Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Then both their ears caught the sound of a stranger's voice from down the aisle calling out, "I think someone might need help down that row there!" Then there was the sound of another flight attendant's voice who wasn't Montgomery.

"Pretend to be asleep!" Horatio told Rick in a loud whisper.

Rick quickly covered most of his head with the blanket and shut his eyes.

Horatio closed his eyes and pretended to snore softly, causing Rick to chuckle into his pillow.

"Shhhhhh!" came from the redhead.

"...was probably just the radio," said a crisp, but cheerful voice. It was Montgomery's voice. "Or it could have been Mrs. Hilldale," Montgomery continued. "She tends to have nightmares and talk in her sleep if she has lost money at the casinos...I'll go check and see if she's OK."

The men heard the other passenger mutter a thank you, then approaching footsteps, then Montgomery's voice right next to where they lay. He said, "I trust you gentlemen are fine." Then more quietly, he said, "By the way, there is no Mrs. Hilldale. And even if there were, I would never betray the trust of my passengers by talking about their personal behavior."
Horatio was the first to peek almost childlike from under the covers; it amused the young flight attendant- he was hoping that these two would be on another journey with him soon.

"Thanks ever so very, very much," Rick found that he didn't give the young man his usual hangdog expression, but rather one of trust and understanding.

" I do have to say, your companion; he needs some more comfort. You know, he looks like well... his eyes, just above the blanket like that. Like someone who thinks there is a monster under the covers or underneath the bed," Montgomery made his voice so low so that only the 3 of them could hear and his tone was partly teasing.

"Chasing monsters- I think I can do that..." Rick couldn't help it- he felt that mischievous twinkle begin to come to the surface in his eyes and it radiated to his voice.

"Well, best be about it then, we have hours of flying time to go...sweet dreams..." Montgomery stifled his laughter, swearing he could see blue white fire flash in those eyes of the redhead. Ohhh what revenge is that poor brunet in for, the young man smirked to himself as he walked back to his area; regaining his composure before anyone could see the look....
They heard Montgomery's voice from the front area of the plane. "Yes, it was Mrs. Hilldane...she took some Mylanta and a sleeping pill...she'll be fine..."

"Monsters, huh?" said the redhead.

"One large one in particular," said the brunet.

"You know if we were anywhere else, it would be major tickle time for you, colt."

"Only if you can find me," Rick suddenly threw the covers over his head.

Horatio did the same, but he didn't tickle his lover; he snuggled up close to him instead. Horatio nuzzled against the warm, furry chest, hearing his lover's heartbeat, while the brunet nuzzled into the redhead's silky mane. They eventually kissed each other's lips quietly and tenderly, and then, with their heads barely above the covers, fell peacefully asleep.
*****Several Hours Later *******

Montgomery Wells had logged in a lot of air miles and had seen quite a bit of the world and its passengers in his 25 or so years, even before he took up the job of being a flight attendant. However as dawn's rose colored light began to filter from their journey eastward he saw something that stopped him in his tracks...

Montgomery stood, fighting to keep his mouth from opening wide in astonishment. He could not help but gaze upon one of his special passengers, the red tressed one who was awake and sitting up with a very relaxed look on his face, not realizing how the newly borne sun light danced and played with his hair and eyes, giving him a look so beautiful to the young man like nothing he had ever seen in his entire life...

I DO hope we shall be meeting again, gentlemen. He sent up a silent prayer as he stepped back away, hoping he was not seen by the ginger haired man; he smiled also at the fact that the witty brunet's dark curls looked tantalizing also even as he was still deep in slumber.
A few minutes later, Rick stirred. Forgetting where he was, he began one of his long, drawn out stretches. At the end of this exaggerated movement, he began to yawn. That is when he opened his eyes. He froze in a start when he realized he wasn't waking up in the familiar surroundings of their bedroom at the Cobalt Sky Inn, but was in the plane that was taking them both back to Miami.

Trying to regain his sense of time and space, he saw that Horatio was sitting upright and looking out the plane's window. And that the dawn's light had created a halo around his lover's head and wove into his hair with alternating rose and golden hues.
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Mesmerizing, that was the first word that came to Rick's mind as he gazed upon Horatio with awe and admiration. ..and he's MINE too...MINE...was the next thought as a small smile appeared on his face as he remembered how last night even in that very small way, he had staked his claim upon the ginger haired man.

The brunet decided not to say anything, but instead return to his rest, however his movement in his seat, ruffling the covers caused Horatio to look down at him. Subsequently, with a soft smile and a yawn coming unbidden from his lips, he too decided to get back under the covers and resume resting.

"My beautiful sunlit angel..." the brunet whispered the words to his beloved and even as he kept a comfortable distance between his and his beloved's body, he didn't hesitate to take Horatio's hand and hold it.

The touch, so intimate and unseen by anyone caused the redhead to smile and turn over falling asleep once more.
When he saw Horatio fall into such a peaceful slumber again, Rick found that his own eyelids were growing heavy again, too. With his fingers gently folded around Horatio's hand, he fell asleep.

**2 Hours Later**

Rick and Horatio woke up at the same time, looking into each other's eyes. Rick still had a gentle hold of the redhead's hand.

Rick caught sight of Montgomery heading in their direction, so he gave Horatio's hand a firm, comforting squeeze before releasing it, knowing that their flight attendant would probably be asking the men what kind of breakfast they would like.
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As the young attendant came up to them, Horatio smiled quietly and with just a hand gesture was able to convey that they no longer needed their blankets anymore. "I shall return to gather these after I finish my round asking about breakfast," Montgomery responded in the crisp voice that the pair found that they were hoping to hear more of in the future.

"What would you gentlemen care for breakfast?" he asked the pair.

"Any muffins perhaps?" Horatio was having a taste for them. " I'd think I'd like some heated bagels myself," Rick replied as the attendant looked at him. Rick smiled inwardly at the thought the lovers had chosen some of the other's favorite food to eat.

"Hope the line to brushing teeth isn't too long," Horatio decided to stand up and get his toothbrush and paste.

"No, there are very few people flying in First Class- you won't have to wait at all, honestly. Just fold the blankets if you don't mind and I'll get them on my way back down here." Montgomery said promptly as he noted their selections.

The fact that he was doing this personally, as he knew the type of relaxing that had gone on prior was a great source of comfort to the lovers. Without a word being said between the 3 of them they all relaxed in the knowledge that their tryst would be kept a secret.
**About 40 Minutes Later**

Horatio and Rick sat comfortably, enjoying their breakfast. The coffee was particularly good, and they watched each other eating the other person's usual food choice, and smiled.

"What do you think of the bagels?" Horatio asked.

"They're delicious, Horatio," Rick said. "The cream has a great taste to it. How are the muffins?"

"Very tasty, and they have an interesting shape, don't you think?" Horatio held an irregular-shaped long muffin in the air, and moved it in a naughty way."

"Horatio!" Rick scolded in a harsh whisper.
The brunet ignored the teasing gleam his lover gave him, instead he quickly wrapped his lips and teeth around the muffin and bit into it taking it into his mouth, chewing with a twinkle in his eyes that made the redhead's eyes open wide-

" I know that look Rick, now who's getting revenge?" Horatio told him in a half mocking still half shocked fashion, feeling his cheeks grow hot.

"Can't blame me Red, you put temptation in my way and believe me, it's not vengeance that motivates me," Rick smirked as he licked the crumbs of the blueberry part of the muffin off of his lips with a gleam in his eyes that caused Horatio to turn the air nozzle above him up a notch in order to partake of much needed cool air...
"Are you OK, Horatio?" Rick teased. "Are you feeling hot...'cause you sure are looking hot."

Horatio was about to respond when an announcement that the plane would be landing in Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta in thirty minutes made him stop.
The announcement felt like a cold splash of ice water onto the pair's faces. The reality of home and all it entailed raised its mixed specter of relief and dread; they each knew that it would probably be a long time before they could capture the carefree moments they had shared at the inn.

For Rick, however, the airport had another meaning although it was still quite far away, this place made him think of his parents and he began to wonder just why had there not been anymore telephone calls from them after the one he had received from his mother.

I wonder what they are thinking about will I tell them about all of this? The brunet turned away from Horatio briefly as a worried look crossed his handsome features...
But Horatio noticed how Rick turned away. He was sure Rick was worrying about what returning to Miami meant. Things would be different when they returned to their jobs there. They would have to be careful. As far as Calleigh and the rest of his team knew, he disliked Rick and everything he stood for. How would he react when he was talking to a member of his team and Rick, now his lover, walked into the room? Would he really be able to hide what he felt for the brunet?
Suddenly, Montgomery came by, causing the brunet to break from his solitude.

"Just making a final check to see that the passengers are secured in their seats," the young man said very businesslike, but with slight of hand that made Rick, who was an expert at such things himself, the flight attendant produced a business card. Without a word being said, Rick could see that it was Montgomery's own card with a cell phone number on the back that was a personal one.

"All accounted for here," Rick said to the young man in the same tone, as Horatio, who also saw the card, nodded in agreement. The brunet took the card and put it away.

Neither man spoke, nor did they even dare to show their apprehensions to each other.
No longer were they free to touch hands, or to console each other- it was time for a performance, one that would take all of their skill to pull off.

@@@@@@ 40 Minutes Later @@@@@@@

Landing at Hartsfield-Jackson airport in Atlanta

"We've got a 3 hour layover here, before our connecting flight takes us to Miami," Horatio's tone was brisk, businesslike. "It's a bit long but we can make good use of the time; besides, the little luggage we had will be safely transported to the other plane," the redhead said as he looked for a special membership card.

"The special Business Club section," Rick looked at both of their carry on pieces of luggage. "Good thing we brought our personals; in that area, we can get cleaned up; they have a nice shower section," the brunet replied with detachment.

The pair walked to the Club, which was a special membership only section for passengers. "Yes, so little luggage to fly home with indeed," Horatio's voice betrayed a cynicism- it was if he had left not only his heart but a major part of himself back in Las Vegas. That seemed so cliched, he mused, but sadly, as he had to admit, for him that was all too true.

After checking into the club, the couple went straight to the door where the spacious showers were located. "Well, you take the high road and I'll take the low road..." Rick gave his usual hangdog appearance, but his eyes were not jovial. He knew that right now their time, the very painful time for the lovers, the time of separation would begin right at the entrance to the shower area.

"Yes," Horatio replied, simply not wanting his lover to see the real pain behind his eyes, so without a backward glance, he walked away from the other man to where he would be the farthest away from him while he would take the time to get properly bathed and cleaned.
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This behavior, this distancing themselves, is what they had agreed on. They had talked about it while still at the inn. They had gone over it, agreeing it was necessary, though they dreaded it. It would protect them both when they got back to work. They felt.