Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

"Your turn," Horatio said, wanting to groom his colt. He wanted to feel his colt's movements under his fingers. He poured a generous amount of the oil onto his hand, and started to smooth it on Rick's shoulders and neck. "I see that the love bite I gave you on the front of your neck has been healing nicely," Horatio said. "I've tried my best to hold back from giving you another one...and I think I succeeded...except for back here..." Horatio reached around and pinched Rick with oily fingertips.

"Hey!" Rick tried to swerve away.

"Now don't be fractious at the starting gate, colt," Horatio said deviously.

Horatio then used an expert's touch to massage the oil into the brunet's skin, so that the last thing his lover would want to do was swerve away. And his hands were eventually rewarded by the dark-haired man leaning into his touch with total trust. He had started on Rick's back, eliciting pleasant moans, and now moved to the front of his lover. Smiling, he took in his lover's slender muscles, and the delicious way his whole chest area was covered with what was like a soft shag carpet. Horatio felt like he had his own special, furry comforter. He had saved the best for last.
*********25 Minutes Later********

" You know, I have the ingredients here to make Monte Cristo sandwiches if you'd like that," Horatio exclaimed with approval as he looked at the contents of his refrigerator.

"That would certainly be quite a substantial snack," Rick said nodding, as he touched his growling stomach again. "Man oh man, the time!" the brunet looked startled as he gazed at the clock. " Practically near midnight, they're probably worried to death- wondering if I landed on time and got home safely. I was so upset about...about us being apart H, I totally forgot to call my folks!" Rick's face suddenly became a mask of concern.

"Do they usually expect you to call whenever you return from traveling?" the ginger haired man asked while he allowed part of their dish to cook.

"Well, not every time, but this time with this journey getting some media coverage yes, there would be more concern than usual. I left my cell phone in with my clothing; I'll go there and make the call," the brunet finished his comment and to the redhead's pleasure began to move with the grace of the pet name he had given him.

I wasn't ready to tell him about the time Mama had called...when he was sleeping AND the fact that she heard breathing. Rick's thoughts and plans of what to say were picking up speed rapidly as he made it to the bedroom to find his cell phone, which fortunately he found out after he had turned it on was still fully charged. Two messages here, one from home and another from his Tante Heloise, the brunet ran a slightly nervous hand through his hair as he contemplated on which message to answer first.

He decided to listen to the one from home and sure enough it was his father's voice on it. The tone was one of concern and let the brunet know that he was concerned as to why the brunet hadn't called him from his land line phone just yet. Daddy doesn't take to these *cell things* as he likes to call them, Rick frowned upon remembering his father's viewpoint being brought home to him when the subject came up last time. I'd better think of an excellent one, Rick's mind was feverishly at work on an excuse just as he finished listening to the message and operated the speed dial function, calling his parent's home.

"Richard, I must say, we are both relieved that you've finally called us. Is everything all right? It's been hours since you landed; your mother has had me checking the flight arrival schedule for delays for quite sometime and what could I tell her when I came up negative?" his father queried his son with a voice that vacillated between concern and testiness.

"I.... I am sorry Daddy, the time just slipped from me- so much to think about, let alone DO before going back to work after so long. But believe me, I...I'm home safe and sound. Please tell Mama I'm sorry I caused her to worry so much..." Rick's voice imitated his best *hangdog look* expression. "...well one CAN get preoccupied, but honestly son... frankly, I'm starting to wonder if there is MORE to the story than you're telling me. Why doesn't your land line work? I can see that you're calling me from your cell phone- it's not cut off," his father's tone mirrored a glimmer of his own IAB persona, Rick noted and he fought hard to keep some nervousness out of his voice.

"It might be the answering machine. It's probably having glitches. I'll see to it that it's replaced very soon, Daddy...." " I don't doubt it," his father answered with a pregnant pause and Rick knew it was an attempt from the older man to hear if there were strange noises in the background. Upon not hearing anything and not wishing to cause his son to suspect (or so he thought,) the elder Stetler continued with his conversation.

"I'm going to tell your mother that you're fine, you know how restless and excitable at times she can be- especially when it concerns your welfare. She'll probably talk to you tomorrow. I'll advice her to call you on the number of that thing until you get your answering machine in proper working order. Will that be fine?" his father's voice was a shade gentler, the brunet noted, but still not totally satisfied with the answers that he was receiving- there seemed to him to be a mystery about all of this, one answer he was not yet ready to contemplate yet.

"Yes, that will be fine. I'll make sure that Mama won't have to worry about me for a second further. I'm going to go now...I love you both," the brunet finished, his voice tender and full of concern. "We equally love YOU Richard, good night." the elder said as with a click he ended the call.

Rick once again took advantage of the speed dial to call Heloise, who of course was wide awake and curious. "You're not at home are you- or are you truly at home for the first time?" the caring woman got right to the heart of the matter, as soon as she could tell that he was calling her from his cell phone. "Yes, you're right. I AM at home, my first real home since I left my folks' home all those years ago. I'm with mijn vlamboom- my flame tree and I'm staying here until WE get another home- one that we pick together tante..." Rick's voice was sure and firm.

"I'll help in anyway I can- but don't keep this from your parents for too much longer..." Heloise warned him that although she was willing to keep his confidence, she wasn't going to be deceptive to those she was still so very loyal to, not just as someone who worked for them but also was considered, as her husband was also, as family.

"Well, I've got to go now. Horatio's made a small bite for us and it smells delicious- I can't keep him waiting. Love you, tante," Rick smiled as he ended that call and just in enough time- he could hear Horatio begin to call out to him to eat.

"I could get used to seeing you move around in the house, my colt," the redhead nodded approvingly as he motioned to Rick to help him with some trays that would take their sandwiches and hot milk- he had made a generous pot of some, back to their bedroom.

" I have a small sitting area in here- we can eat and drink at it." Horatio motioned to a nice corner, still amazed that it was raining so hard. "That's lovely; sure we can do that and if you didn't mind, we could change the bed afterwards- might as well be totally comfy, don't you think?" Rick's smile had a serenity to it that warmed Horatio's heart. Rick was already acting like a spouse, a very considerate one and it was making Horatio already feel like he had wanted to feel for quite a long time, but hadn't recognized the need to feel that way in quite a while- happily married.

As the two men sat down to their food, Rick looked at him with the amber of his eyes shining brightly. "No need to rush anything, loving or otherwise. I'm not going anywhere, if you don't want me to," the brunet spoke softly with a blush beginning to cover his cheeks. "No, I don't want you to leave, not tonight, nor the next, nor even after that..." Horatio looked at his lover intensely, his voice as serious as his gaze.

"Well, with that in mind and since it's nearly 1:30 am or so, let's get a good sleep; we're going to need it with all the work we have facing us. Besides, the better rested we are, the better we'll be able to *play* another day, agreed?" the glimmer of the amber in his eyes as Rick spoke the words made Horatio's heart flip in his chest with a settled, relaxed happiness...
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Horatio fell asleep with his head resting on his beloved's chest--a soft cushiony pillow, while at the same time, Rick fell asleep with an arm wrapped gently around the redhead.

The pair were awakened by the sound of Horatio's clock radio, which thankfully didn't have it's volume set very loud. It was just enough to cause the men to come out of the bliss of their sleep and begin to stir awake. With his eyes only starting to fully open, Horatio reached over and turned the alarm off.

"Good morning, Horatio." Rick yawned.

"Good morning, colt," Horatio said and smiled as his partner went into one of his elaborate stretches.
" I slept well. I had a very comfortable fur type pillow to sleep upon," the redhead simply said and continued watching Rick smiling. " My chest sure knows it. I like the feel of your head on it- not only is your hair as smooth as silk, but it's warm too; someday, we'll have to go to where it's cold- I can just bet I won't need an electric blanket," the brunet smiled and took his hand, beginning to ruffle the ginger coloured hair.

"You just love to do that...even when YOU know..." Horatio said; he could feel a blush as well as a very pleasurable feeling begin to creep upon him; one that he would have loved to seen to its conclusion, but sadly, both of the lovers had to get ready for work.

"No time for detonation now," his partner quipped with a boyish gleam in his eye. "You first," he pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

@@@@@ Some time later@@@@@

"The Hummer is safe and sound at work- I'll have to take a cab in, then I can drive it home like I usually do," the redhead noted as he went to his cell phone and began to call for a taxi.

" Back in black and brown again"; Rick noted his lover's choice of clothing as he added the finishing touches to his own suit and tie, choosing to wear navy blue. "We can't or we shouldn't even be seen going to work in the same taxi. I'll call for one and leave about ten minutes or so after you, okay?" the two men smiled as they eyed approvingly at each other's choice of work clothing.
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At IAB headquarters, Rick strode into his office. He had put on his "IAB persona" as soon as he'd gotten out of the taxi. It was a necessary accessory that he had to wear for the job.

When he had entered the building, one of the assistants had intercepted him and informed him that the person who had been filling in for him while he was on leave, had quit in frustration a week before. And that there were two important cases that he would immediately need to get into. One was the case of an officer who had been caught driving outside of his jurisdiction completely naked in his patrol car, and the other was an officer who had been accused of vandalizing another officer's house. Rick sighed and rubbed his forehead.
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By contrast, when Horatio arrived at his own building, he had no sooner put his usually dapper foot into the door when a flurry of well wishers greeted him, in addition to members of his own team.

"Glad to be able to turn over the reins at long last!" Calleigh smiled her kilowatt smile at seeing her boss, waiving her hand in a gesture of relief. "So, the pay increase didn't agree with you, I take it..." the redhead quipped as he smiled and nodded at her-he knew that just like she had done during his first sojourn to Rio, that she had done an excellent job.

"Again, it was temporary, rather have YOU around," she spoke softly but sincerely.

"H!" Eric's voice also warm and inviting as with his usual stride, he walked up to the two of them. "Everything's just fine, Eric." Horatio replied quietly as the Cuban gave him a gentle touch on his forearm. "Well, you're a smart one- you probably found a way to elude the personification of a bad day, Stetler , while you were there, didn't you?" the young man spoke in his usual bull-in-a-china shop manner. "Me, elude?" Horatio chose to use his trademark lowered shades, upward glance routine to give a subtle answer without having to comment any further.

Horatio felt a slight knot begin in his stomach, but he didn't let it show. He was grateful that just then, Ryan the doe-eyed CSI that helped Speed in trace showed up. "The *boss* is back! It's great to SEE you again!" Ryan's cheery manner and quickening pace to get to him, was a welcomed relief to the redhead...
**IAB Headquarters**

Rick glared at the brown-haired officer who had a petulant look on his face. "You were seen naked in your patrol car by citizens and fellow officers and yet you deny it?"

"That's right," the officer said, tilting his chin up defiantly.

Rick sat forward in his chair continuing his glare. "Then, you give me no choice. You're relieved of duty. I need you to hand over your gun and badge--"

"Screw you!" The brown-haired officer jumped from his chair and ran for the door. He was quickly intercepted and handcuffed by waiting officers just outside the room.

Rick put his head in his hands and took a deep breath. He went back to his office and took three Advil.
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***CSI Lab***

"Mr. Wolfe..." Horatio began and with his emotions under control after Eric's cutting remark, finally took off his sunglasses, giving the young man a warm smile of gratitude that spoke louder than words. It was one that Ryan understood completely and that understanding seemed to reverberate to the others there that had been so helpful in his absence.

Jogging down mentally, a note to look in upon Alexx, Speed and the rest, the lieutenant went into his office, sighing at the herculean task set before him- a mountain of paper work, neatly laid out, but still a mountain appeared there before him. Hardly even room for a cup of coffee, he noted as he sat down. It would be several hours and numerous telephone calls he would have to make before he had time for himself.

"Got to find that special letterhead paper..." he muttered annoyingly to himself quite later as he began to fish through a drawer. As he did so, he found that he had only part of a box left. Upon looking to see if there was another full box underneath, he came across something, an envelope that Speed had given to him a couple of months ago.

He said it wasn't work related, but that it would relieve some stress. The redhead opened the manilla envelope- inside were some rubber tipped darts and a dartboard with of all things, a picture of Rick's face on it, along with a sarcastic quip from Speed written on the top of it.

Horatio could feel his empty stomach sink to the ground as his eyes fell at the same time. I didn't need to see THIS...not now... his mind began to wrestle with vague plots as to what to say, what to do. It was in this mind and its reflection on his face, that Alexx first saw him as she stood at the door of the office, with the type of glass around it that, unless the special venetian blinds were drawn, was as easy to see into like a shop store's window.

Her mother hen sense told her that something was amiss; Horatio's sixth sense was too preoccupied to see her at first but then he picked up on the fact that someone was watching him and with a swift move of his hands that looked normal to the M.E., he put the picture back into the envelope and as calmly as he could, put it back in the bottom drawer.

It was then that the M.E. knocked on the door, giving a smile from the window, however she was curious as to what would have caused such a look to appear on the redhead's face.
**IAB Headquarters**

On his lunch break, Rick sat at his desk, trying to finish a roast beef sandwich. He knew his mother was wanting to hear from him, and he wanted to make sure he called her before his break was over.

Having finished most of the sandwich, he decided to set the rest back on the plate and make the call.

"Hi, mama, it's me," he said when he heard her voice.


"How are you, mama?"

"I'm fine, Richard, how are you?! I've been worried--"

"It's OK, I'm just fine." Rick heard chewing. "I'm sorry, mama, if I called you while you were eating lunch."

"No, son, it's OK...I'm eating a fritter. I already ate my lunch."

Rick knew his mama ate cinnamon fritters when she was worried about anything. It was a habit they had shared since his childhood.

"You don't have to worry about me, mama," Rick said. "I got home safe and sound and I'm back at work now."

"Well, I was worried about you back in Nevada," his mother went on. "You seemed to be spending so much time in your room, and I heard that weird breathing..."
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***CSI Lab***

Horatio tried to forget about his trace expert's *gift* by burying himself even deeper into his mountain of work and he found that he was making slow, but sure progress.
His body however, began to tell him that if he was going to ignore its need for food, he should at least not ignore its need for a bit of fresh air. With that, the redhead got up, secured and left his office- he knew of a place outdoors that would provide fresh air and some solace.

No sooner had he found a nice bench with a nice amount of shade around it to sit on, did his cell phone ring. At first a frown appeared on his face, but it soon changed into a smile as he recognized the area code.

"Hello there...this is Lieutenant Horatio Caine to whom I'm speaking to; is that correct?" the older male voice said almost hesitantly.

"Yes, sorry not to have called you as soon as I got home, Ben," the redhead recognized the voice at once. "Too *busy* right?" Ben quipped with laughter. "You could say that..." Horatio responded, finding the tension leaving him bit by bit as the older man talked.

"If you beg my pardon, friend to friend you sound...sort of down H," it was the first time that the driver had used his nickname and the redhead liked the sound of it on the man's tongue.

"You didn't have a fight or anything and speaking of HIM, how is he?" Ben asked eagerly. "No, oh no- we didn't have a fight to be sure..." Horatio assured his friend, but fell silent after the response.

After looking around to see that he was alone, Horatio walked even further away to another shaded spot. When he was comfortably seated again, he took a breath before speaking once more.

"I...I'm not used to people knowing me so very well, so quickly as you have managed to do. But you're my friend as I am yours. I know that. I am upset, Ben...a person here, a friend and co-worker, showed me something he made. Months ago and I just opened it.... Back then it wouldn't have bothered me; frankly, it would have amused me, but now- it's so very painful," Horatio went on to describe the dartboard to the older man.

"It's hard to believe that you two, that there was such bad blood between you both. Do you really see that monster rearing its ugly head again?" Ben asked sympathetically.

"The monster can try, but it won't succeed, if I have anything to say OR do about it," the ginger haired man's voice was firm. "...and by the way, we made the first step on what you said to us so earnestly before we left- Rick's moving in with me and if I know him, it won't be too long before we start house hunting together. I know he likes the beach front house I have, but he really prefers things more inland..." Horatio felt himself relaxing as he began to describe some of their future plans as a couple in better detail to one he so deeply trusted.
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**IAB Headquarters**

Rick was slightly distracted by a group of other IAB personel walking by his window as he listened to his mother's concerns on his cell phone.

"Mama, that breathing you heard was nothing, it was probably just Hora--"

Oh my god. He was just about to explain to his mama that what she had heard was Horatio adjusting the volume of their tv that day at the inn. Horatio. His lover.

"What, son?" his mother inquired. "Who?"

"Oh, uh.." Rick had to think fast. His mind raced, but he thought of something. "It was probably just Howard, the pizza delivery guy. That was his name. I think he had a heart condition or something. It caused him to have heavy breathing." Rick heard his mama sigh. Oh no.

"I knew it," she exclaimed. "I knew you were spending too much time holed up in your room. It's not healthy, son. Why didn't you go out for pizza?"

"I don't know, I think I had a bad headache that day." Rick put his fingertips to his forehead. If he didn't get off the phone with mama soon, he knew his earlier real headache would return.

"Mama, I love you, but my lunch break is almost over," Rick said. "I'm going to have to go now."

"I love you too, son, very much," the older woman said.
***CSI Lab***

@@ Somewhere upstairs, outdoors, taking solace in the shade at 2:00PM @@

A fast glance at his watch told Horatio that he needed to end his phone call or he would be missed. "They're not going to believe that I took a lunch break, since my stomach growls off and on," the redhead joked to his friend, who began to gently admonish him about eating in a very familiar way similar to someone he had just had a visit from. After a pleasant good-bye, Horatio walked back to his office; his step, like his heart, was a little lighter- now, he knew exactly what he was going to do.

He went to an area and bought something similar to Ensure, a liquid meal that would be cool and nutritious; the redhead was careful to avoid one choice that had a caramel flavoring to it; can't afford to risk it being on me coming home, he smiled inwardly to himself at the thought of Rick's reaction to its scent. With a brief nod to his lover's other thoughts about him, he chose one that looked pink since it was mixed with pureed strawberries along with the tasty cream like liquid. He took that to his desk and began to drink it and he could tell that he had truly needed the nourishment.

As he drank, his ever present *sixth sense*, just like a guardian, quickly went over his little meeting he had engaged in a bit earlier with Alexx. He was puzzled as to why, after the greetings and courtesies exchanged in their usual fashion after he returned from an absence, such occurrences were rare for him, that she had attempted to hide some concern from him and it had nothing to do with his stomach, which had growled appropriately during their conversation. I'll take a *wait and see approach,* he decided, not realizing that she had seen his countenance change so drastically upon opening the now vexing package.

Vexing indeed, that was certainly the apt phrase for it. What was he going to do with it? Give it back to his trace expert? Although he trusted Speed, Rick was too important to him to risk even the possibility of the younger man having such a thing in his possession to be able to hold up to either one of them.

I won't give it back to him, but I'm not going to keep it here a second further. If Speed asks me about it, I know exactly what I plan to tell him; I won't say a thing about it- I'll wait until he asks ME, in that way that he usually does. I hope it won't be too soon, that's all. Horatio drank all of his liquid meal down to the end of the container and felt relieved yet not sluggish- it had revitalized him in a good way.

With this in mind, he put the empty container in the trash bin and subsequently took the manila envelope containing the upsetting object out of his desk and went, after locking the door, to an area where he knew that some bulk items, things that were not bio- hazardous, of paper and such, were taken to be incinerated.

Looking all the world just like anyone else who had such items to be disposed of in the same way, the lieutenant made short work of disposing of the now offensive item. When Speed asks me about it, I can say that I've put it in a very appropriate place...for the time being and that I wish to leave it at that, for now.
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**Miami Neighborhood, IAB Business**

Rick pulled into the tree-lined middle class neighborhood. Easing his car along the curb, he stopped short of his destination. He had driven here to talk to the neighbors of the officer whose house had allegedly been run into by another officer's truck in a bizarre act of vandalism. But during the drive, thoughts of Horatio had come into his mind full force. Rick just had to call him. His day had been rough, and he needed to hear his lover's voice.

He turned the ignition off and stared at his cell phone, hesitating. What if Horatio was with a member of his team and couldn't talk? The two hadn't discussed phone calls and what to do if one of them should need to talk to the other during work. Rick bit his lip and took a deep breath. Holding the cell more firmly, he decided he would take the risk. Horatio's voice mail would just pick up if he was busy. And at least he would hear his lover's voice in the announcement message.

Rick fidgeted with his tie as he listened to Horatio's cell ring. One...two...three rings. Rick took a sigh. This was where the redhead's voice mail would cut in, no doubt.

But it didn't.

"Caine here," said the voice at the other end.

"Horatio..." Rick said, not meaning for his voice to sound as emotional as it did.

"Colt..." Horatio said gently. "How are you doing--are you OK?"
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***CSI Lab***

The question put Rick momentarily in a quandary; he knew that most of his tension was coming from the conversation with his mother and his attempts to keep her from finding out about his relationship with the ginger haired man. He had been able to dodge the issue momentarily with HER, but he would not be able to do this with his lover; Horatio's sixth sense always told him when someone was not telling the entire truth and he detested lying in any form or fashion. This knowledge helped Rick to make up his mind.

"No, I've been a bit edgy and not from just work. I know we can't go too much into it here right now- you're at work and I'm out in the field here, but I'm not going to keep it from you and risk you seeing me as being deceptive," Rick straightened himself up as he paused for a breath.

"My mother called me, she was, she has been worrying about me, from the time I...that is, from the time WE were at the inn. You were asleep the first time she called and she heard you breathing- I didn't tell her that I was with you; or with anyone. I told her it was the television being on. I had hoped that would throw her off; but apparently, it hasn't succeeded; she's grilling me almost like a G Man about this," the brunet put a quivering hand through his hair.

I want to tell them, but as with Heloise, as you well know, what we have relationship wise, isn't *the usual,* at least for people of their generation," Rick's voice had a tone in it that was pleading for the redhead's understanding and patience.

It was a plea that did not go unanswered. "Colt, it's need for worry; as you've told me so many times that I'm not alone, you need to know that the same applies to you too. Glad you told me this, told me the truth, even though this was difficult for you," the ginger haired man's voice was calming and reassuring.

" Rather die that ever lie to YOU, my angel-that's a true fact. Equally, I don't want to play the deception game with my family too much longer-yes WE'LL find a way to tell them, I know we can and will," Rick felt a surge of confidence and strength flow like a current right to and through him.

"Have to go, tell you as much as I can about why I'm out here when I see you at home- Love you...stay safe," Rick lapsed a moment into the Southern accent that he knew his beloved loved so much.

"Love you too...and keep safe yourself..." Horatio made his voice take on the subtle tones that were melodic to the brunet's ears. As Horatio closed his cell phone as the call ended, he gazed up at his clock, wishing that the time would fly so he could get back to home and yes with Rick there, it would really BE a home, truly, for the first time...
**Rick's Apartment, 8:45pm**

Rick had left work and had taken a taxi back to his apartment to get his car and more of his things to take back to Horatio's. He paid the driver and wearily got out of the vehicle. He walked through the apartment complex, only vaguely aware of Christmas lights weakly flickering from some of the units. He arrived at and entered his unit. He tried to ignore his lonely, spartan furniture. He didn't have to think about that anymore, he would soon be back inside the warm sanctuary of Horatio's beach house.

Rick went into his bedroom, grabbed a large suitcase from his closet and started to pack more of the suits and ties he needed for work, as well as some of his favorite casual shirts and pants for weekends. He wanted to be sure to pack a couple of those Henley-type shirts that had the tie string at the neck since Horatio really liked him in those. And he needed to bring more shoes and socks.

When he had the suitcase filled with the necessary items and was leaving his apartment, he almost ran into somebody. A small "somebody." He looked down to see the grey cat that belonged to the neighbors across the way. It's blue eyes were wide and scared, and it gave him a plaintive meow. Rick set his suitcase down and knelt to take a closer look at the animal.

"Hi Smokey," Rick said, rubbing the smooth fur on the side of the cat's face. "What's wrong?"

The cat meowed again and started to circle around the brunet. Rick looked over at the apartment of Smokey's owners. He didn't know them. The only reason he knew the cat's name was because he had sometimes heard them calling him. But now their apartment appeared dark. It wasn't one of the few decorated with Christmas lights. But Chistmas lights from a nearby unit were casting light on what looked like a sign on their door.

"Come on, Smokey," Rick said gently. "Let's go see what's going on with your people."

Rick picked up his suitcase and started to walk across the "island" that separated his side of the apartment complex from the units on the other side. He turned and was glad that the cat was following him. When he reached the door he saw that it was a "For Rent" sign that was on the door. As Rick was staring at the sign, he heard footsteps and saw that Mrs. Matthews, the apartment manager was walking up.

"If you're looking for the Fletchers, they moved two days ago," she said. "They left that cat here, too. Looks like I'm gonna have to call Animal Control."

Rick shook his head, glaring at her. Animal Control was just a euphemism for the pound.

"I'll take the cat," Rick snapped.

"Suit yourself," she shrugged. "Where are you going, anyway?" She eyed his suitcase.

"Home," Rick said.
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