Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

The couple passed through security and their personnel without any incident and boarded the plane.

"Talk about being treated right," Rick's eyes took in with complete satisfaction of the First Class accommodations. "Can't argue with that, do you want the seat next to the window or?" Horatio tried to be as nonchalant as possible in asking the question.

"Why don't you take in the view, I'll have a good view from here if I do say so myself ..." Rick eyes took on a teasing appearance as he answered the question.

"I'll just bet..." Horatio spoke, smiling back as he prepared to take the window seat.

The two men put their hand held luggage in the storage area securely above them and sat down buckling their seat belts as they began to hear the usual instructions for a flight.
Before too long, the plane taxied down the runway, picked up speed, and began it's ascent. Rick got that feeling like when he was in an elevator. He never did like that feeling. He looked at Horatio, who was looking out the window. The redhead sensed that his lover was looking at him and turned. Rick smiled at that. Horatio smiled at him. "Are you OK?" the redhead asked.

"Yeah," Rick answered, and it was true, because all he had really needed was to see his lover's smile.
Both men looked down at each other's hands and seat belts smiling as slightly as possible when they heard a crisp male voice announce that they could unbuckle their seat belts.

" Sure sounds like a young one doesn't it, H?" Rick cocked an ear to the side as he heard the voice. "Yes and male too..." Horatio said as his detective sense came into play.

"What's going on, your antennae are up," Rick said, his face taking that look that he wore when he was at work and picked up on somebody noticing something.

"We're not 20 minutes from Las Vegas and here we are, already into work mode; funny isn't it?" the ginger haired man took a sigh and Rick knew that Horatio didn't find it funny but rather instead, as burdensome.

"Yes, I have to's just too...soon" Rick's voice was a bare whisper. He didn't think it would be SO difficult to go back home...
"Looks like the voice we just heard is coming in our direction," Horatio said, muffling his own voice to keep it low.

A slender, young blond man was making his way toward them. He seemed to have his full attention on them already.

"Hi, gentlemen," he said, reaching their aisle. His voice was pleasant but crisp. "My name is Montgomery, and I'm your flight attendant. Can I get you anything--some pillows or blankets?"
An inflection in the young man's voice told Rick that he was Canadian; he looked over at Horatio who smiled appropriately and politely, but chose to say nothing. Rick knew that they would both want blankets and pillows, but decided not to make the decision for both of them. " Yes, Montgomery I would like to have both and what about you?" Rick spoke in a pleasant voice while he tapped Horatio discreetly on the forearm- he knew that although he had been silent, he had been paying attention.

"Yes, I'd like one of each myself, thank you." the redhead spoke softly as if he were out on a case.
Montgomery left to get the items for them. The lights in the passenger area had already been dimmed, so that anyone who wanted to sleep could do so.

"Are you tired at all, Horatio?" Rick asked.

"Not too much. I wouldn't mind a scotch, actually."

"I feel a little uneasy, so I wouldn't mind something with tequila, myself."

"Sorry to hear that, colt," Horatio said, and then quickly looked around to see who was sitting nearest to them who could've overheard his term of endearment. But they were fairly secluded from the nearest occupants. The two people who had earlier looked like they were going to be sitting diagonally behind the men weren't there after all. Horatio saw that they were sitting four rows up, instead.

"Yeah, this isn't too bad, Horatio," Rick said. "We have a little privacy."
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"Yes." the ginger haired man sighed in relief, looking down at his lover's hand; deciding to take the risk, he put one finger of his onto the brunet's hand, rubbing it ever so lightly.

Rick looked at him, seeing how he was looking down, not wanting to give anyone else even a glimpse of how all of this was affecting him. For the first time, he saw a darkling sadness in those eyes, pain from having to hide his feelings so soon.

"It's just the first hour or so, things will get angel." Rick whispered to him in a soothing voice.

It was then that the redhead shifted his eyes and lifted his head just slightly; he reveled in that soothing voice- the pain began to recede from his eyes as he looked into ones that were so gently amber and so very warm.

No words were needed; they could feel the love, healing and support that they were giving to each other.
Neither man wanted to cease from looking at the other. It was only a flash of movement, a figure approaching, that caused them to break eye contact.

"And here you go," Montgomery announced, holding the pillows and blankets. He handed the items to the men and then asked, "Can I get you anything else?"

"Yes, I'd like a shot of tequila, please," Rick said.

"Do you have Tyrconnells?" Horatio asked.

Their flight attendant's eyes lit up. "Yes, we sure do."

"Great," said the redhead. "I'd like it neat."

Montgomery smiled approvingly and left to get their drinks.
"Here you go gentlemen," Montgomery said quietly as he returned with their drinks.

After the couple said thank you, the flight attendant pointed to some buttons near them. "Should you require anything else, all you need to do, either one of you, is press this button. Otherwise, unless there is anything else, I shall leave you be," his voice was just as crisp but distinctively lower in tone as if he didn't want anyone but the couple to hear him.

Rick was the first to pick up on this just as he put the shot of tequila to his lips; Horatio on the other hand put his drink down as all three men looked at each other.

It was as if they had exchanged information in a *secret language,* the redhead thought and like a current of electricity that same thought passed to his lover- suddenly they recognized a certain look in the eyes- they had seen it before, when Ben had noticed that they were more than just 2 men traveling together...

Instead of saying anything, the pair nodded just enough for the young man to notice- if he was testing them, they were equally testing him as well.

"I understand completely. I'm on call all night, don't hesitate if you require anything else." in a crisp voice the attendant gave a very small smile as he spoke, then he left.

"He's very observant isn't he?" Rick said before taking a sip. "Yes, indeed and he's discreet too, quite for one so young," the ginger haired man spoke before finally taking a taste of his own beverage.

After quite a bit of silence, Rick looked towards him, a concern working on his mind.

"It's been hours and hours since you... well, you're not on a stakeout and it's not healthy to hold for so long," Rick whispered the words in his lover's ear; now that the lights were low and no one was sitting around them, he felt he could do this.

"I won't have you worrying any longer," Horatio smiled and spoke softly as he got up from his seat.

"...but you'll have to do the same when I get back..." he made his voice one mixed with teasing as well as concern.

"Agreed," the brunet replied as he moved just so slightly as to make it easier for his lover to walk in front of and past him to the aisle.

However, the body decided to act out what the mind was wishing- as he attempted to move aside, the brunet found that his hand inadvertently, went astray- it pressed and moved across the front of the ginger haired man's black denim jeans, resting only briefly onto the button on just at his beloved's belly.

Such an innocent act, but...for the touched starved pair- it felt as if a swift electrical current had run between the two of them.
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"Ooomphm," Horatio tried to muffle a gasp. Rick, realizing what he had done, recoiled his hand immediately just as if he really had gotten an electrical shock.

"Rick..." the redhead's voice was full of warning, but when he saw the look on Rick's face...his brunet lover was giving the most innocent hangdog expression Horatio had ever seen him do, all he could feel was extreme love and concern toward him.

"Horatio..." Rick said with his chin tilted down, barely able to look up into his lover's eyes. "I'm really sorry...I don't know what got into me..."
" s'okay, it's really okay, not to worry..." Horatio replied in a very quiet voice, wanting to reassure the brunet haired man. However, the shock of how intense that innocent mistake affected him made him hasten his step to the lavatory.

Poor Horatio, I didn't mean to, but I'm making it difficult for the both of us. Rick took a sigh and wondered just what to do. I almost feel like taking some more drinks and just hope I'll start going to sleep.

"Yeah, that's all I need- nursing a hangover in Miami and the mayor or some VIP shows up... very, very smart, Stetler..." Rick fussed quietly to himself.
**About 40 Minutes Later**

The men had finished their drinks and were feeling relaxed. They had dimmed the lights in their section.

Horatio adjusted his pillow and started to unfold his blanket. Rick did the same. "Yeah, we should try to rest," Rick said.

"My blanket seems nice and big," Horatio commented.

"Mine, too," Rick said, examining his. "I think we were given blankets meant for married couples."

"Yes," the redhead acknowledged, a sneaky smile tugging at his lips. "And I think we can make good use of them."

Rick started to grin because he saw Horatio was up to something, and he was pretty sure he knew along what lines his lover was thinking.

"Let's put our seats back." Horatio moved his back. It went down flat like a bed.

When Rick had moved his bed flat so that it was even with Horatio's, the redhead spread the extra width of his blanket over onto the brunet's side, covering him. Then Rick did the same with his blanket, sending the extra material Horatio's way.

"If anyone asks, we'll just say we were cold," Horatio said.

"That's right," Rick said. "It's not our fault we were given the wrong size blankets."

"I have an idea," Horatio said.

"What is it?"

"This," Horatio said with emphasis, and Rick's eyes went wide as he felt the hand of his lover. And all was hidden by the cover of the blankets.
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Their own overhead lights were so low that the lovers could only see flashes of light as it danced in their eyes. Rick's eyes looked to the ginger haired man as if they were pieces of amber passed near a fire.

"So...this is when you seek revenge huh?"...Rick's throaty voice seemed to vibrate to his lover's body.

"No...I wasn't thinking of that...truly..." the redhead replied, a sultry tone slipped away from him.

Hands as adept and agile as their minds began to toy with parts of their clothing as each partner sought out the precious treasures that were just beneath the surface. Metallic sounds quiet as a whisper were the only sounds that could be heard, but not by the lovers since pent up need and fear of discovery caused their blood to rush, pulsing rhythmically in their ears.
There was rustling of blankets and muffled mewlings of delight. Horatio had to briefly clamp a hand over Rick's mouth when his sounds threatened their discovery.
Notwithstanding, the ginger haired man had to put his mouth deeply into his pillow to silence his own happy sounds of fulfillment and much needed relief.

"Needed your touch so very, very badly. Love you so very, VERY much..." Rick's ear received the heat laden words from his lover.