Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Horatio and Rick looked at each other, each of them seeing the other's pained expression. Both of their hands met at the same time and slowly, gently clasped.

"I couldn't agree more," Horatio said, the sky of his blue eyes intermingling with the earth of his lover's brown ones.

Rick swallowed, unable to speak. He held Horatio's hand tighter. "Me too," he finally said with a breaking voice.
"I'm going to take you two at your word...besides, with a pair of wedding or commitment rings on, it will be easier to explain things, like those love marks you have there on your neck, for instance..." Ben said in a gentle but teasing voice and cocked his head towards Rick, while at the same time, he blinked back moisture from his eyes.

It took a moment for the brunet to realize what his driver and friend meant, then suddenly, he put his hand onto his neck and looked at his lover with a blush beginning to form on his cheeks.

"Wasn't thinking...when I put this on apparently," Rick lowered his eyes. "All, I was thinking about was how much you love how I look in this shirt, talk about lovestruck..." the brunet finished with a small, shy smile at his beloved.
"And I guess I depended a little too much on that liquid makeup stuff I put on my neck to stay put," Rick added, feeling his cheeks burning. "Now what am I going to do? I can't walk into the airport with these showing."

"I have a light jacket with a hood in the back somewhere," Ben announced. "You're more than welcome to take it."

Horatio leaned in close to his lover, put his arm around him, and gave him a one-armed hug of comfort, then a quick kiss.

"Thank you, Ben, I appreciate that," Rick said. "And it's better than having to re-open the suitcase and try to find something else to wear in there, which will just get it all messed up and hard to repack and close."

"No problem," Ben said.

Horatio tugged wistfully on the tie strings dangling from Rick's shirt. "And I don't want you to change into something else...And also, we can get something better to cover up the bites at the airport's store."
"I can park our vehicle safely and show you exactly where the little store is- save you from having to ask anyone anything as well as you know-those-pesky-types that have to ask *WHY?*" Ben said still with concern in his voice as they finally arrived at the airport.

The pair noticed how with practiced ease that their driver was able to obtain an obviously coveted parking space without any problem and was proceeding to go back to open the door for them "He's a regular here, look at how people treat him- he knows a lot of people around here; glad he's on OUR side," Rick whispered to Horatio, while he nodded in agreement as he carefully took a survey of their friend's movements and subsequent reactions to them.
When they had their luggage out of the shuttle, Rick said, "Thank you so much for everything, Ben," and tried to hand him a tip.

Ben waved the tip away. "Nope, that's not necessary. But I would enjoy having a way to contact you, if it's OK with you. I'd like to stay in touch. I have friends in Florida, so once in a while I'm out that way."

"Sure, Ben, that's fine," Horatio said and wrote his contact information on a small piece of paper, using the side of the shuttle as a table. He handed the paper and pen to Rick who wrote his information on there, too, and handed the paper to Ben.

"Thank you, gentlemen." Ben smiled warmly.
"We owe you more than just thanks, more than you know, actually..." Horatio spoke just for Ben and Rick's ears as he allowed Ben to lead them to straight to a store just before security. "They'll have everything you need to take care of that uh...mark that Rick's got. Also, I want you to know, I meant everything I said tonight,guys, everything, okay?" Ben's grey eyes looked deeply into the eyes of the two other men.
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"Thank you, Ben," Horatio said, extending his hand for a firm handshake. "I appreciate what you said. Thank you for saying it."

"Thank you, Ben," Rick said, shaking Ben's hand. "My sincerest thanks for what you said."

Ben grinned and shrugged. "I just tell things like how I see them."

The men said their final goodbyes, and Horatio and Rick were alone in front of the small store.

"Colt, you don't have to come in the store. I'll go in and get the stuff for you," Horatio offered.

"Thanks, Horatio," The brunet said, his eyes lowered in a shy expression. "I feel weird going in there and looking in the makeup section."

"It'll be OK," the redhead told him. "I'll be right back."

Rick watched his lover's sexy, jean-clad backside disappear into the store. When he could no longer see the redhead through the store's glass, he started to feel acutely conspicuous, standing there by himself.
Rick smiled to himself as unconsciously, he began to paw the ground like an impatient race horse; he couldn't help but notice the awes and stares his lover got while he made that easy stride right into the store.

Almost wished HE had his gun out attempting to solve a crime; that might make those lusty stares change into ones of fear, the brunet mused as he felt a twang of jealousy begin to build up inside of him. But immediately, he began to calm down and smile to himself as the knowledge that such a prize was all his began to flood his thoughts, causing him to smile.
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But then it occured to him that such an expression might draw too much attention to himself, and so he stopped. But not soon enough. When an attractive blonde woman walked toward the security area, passing by him, luggage in tow, she fixed her eyes on him and smiled.

Oh, no, Rick thought. Smiling the briefest of polite smiles, he bent down and pretended to tie his shoe. The last thing he needed was to have anyone see these marks on his neck. And it would be just his luck if someone came up to him to ask what time it was or something. And, unfortunately, he had forgotten to take Ben's jacket to put on. Luckily, though, when he stood back up, the blonde woman had passed by. But he sure wished Horatio would hurry up and come back. He pressed his shoulder against the wall where he stood, trying to be as invisible as possible. Then he saw a red flash out the corner of his eye. He looked up and saw Horatio coming out of the store carrying a bag.
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"My flame tree to the rescue," Rick expelled a breath as Horatio came just within hearing distance of his words. "What's wrong? It wasn't a problem to get these things at all," Horatio held a small package in his hands as he noticed the slightly nervous look in Rick's eyes.

"Bad enough to forget about the hood and have these marks plain for everyone to see, but well, suffice it to say- we probably are both going to garner some serious attention from the fairer sex at least. One was making a beeline for me; good thing I thought to tie my shoelace," Rick managed to get the words out, giving a sigh of relief.

"I...see" the redhead responded. "Now you know why I don't wear jeans that often. I swear someone was about to pinch me if I hadn't done a move that worthy of a glide on a dance floor," he continued and smiled at Rick showing how he had eluded such an intrusion.

"Men's room isn't the place to put this on. We'll just find a good spot outside of security and get your wounds, shall we say, properly attended to. I see a quiet area there just out of the line of sight of the major portions of the passers-by." Horatio pointed to a set of chairs that were vacant in a quieter area just out of sight of security.

"Lead the way, then I'll be glad to get covered up," the brunet stood behind him gesturing him to lead. "You are acting like a Colt, one whose has been pawing nervously," Horatio spoke very gently; both of them knew that they would have to be careful even in the way they touched each other now, especially out in public.
"I have been pawing nervously," Rick said as Horatio led him to the chairs.

"OK, now just sit down and relax." The redhead used a soothing voice.

Rick sat down, peering at Horatio's bag. "So, what did you get?"

Horatio sat and started to remove the contents of the bag and set them on the small table in front of them. One item was a box of bandaids and the other was--

Rick's lips curved in a boyish smile. "You got me pimple ointment?"

"Well, it was either that or Cover Girl." Horatio said, grinning. "There wasn't a lot to choose from. The ClearAway ointment will cover as well as medicate, the pimple."

"I don't have a pimple."

"You know what I mean. If you don't want to use the ointment, you can just put a large bandaid on each of the bites."

"Well, OK." Rick gave Horatio a dubious look. "I hope this works."

"It will."

Rick decided he wanted the ointment on the bite mark on the front of his neck, and a large bandaid on the one at the back. Horatio offered to assist. He moved closer to Rick, so that he could apply the ointment.
"I bought some alcohol wipes in foil, have to put this on my fingers first," Horatio spoke quietly as he prepared himself. After he had finished, the redhead knelt in front of his partner and began to apply the ointment.

Rick winced a little at the feel of the ointment, but knew it was working. At the same time he took advantage of the fact that he was being given, unintentionally a clear view of his beloved's incredible eyes; "blauwer dan de hemel, je ogen zijn blauwer dan de hemel" Rick found himself murmuring the words, his voice betraying just how easily and quickly he could lose and forget himself looking into those eyes.

"You're going to make me blush again, my colt," Horatio fought to keep a pinkness from appearing on his cheeks. "I'm almost afraid to ask...what does it mean?" he smiled and ducked his head, hoping that he would think of a good excuse for the blushing.

"I'm sorry...I couldn't help it." Rick whispered. "I said to you *bluer than heaven, your eyes are bluer than heaven." Rick smiled gently but didn't move to touch his ginger haired beloved.
Their eyes flickered together. Flames of longing. Horatio felt his lips tremble.

"I wish I could kiss you, now." Horatio said in a low voice, taking a deep shaky breath to try to steady himself. "I would if we were in private."

"I know. And I would kiss you back," Rick whispered, a little too loudly.

"Shhhhh," Horatio warned.

"Sorry," the brunet said, looking down at the carpeting.

"No, sweetheart, I need you to look up," said the redhead in that low voice. "Let me finish getting this stuff on you just right, so you won't have to worry about the mark showing during the flight."

The brunet looked up and Horatio tried to concentrate on getting the ointment on evenly, but then he became aware that Rick's chest hairs, "The Fur" as Horatio liked to think of it as, were poking through his lover's shirt. The tie string had loosened and they were jutting upward in a very tantalizing fashion.
Ohhh..." Horatio inadvertently expelled a breath and shifted while kneeling. His reaction was immediate and urgent-the constricting feeling his denim jeans were giving him was getting to him.

He makes me behave like I was in my teens, when I was alone and relaxed and had TIME and the desire to think about- he didn't dare finish that thought; his famous iron willed control was slipping away from him like sand in an hourglass he thought ruefully, of how his lover affected him.

And those tantalizing chest hairs, moving ever so slightly with each slight pant that Rick took were not helping the situation at all, he equally knew. Even as he opened and closed his eyes slowly, while swallowing in a struggle to get a hold of himself, his lover was responding; Rick's face took on a glow as he felt the rush of heat race to the ginger haired man's finger tips, that heat that was so good to feel; the brunet was so tempted to kiss those fingers, even if they were covered with cream and rubbing alcohol, in spite of all these people around them, the temptation was so very great.

" I think they have the air conditioning on a bit too high in here," Rick said in an excusing manner as he took his hands and quickly tied up his shirt trying to hide as much of his chest fur as he could in order to help his beloved get back into some semblance of normality.

"Try to think of that awful decomp that you had to work on a month or 2 ago H, it possibly could help restore things to normal," Rick's eyes were telling his lover what he was seeing almost too plainly.

"I will, thank you...glad these are black jeans, heaven help me if they were anything else..." Horatio swallowed and whispered back, his voice showing his gratitude as he then turned his thoughts to the unpleasant event, hoping it would bring him back to a more relaxed state of being.

A few minutes later, with cooler hands and the ability to stand up without embarrassment, the ginger haired man put the ointment and the band aid onto the back of the brunet's neck, sufficiently covering the other love bite.
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Rick tried not to notice the way the airport lighting was playing off the strands of his lover's hair, causing it to shimmer as if parts of it were slightly damp. Damp. Rick felt hot. His chest was heaving. At least he was wearing his favorite loose-fitting pants, so he didn't have to suffer the sudden constriction that Horatio had gone through. Rick tried to take a long, deep breath, but he started to cough. Horatio's blue shirt was catching the light, too. Something about the fabric. But those black jeans...

"Rick, just try to think of the paperwork that's waiting for you back at IAB...Mountains of paperwork..." Horatio's words interrupted.

"I think I'd almost rather think of decomp."

"Think of decomp surrounded by mountains of paperwork..."

"Thank you, Horatio."

The redhead nodded, studying his lover, and said, "I think the question now becomes: Are either of us going to be able to stand up all the way and walk to the airport security area?" Horatio glanced at his watch. "Because it's time for us to go."

Rick sighed and shook his head. "I'm OK now, after thinking about that last image you gave me." He rose to his feet, reaching for his suitcase.

Horatio put the ointment and bandaids back in the bag, stood up the rest of the way, reached for his suitcase, and the redhead and the brunet walked toward airport security.
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