Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

"I'm a colt all right and I won't be wearing an *English Saddle*; I can say that for a fact!" Rick breathed out the words as he did a mock trot, all too eager to get to their bedroom.

After they arrived there, Horatio looked around the bedroom, while Rick still felt like teasing. "Looking for something? I've locked up the spurs AND hidden the key," the brunet said as he began fold back the covers and finished by laying out on the bed like an artist's model ready to be painted.

"I'm good at finding hidden things you know; one never gets too old to play hide and seek," Horatio's eyes smoldered as he slowly let his robe fall to the ground.

The ginger haired man made a show of his birthday suit as he sat down on the bed, his fingers luxuriating in touching the soft hairs of the brunet man's chest.

"Promise to groom you properly too..afterwards..." Horatio lowered his face towards his beloved, as without another word being said, the two of them allowed themselves to be swallowed up once move by the waves and arches of the seas of desire that they created only for one another.

The tempest was tempered with a need to be gentle as well as to make every kiss, every caress count as if the lovers instinctually knew that they needed to have something to hold on to emotionally for quite some time.
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"Ahhhhh," Rick moaned as Horatio touched him in just the right ways.

"Easy, colt, we don't want to get too excited...remember what happened when we last used a bed."

"Ok, Horatio, so not too wild a biting."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I have to bite you..."

**2 Hours Later**

Rick was stretched out on the bed torpidly. "So...Horatio, do you think now would be a good time to clean our guns?"

The redhead started to chuckle, and just looked at him, shaking his head.
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"I'm being serious about the guns .." Rick's face couldn't hold the soberness he wanted and he began to laugh too, then he took a quick look in the mirror.

"I'm not only your *Colt* but I've been branded too," Rick said, looking at the not too small love bite on his neck. "Man, H I hope I don't have to go through a search for the plane or the physical...I don't know what I'm gonna say!" Rick gave a playful version of his *hangdog expression* as his lover began to laugh softly but naughtily...

"I guess I just love you too much, Rick... you feel good, but taste even better and just in case... I should tell you the back of your neck has a twin love bite there." Horatio's eyes glittered with delight.

"Hmmmph that's IT! I'm wearing a hood, security at the airport be hanged!" Rick pretended to fuss as he tossed a pillow deliberately, missing his amorous companion...
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Horatio laughed, putting his hands on his hips and watching his lover. "Well, I think you'll look cute in a hood. Maybe in a cinnamon brown color."
" No more talk about cinnamon...remember if it breaks we're going to have to do some very clever explaining..." Rick teased back as he patted the bed lightly while at the same time, allowed his eyes to wander and admire his lover's form...

"Strawberries and cream in a copper bowl...that's how you're looking to me, right now" the brunet licked his lips in a teasing way, causing the redhead suddenly to feel a need to pick up his robe and cover himself, while he turned away trying to hide a newly forming blush...
Rick quickly stepped forward and caught hold of the robe, trying to yank it away from the redhead. A hilarious tug of war ensued. Rick grabbed more and more of the robe away from his lover who was blushing a deep cranberry red.

"Oh I can see every inch of your blushing now, my angel!" And with one final tug, Rick had complete control of the robe. And with mischief gleaming in his eyes, he tossed it on the far side of the bed. Then he turned to his lover, eyes sweeping in a naughty direction, and an altogether different type of tug of war began.
They varied between the tauntness of each man striving to reach the apex of their desires and the tension of the rampant, newly raging need climbing up between as well as inside each of them. It was Horatio's turn to be pulled along by his amorous companion; Rick wanted him to feel a heightened sense of every movement, every utterance and each wave of ecstasy.

As the precious passion filled moments passed at long last, the lovers took time to relax, cradling one another. "You just didn't brand me with your love bites, my angel, but also...with your own special fire as you always do... mijn mooie boom passie gevuld beautiful passion filled flame tree..." Rick translated for his ginger haired beloved, who arched up catlike from pleasure from the romance filled words; he said nothing- his azure eyes showed the brunet how deeply and tenderly he felt that love from those words.

" I love my heart and soul... How DO you say that in Dutch my colt?" Horatio gently touched the lips of his lover after a long pause, his eyes so soft and warm.

"Ik hou van jou in mijn hart en ziel" that's how it said, my delicious, darkling angel- Rick's voice crooned the words in translation back to him, kissing him tenderly after he did so.
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**Two Hours Later**

"Well, I'm just about all packed and ready to go," Rick said with a sigh.

"Me too," Horatio said, fumbling around in the closet. "But I can't find my red silk--oh here it is...I got it." Horatio extracted his shirt from the closet and then said, "Rick, do you want to take this Ants in the Pants game we played?" The redhead picked up the box so that rick could see it.

"No, let's just leave it there in the closet for when we come back here again," Rick said. "Put it at the back in that large drawer thing back there. No one'll find it there."
"We can get a copy of the painting and another fleecy carpet with the cacti to take back home can't we?" Horatio looked at the bedroom with a deep sigh as he moved the child's game way to the back of the closet.

"Yes, I'll have the concierge ship copies back to us via DHL. They'll get to my place a day or so after we get home," Rick took a deep sigh.

Both men dressed carefully; they wore comfortable clothing and shoes since it was going to be a night flight.

"Should we check each other's handgun?" Rick began to go to his holster, looking at Horatio as he was about to do the same.
The two men carefully cleaned their guns and returned them to their secure place.

"I have to tell you, Horatio, you are looking hot in those jeans."
Rick nodded approvingly at the way the denim molded to the redhead's pert backside.

"You don't make it easy for a guy do you, colt?" Horatio responded, as deep inside he wondered how he was going to manage in the future. It had been so nice to know that while they were here, he had the choice of either succumbing to his lover's tender advances like this right away, or delay them for what he knew would only be a short while.

However now, they were both on a new journey, one that would mean delays and well as denials for many things. Without thinking, the ginger haired man folded his arms over his stomach-however, he didn't realize that Rick already knew that when he did something like this, that it meant that he was trying to protect himself from the emotional discomfort that something was causing him.

Rick walked over and took him into his arms, holding him very close, protectively close, willing all of his down-to-earth strength to flow right into his beloved. Horatio responded by breathing out a sigh of relief- they would be together, united again in their special way soon; fate was not going to keep them apart for years, he hoped this time...
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Horatio looked into Rick's brown eyes and managed a smile. Then he noticed the shirt Rick had chosen to wear for the flight home. Horatio shook his head.

"Rick, of all the shirts that you could've picked, did you have to pick that one?" Horatio's eyes were on the top front of the brunet's blue shirt. It was like a henley, but the open area at the neck tied with a thick string that criss-crossed, instead of buttoning. "It's so...kinky," the redhead continued. "I can see your chest fur."

Rick blinked and gave a hurt look. "I thought you liked this shirt, Horatio."

"Well that's just the problem," Horatio explained. "I don't just like that shirt, I love that shirt, and how it fits you, kind of loose yet clingy...and how it exposes your neck and..."

"Chest fur." Rick blushed and turned his head slightly.

"At least lace it more tightly," Horatio said.

Rick pulled on each end of the ties and closed the material together. "Is it OK now?"

"That's good," said the redhead. "Now other people on the plane won't be looking at you and making me jealous." Horatio swept a hand through his hair.
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" I could equally ask you to wear your shirt over that cute rear of yours but I won't- I'll be right next to you most of the time, as if to say, he's ALL mine!" Rick laughed.

"...and you've mussed up your hair, let me stroke it back into place..." Rick began to work the unruly crimson strands with his long fingers. "Uh oh... I remembered from the LAST TIME I caressed your hair," Rick stopped and picked up Horatio's spare comb and began to carefully comb it into place.

"You might be a bomb squad expert, but you act like a ticking bomb to me sometimes too, especially at times like this," Rick finished combing his lover's hair quickly as Horatio sighed in agreement.

"I can see how careful you are being not to give me any come hither smiles too," Horatio said quietly almost wishing though that the brunet would...
"It's almost 8:15," Rick said quietly.

"Yeah, Ben will be out there waiting," Horatio said with a sigh.

The men took one last look at the interior of their place--the place that they had spent such a happy time "recuperating" in, closed the door behind them, and with their suitcases, walked to the front of the inn.

The redhead and the brunet had only been standing in front of the inn for a few minutes when Ben drove up in the shuttle. He opened the door and watched to see that they got in OK.

"So tonight's the big night, huh," Ben noted. "And you two don't look very happy about it either."

Horatio hadn't realized that his unhappiness would be so easily readable. He glanced at Rick, who tried to smile, but couldn't seem to.

"We've had a great time here," Horatio finally said.

Ben put the shuttle into drive and they slowly pulled away from the Cobalt Sky Inn.
The pair sat near the front around Ben, who remained silent as he drove. Rick found himself looking down at the clean floor; he had been to the inn before but either by himself or with close members of his family. He hoped that Horatio would not see in his face how his heart was sinking, how it felt like it was free falling to the floor- I haven't felt anything like this way since I saw him...with HER... Rick bit his lip to keep from sighing.

Horatio looked away from Rick and tried to focus on the scenery; however, he had to close his eyes- on the road it seemed that all he saw were the outlines of cacti or a glimpse of some very tall ones as they appeared in the quick moving headlights.

Why, did it seem, that pain for him, seemed to last for an eternity while pleasure, let alone joy and happiness were so fast fleeting?

"Since we're alone and we're friends now, at least I hope we all are," Ben said finally after the silence almost felt like a weight, "I'm going to say this to you. I don't think you are the kind of guys who just spent this time playing head games. You two are seriously in love- you don't need to be apart... I hope that some how some kind of way that you'll be able to do something about it- something like... have a commitment ceremony or even better- get MARRIED!"