boarding area.

The plane ride to Miami only took an hour; the only time they talked was to order light beverages to drink such as coffee or tea. Rick could feel his IAB persona come to him like a shield to hide behind, while Horatio put up a demeanor that he used when he was dealing with something that he didn't wish to allow to get to him emotionally.

It was in this manner that they landed at Miami International Airport- when the pair finally went outside and felt the damp, very warm humid air, which caressed their bodies in a familiar way, an even harder reality of what they would have to hide from in their personal worlds hit them like a freight train.

They were relieved that no one familiar was there to greet them and subsequently as taxis became available, each lover looked at one another- it was too painful to even share a taxi ride. "Hope to catch you...later..." Rick said, fighting back tears himself.

"Sure...same here," Horatio's voice was as cold as ice and he continued to hide behind his sunglasses. Without another word to say, they hopped in their separate taxis to their homes....
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**Authors' Note**

From this point on in the story, the setting will be A/U. Speed is still alive and so is his friend Andrew. They are together. Also, Ray is still alive, and he and Yelina are successful private investigators in Brazil. Ray jr is with them, and Suzy and Madison live nearby. Julia, Kyle and Ron don't exist in our universe. They're not dead, they just don't exist. Also, Alexx is still the M.E.

**Continuing with the story**

Rick walked slowly toward his apartment, past the stunted palm tree and the old fountain that barely worked. He put his key in the lock for the first time in six weeks. He opened the door and stepped inside and faced the silence of his living room. Loneliness clung to this room and seemed to stare at him in the form of the furniture. What little of it there was. He swallowed and continued into his bedroom.

He plopped the suitcase onto the twin bed. The bed was so ridiculously small-looking compared to the one he and Horatio had shared at the inn. Before they broke it. He tried to laugh, but no sound came. He took a deep breath. Everything felt wrong. Living here by himself shouldn't be how things were supposed to be, even if it was just for the sake of appearances. He rubbed his eyes, letting his hand brush over his nose and then cover his mouth briefly before falling to his side.

He didn't want to unpack because it would just make the fact that he was back here all the more real. But he knew he had to, so he inserted the small key and started to open the case, trying to stifle his emotions as he did so, trying hard not to feel anything at all. He pulled out one of his shirts and then another, and then there it was. One of Horatio's shirts. For a moment, he just stared at it. It was one of the blue ones made of soft cotton. Then he bent forward, pressing it to his face. No, it shouldn't be like this. Horatio should be wearing this shirt and he should be with him now. How could this kind of loneliness possibly be right for any reason? Rick felt his emotion building. He didn't want it to, but it came, and he used his lover's shirt to muffle his sobs.
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Horatio had his fare and tip all ready when the taxi finally arrived at his house. "Looks like we'll have some rain and thunder before this day's over," the driver said as he pulled up to the house. "I suppose that I'm lucky I got home before the rains started; hope the rest of your shift will be a safe one," the lieutenant said in his usually calm, collected manner as he carefully retrieved his luggage and paid the driver, who in turn drove away leaving him alone at last.

*Alone at last,* certainly an apt description in more ways that one, the redhead thought as he went to open the door to his house. Such a facade he had put on, he mused; it had taken quite a bit of strength not to get upset and weep again, he knew he was not the kind to like to show his inner feelings to strangers. He was grateful that no one from his team had come to pick him up, in that being very close to many of them, that facade would have been almost impossible to keep up- I could just imagine the *anti-Stelter* jeers and remarks, subtly snide as some of them might have been said, already. Horatio winced now at the thought; what a difference an evening or day for that matter, made- what he would have tolerated or encouraged just a month and a half ago, now would have wounded him since the man at the butt of them had changed roles- from nemesis to lover- a veritable cataclysm of change for HIM in particular. He said those very words to me too, after...after "our first time..." Horatio whispered the words under his breath; thoughts of that night together coming to him with a mixture of remembrances of bliss and now anxiety, an anxiousness about the future.

He looked around the yard in satisfaction as he saw that the gardening had been kept up; also there were no newspapers, ads nor anything else that would give away that he had been gone so long. A grateful sigh reminded him that he could contribute this to his ever eager "helping hands," his team, who had been treated by him and in turn, treated him as family. Now, as he opened the door what would they think of his introducing someone who had been an adversary, now turned to someone who meant more to him than anyone in his entire life- to them; indeed what about IT?

He put his bags at the door and closed it when he went inside. All seemed quiet and normal, but he was glad he had his gun at the ready although he had never had any problems of crime at his own home, years of training seemed to override his deep emotions for the moment in a temporary way- it almost amused him that he began to prowl around his own digs, ever-the-ready for an intruder, one that fortunately, a quick assessment of his place and surrounding proved to be false. His home had not been violated and was safe.

In the kitchen were two notes; as he picked them up he could see that one had been from Ryan, who had with his permission prior been all to eager too keep things clean and tidy; the doe eyed expert had kept his word- all was quite neat and clean, but in true Ryan fashion, the man had also respected his boss' need for privacy.

Another note, carefully written by Tim and Alexx showed their concern for his eating or lack thereof. Alexx's part of the note, he observed, stated how she had restocked his refrigerator with fresh, up to date foods and beverages, such as milk. Tim, being a gourmet cook, instructed him in his part of the note to check the freezer- inside of it, he found several generously sliced, tupperwared enclosed and frozen pieces of lasagna- dated just yesterday and marked with either spinach or meat on them. I won't have to cook for at least 3 or 4 days; Speed's always getting on me about not eating enough or running to take out,the redhead smiled; with a storm coming up these acts were indeed a kindness- he didn't feel like driving, nor did he feel like an intrusion from an outsider, meaning mainly a delivery person. Although his stomach was beginning to nag at him a little, begging for something to be put into it, the ginger haired man deliberately didn't pay attention, the mind and emotions were not yet ready for the body to accept food, they were elsewhere, a place that came to mind quickly as he sought out his bedroom- he so wanted to get out of these "work clothes" and change.

The dark clouds from afar could be seen from the his upstairs bedroom, his eyes first went to the window and then looked at the bed, which was large, generous and had been made up neatly. Some packages in the corner told him that Ryan had even gone to the trouble of taking his suits to the cleaners as well as worn clothing to a special laundry service- he wouldn't even have to do laundry, he thought with a sigh. He would have to do something special for his little "family", he smiled inwardly feeling fortunate that he had so many that loved him, who were so willing to care for him in this manner.

However, as the redhead gave the bed a caress, he knew what the others, even those at work very close to him did not- that he had needed other types of care and more than platonic concern. "Rick..." he said the name with a sigh- he was the only one, except for Ray and Yelina, who were so very far away now and he had even been quite closed mouth with them, just how long he had not been with anyone. Horatio hated one night stands and anonymous pick ups- that was not his way, he had not shared his bed, nor been in anyone else's, let alone, the usual urgent trysting places that lust on the run as it were, would make one run to, in such a very long time and this was true with either sex. He had not even been to one of those places like the Miami equivalent, but totally legal, of course, of the Totally Knots, club even to engage in that. He hadn't practiced restraining techniques for quite some time- either he had not been in the mood, or work constraints did not allow him the luxury to slip away and go.

At last he saw the irony of knowing that the one person that had the ability to so get under his skin, to annoy him successfully, like no one else ever had done, had now become the one that had gotten into his flesh, claimed that part of him that he seldom was inclined to share with another- Rick, of all people, he supposed it was right and just, that HE and only HE really had captured the heart, all of the love, body and soul that was in him to give to a beloved.

Heloise was right, I guess I AM ardent, the ginger haired man sighed, remembering the sweet but truth laden words of the pleasant lady- he was the kind that once a torch like that was lit, wanted to come home and be eagerly joined to his lover day after day, or several times in a day if it was possible..."I would...if I could..." he gave a deep sigh. Now the bed seemed lonelier than ever and what had been not too difficult to deal with before, now seemed like a void yawning before him, one that he dreaded, one that he knew in that moment, he couldn't hide from emotionally a second longer. As the storm clouds held themselves high over head over his house, he could feel his eyes burning, prickling with tears in the making...

Then, the telephone rang, not once but thrice and then a voice, hoarse and laced with emotion, came on to his answering machine. "My angel...I hope you get this message..."
the redhead immediately recognized the endearment even before his mind registered the voice....
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"I can't do this...I can't stay here," Rick's voice continued. "I need you, Horatio...I'm going to call a cab--"

Horatio snatched up the phone. "Rick..." The redhead's eyes had welled with tears, but he was smiling, happy that his lover needed him.

"Horatio!" The brunet's voice held such desperation. "I can't do what we planned. Being separated from you isn't will kill me."

"It's OK, it's OK," Horatio said, trying his best to immediately reassure his beloved. "I can't stand the void I'm feeling without you either, colt--"

"Can I come over?!"

"Yes, please come over." Horatio's effort to keep his voice strong wasn't working very well; the emotion made his words thick. But he got them out. "I need you, too, hell with the plan. We'll just have to figure out something else that doesn't include living apart."
"Yes we...will; I am on my way," the brunet no sooner ended the call than he took the time to speed dial to a cab company, that although warily warned about a potential major rain and thunderstorm hitting, assured him that they would take his ride request.

Subsequently, in a fluid motion, he emptied his overnight bag filled with worn clothing and replaced it with fresh clothing for work, next he grabbed his briefcase. He wasn't aware of the passage of time until the taxi came for him.

Maintaining all the self control he could, he gave directions to the driver and was silent until the vehicle turned to Horatio's home.

"You're sure a lucky man; we got here before the storm hit," the driver said as in amazement, he saw a tip given to him in the amount as the ride itself.

"Yes, I am a lucky man." Rick said no more as he saw a glimpse of the ginger-haired man's lovely hair peeping out from behind the front curtain.

As he made strides to the door, worthy of his pet name, Rick vowed to himself that if it was in his power, he would do all that he could to keep his beloved from marring his eyes in such a fashion, as he saw earlier.
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Horatio opened the door for him and he raced inside. Horatio pushed the door shut, Rick dropped his bag and briefcase, hands wrapped around the warmth of the other, enclosing in a tearful hug, and then a strong kiss that quickly segued into Horatio pushing Rick back against the wall of the entryway. A violent crack of thunder and a flash of lightning signaled the storm's arrival as well as the lover's own intense and personal rising storm.
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Rick pulled back from the heated embrace for only a moment as the redhead looked on, giving him the most vulnerable look that he thought possibly of giving to his lover. The brunet took deft hands and quickly unbuttoned the first three or so buttons of his shirt, tearing a bit at the undershirt, exposing the raw, masculine, dark chest hairs beneath the garment. "Here...I want your lips, your mouth, right here," he pointed to the standing hairs, "HERE FIRST, Horatio," Rick growled out with need rushing like pure fire in his veins.

"Absolutely, MY pleasure..." the ginger haired man wasted no time and set his hungry mouth and lips to work, practically devouring him, making them both sink almost at the same time to their knees in unabashed delight.

"Don't want to see your eyes, like I did this afternoon, not because I'm not with you... never want to see that AGAIN..." Rick's voice was a sob as words poured from his lips as freely as his tears.

"Don't want to... never want to feel that loneliness again"...his beloved replied. "Promise me..." Horatio growled the words possessively, after he came up for air, his gaze now a multitude reflecting countless emotions and needs.

"I do promise angel...mijn vlamboom..." Rick breathed the final words of *my flame tree* to him in the depths of his own feelings.

"Then there is only one thing left..'' Horatio cradled his beloved, now his inner world of his heart and being... "just one- to bed, to OUR BED NOW!" Hands that were slick with anticipation were held tight, as the bonded pair raced to their heart's destination...
Horatio pulled his colt into the bedroom, and the colt was all too eager to be pulled. Rick began to laugh happily and it echoed in Horatio's large well-appointed room.

"Horatio, that's such a nice, big bed you have!"

"I'm glad you like it," Horatio growled. "Because you're going to be spending a lot of time in it."

At the side of the bed, they faced each other. Horatio's eyes were full of a powerful combination of love and lust. The redhead turned his head slightly sideways, hungrily studying his lover. His lover blinked, and pupils dilated even more. Horatio put his hand on the brunet's chest and pushed him, forcing him to walk backward and fall onto the bed.

"Lie back, and I'm going to give you a special chest hair massage," the redhead informed, smiling dangerously.

Rick grinned and had no problem obeying his lover. He watched his lover with anticipation as the redhead watched him get comfortable on the bed.

"With you, I have my own personal living fur rug," Horatio said, licking his lips, smiling. He moved his hand down so that it was just hovering over the brunet's chest, barely touching the hairs--the fur.

Rick squirmed. "That tickles."

"Shhh, no talking." Horatio moved his hand around in slow circular patterns, barely in contact with "the fur" and it started to drive Rick more and more crazy, not just because it tickled, but because he needed so much more contact at this point. Finally, Horatio's hand moved down all the way and firmly pressed the middle of Rick's chest, which caused a feeling of elation at the thought of what was next.
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In the same measure as the bolts of lightening outside, the two allowed their clothing to be scattered in every direction. Rick reveled and arched upward as his skin and soft body fur finally came in much needed contact with his lover's smooth but heated skin- the body heat was more than mere temperature and perspiration; the heat was stoked and originated from the ginger haired man's deeply held love and passions from within.

Body-to-body, mind-to-mind, emotion-to emotion, the two drove themselves in a serpentine dance, undulating in erotic rhythm choosing slow or fast movement as they wished.

Bodily pleasures stoked by need built up the pressure inside the lovers akin to compression or a pressure cooker that engorged by its contents, flowed over greedily in bliss, the sheer high claiming them both.

Outside the heavy clouds spilled their wet, warm life enriching fluids to the thirsty earth below....
**About 30 Minutes Later**

The lovers relaxed in the warm, wet comfort of Horatio's Victorian style tub. They smiled at each other, their eyes twinkling.

"I love this tub, Horatio--it's huge," Rick's arms were outspread and his hands gripped opposing edges of the copper-colored vessel in which they sat.

"Yes, a tub built for two," the redhead commented, staring at his lover's chest. "Colt, I have to tell you, the sight of you right now, with your arms away from your body like that, is threatening to get my motor going all over again."

Rick blushed, grinning. "I--" he laughed, dropping his head, embarrassed. "I'm glad you like the way I look, Horatio...I'm glad you like my "fur" as you call it." He looked up, meeting his lover's heated stare.
Without breaking their eye contact, the redhead moved his body so that it was positioned down his lover's side, then he moved until he was firmly pressed right next to the brunet, moaning with satisfaction at being able to snuggle so close to him.

"Better than the feel of a motorcycle for sure... would it be too far a stretch to call you my *little red engine that could?*" Rick smirked as he could feel his own body move closer to his beloved's, eager to feel the seal sleek skin.

"No... of course, one of those adjectives I'm definitely taking back..." he laughed, giving Horatio a kiss. "Shall I dare a guess as to which one?" the redhead replied in an equally bawdy manner, giving a mock pout with his lips that quickly opened themselves wide, beckoning for a deep kiss.

The brunet responded to that lure, making the kiss so deep, even as at the same time he allowed his hands to slowly, but deliberately, caress as far as his hands could reach, every inch of the soft skin which now was not pale, but almost a rose color that was enchanting. The very warm water in the deep tub gave Horatio a sensual body blush that, with the added gift of the beauty of his silky red tresses, all damp with desire and water, truly made Rick's vision of his lover as a flame tree more fact than fiction.

Rick's long, graceful fingers danced upon his beloved's back, tip toed and played games along the redhead's arms and chest, as in an instant, they dove underwater, seeking out treasures like one on a treasure hunt.

The ginger haired man's eyes and mouth grew wide, then both fell half closed as Horatio sank into a feverish oblivion as those deft fingers of his agile lover found what they had been seeking, with the tips of those fingers engaging in sensual play like dolphins, who were used to freely swimming in deep waters...
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Horatio gasped, twisting in the water, causing a fairly large portion of it to splash out of the tub. "Ooooh...Rick..."

Rick felt like he had caught a very large, strong fish, maybe even a whale. He was having trouble keeping it on the line. It was definitely a whale.

After quite a challenging, rousing experience with much thrashing--and lost water--the men were very tired, like two beached, and very satisfied, whales.
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After a brief respite, Horatio reached around and opened the drain to the tub, letting out waters that had become cool and then closing the drain, subsequently, he turned on the faucets to refill the tub with warming waters.

The lovers began to yawn after their exertions and entwined around each other, began to drift off to sleep. Their rest however, was all too brief for, not only was Rick awakened by the waters becoming cool again, also, a rubbing of his lover's tummy incited a ferocious growling sound- his own echoed almost the same plaintive sound.

"We can try to live on love my angel, but we both need to eat," Rick said the words softly to his beloved, awakening him also with ghosting kisses to his eyelids and cheeks.

"Mmmm..." Horatio yawned and opened his eyes, looking at the brunet in a half-dreamy state. " I agree, although reluctantly." he mused as he began to touch his lover again, allowing his hands to toy with the chest fur he loved so much.

"Let's make up a nice filling snack and take it from the kitchen; I'd prefer to dine in bed, lots of tasty treats will be waiting for me doubt about it," his azure eyes twinkled with new borne desires, ones that made Rick almost salivate in anticipation.

"Yes, we'll make this a night to remember...the first of MANY!" the brunet haired man responded and in one graceful move, stood up in the tub giving him to Horatio's eyes
the very image of ancient Grecian statue of a love god at play.
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Rick was treated to a wonderful image as well. As the redhead stood up, the tub water left his body, cascading downward over his muscles, caressing and highlighting them, before splashing back into the tub. It had given the appearance of a living, human waterfall.

"Wow," Rick said, momentarily hypnotized. His fiery-haired lover was so beautiful, there were times when his powerful presence would catch Rick off-guard, and this was one of those times.

Horatio smiled a kind smile. "Colt, I'm going to fix us some grilled cheese sandwiches. Does that sound good?"

"Y--Yeah..." Rick said.

Horatio reached for the towels, handing one to his lover. A muffled crack of thunder came from outside, and a sheer illumination of lightning dashed in through the bathroom window.
The sudden flash of nature's light caused the two to embrace one another instinctively wanting to protect the other. Rick being the taller of the duo, wrapped up his rose coloured beloved in a very protective embrace;they fit together closer than a glove upon a hand.

Horatio, who had always been called upon to protect others, relished in being the one who was cherished and protected.

With soft moans and gentle sighs the lovers parted from their embrace, after the bolts of lightening had passed. The softness of the thick, moisture hungry towels they used to dry themselves felt almost as good as the caresses of their own hands upon their bodies.

"Before we put on some robes, there's just one more thing to do," Horatio said as they stepped away from the tub. He went to a closet door and reached out to a shelf picking up a large plastic bottle. "It's new and plenty enough for two," Horatio nodded as he gave Rick the bottle of sesame seed oil, something that would replenish the moisture from their drying bodies.

The brunet haired man took the bottle approvingly and poured the gliding, clear oil onto his palm until it almost began to drip temptingly off of his palm and between his long, graceful fingers. "Promise not to miss a spot..." Rick said in a sensual murmur as he began to take his hands and massage his ginger haired lover with the unscented liquid.
It would glide along Horatio's skin like a skater on ice; the redhead began to moan and take deeper and ever deeper breaths as Rick's hands began to massage and work their unique magic upon his body...

"Don't forget to come back to earth my angel," Rick's own breath was catching in his chest, causing him to heave like a thoroughbred at the post- his own body showing how he too, was dry and needed oiling with a lover's touch...