Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

The needs of the two lovers grew and deepened. Their passion became like two rivers running parallel on their way to merging into one powerful larger river--at first slow and smooth, but then picking up speed, and turning into rapids. Tumultuous water cascaded over hard rocks that were kept slick by each pass of the roiling liquid. It undulated and thrashed, unstoppable, until the merging point was at hand. Water crashed against itself, becoming one, becoming something more than itself, the spray from its waves coating the nearby landscape.
Horatio could still hear the deep breaths of his beloved as he felt a slender hand hold one of his wrists. "You're my own special flame alright-this metal was ice cold when I put it on you, now it's deliciously hot..."the brunet purred as he unlocked the handcuffs one at a time, allowing them to fall onto the cement.

"Hmmm, I must say;I really like your restraining style, " his lover spoke, still trying to come down from the sheer high he was feeling. He waited patiently as nimble fingers untied the handkerchief around his eyes, he decided to keep them closed as he was all too eager to be surprised- what was that object, he mused, that his lover had run like a prickly pine needle on practically every part of his body; he quivered with excitement at the thought, wondering if seeing it would make him *ardent* he smiled at the word, once more.

"No need to keep your eyes closed, my angel- please... I want you to look..." Rick whispered the words in an intimate fashion and smiled, his own dark eyes glinting with sated desire as the ginger haired man looked at the object in the palm of his hand.

"A...A spur?" Horatio's blue eyes were wide with wonder before they went at once to a half lidded state upon remembering the effect the object had on him. " Ohhhh" he uttered; his warm, damp fingers were eager to touch it and his lover did not deny him.

"Yes this part is called the rowel," Rick watched in fascination as the redhead ran the tip of his finger along the sharp points. "I collect them; never thought about using them to give pleasure to someone until you seeing you like that-it just went right through me..." Rick spoke almost in a trance as he gently moved Horatio's hand away so he would have free access to his beloved's mouth, from which he began to procure a loving kiss...
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They kissed tenderly, and then Rick suggested they get back in the hot tub.

"But before I get in, I'm going to get us some champagne," Rick said happily. "I'll be right back. Don't go away."

"Never," Horatio replied as he enjoyed the view of Rick walking back toward the sliding glass door wearing only the suit he was born in.

Horatio eased into the nice warm water. The night air was mild, and the sky overhead was alive with stars.
"The stars seem to be with us tonight," his lover said smiling as he returned with an ice bucket containing a magnum of champagne and 2 fluted glasses that were dipped in the ice. "Yes...they are," the redhead breathed as he looked up into the sky. "Seeing them inside as well as out there huh?" Rick smirked as he lowered himself bit by bit into the warm water, making a show of his birthday suit, causing Horatio to look upon him through half lidded eyes and a mouth made to be buried in deep kisses.

"Aren't you too?" Horatio teased rubbing Rick's stomach in the gently moving waters. " I can tell when you're...just... just like..." he whispered lovingly into the brunet's ear his eyes twinkling with delight as he caused a deep blush to appear on his beloved's cheeks.

"Let's drink deeply... they say that champagne is like drinking stars..." Horatio made his voice sound its most alluring as he reached over to open the bottle, being careful not to let any of the precious liquid fizzle out.
The two men relaxed in the water, sipping their champagne.

"Here's to you, Horatio," Rick said, moving his glass toward Horatio's.

"And to you, Rick." Their glasses clinked.

They sipped more of the delightful liquid and both started to get tipsy.

"Hey, Horatio, look at that star," Rick said, tilting his head back, eyes skyward. "It's moving toward us."

Horatio looked. "Don't worry, my colt, I won't let them take you. You're mine."

"You don't think it's really a UFO, Horatio, do you?"

"I think we might be getting too tipsy to be in the water."
"I'm not letting anything nor any one get YOU, colt," the ginger haired man was firm as he took both glasses and set them back in the ice bucket; subsequently, he took a hold Rick firmly and didn't stop until they were both safely on the cushion away from the tumbling waters with the ice bucket right next to them.

"We drank deeply all right," Rick murmured as after a time he noticed that the magnum was empty. Horatio nodded but put his arm upon his lover, wanting him to stay close. He welcomed the loving words in Dutch that the brunet was saying softly, even if he didn't understand them just yet.

The redhead noticed two stars, both shining brightly in the sky together, far brighter than the others around them. Another one nearby shot past the two and upon seeing that, he made a wish for their future together, knowing how capricious life in the past for both of them had been.

"You said that you're mine- I've never been anybody's truly but yours and I don't wish to belong to any other..." Rick said in that very plain way of his that made the ginger haired man feel secure, safe and above all cherished and loved. With that he put his arm around the brunet's slender waist- it would stay there as they slept for the rest of the night and way after dawn's light....
**3 Hours Later in the Breakfast Nook**

"Rick, these cheese grits are really delicious with fried eggs," Horatio said before he put another forkful in his mouth.

"My mama taught me how to make those," Rick said. "I'm glad you like them." Rick sat down with his own plate and started eating.

A few minutes passed as the two enjoyed their food, and then Rick said, "I'm sure not looking forward to all the paperwork that's waiting for me back at IAB."
"A veritable mountain of it won't it be?" the redhead sighed as he put his fork down. "Well that comes with the territory. I sure learned that lesson myself," Horatio began to push his fork around his plate.

"We'd better make sure our guns are properly cleaned too. Glad we didn't have to fire them." Rick replied soberly. "So am I. It was nice of Gil to give us two cleaning kits, we were so in a rush to get here... that seems like an eternity ago, doesn't it?" Horatio decided to continue to eat, for his lover's sake.
"Yeah, and I have been wishing that we never had to go back, but I suppose that they do need me. Somebody has to do the job." Rick sighed and reached for his glass of orange juice. "And I do help protect the Department, you know."

Rick said that last part a little defensively, and Horatio couldn't help but chuckle. "I know you do, Rick," the redhead said leaning forward and rubbing his lover's shoulder. "And I want you to know that over the last several months, I've noticed how concerned you've been about me. And I've appreciated it."
" I really needed to hear that, thank you for that. I'm sorry I was so touchy a minute ago," Rick leaned into the caress looking into Horatio's eyes, but not with his usual hangdog expression, but rather one of trepidation- he was praying that nothing on the home front would tear at what the two of them had been able to build together out here.

"Every ship needs a storm to test its mettle, my daddy used to say," Rick spoke after a long silence. "I've worked long and hard- but the job better not come between you and me better not or..." the brunet's voice suddenly changed into a very commanding tone.

"Rick, you don't mean? YOU mean you'd actually...?" Horatio's eyes grew wide as he contemplated upon exactly what his beloved was thinking about doing...
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"Yes, Horatio," Rick said firmly. "I'd resign. I've always wanted a relationship with you, and now that I have it--now that I have you, nothing is more important to me."

Horatio got up and walked over to where Rick sat and put his arms around him, hugging him warmly and posessively.
He held his beloved that way for a considerable space of time, then, he took Rick's face into his hands, peering deeply into those determined, amber color flecked eyes." No one's EVER loved me enough... to want to sacrifice something that means so much to them for US. I love you, too my colt, just as much and I want you to know that I'd do the very same thing for US, since to me, I need you in my life TWICE as much," Horatio fought to keep his voice from breaking as he could feel tears forming behind his eyes.
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Tears welled in Rick's eyes, too, upon hearing his lover's proclamation. He leaned forward and rested his forehead against the redhead's.

Horatio took in a sharp breath. "Rick, I need to put action behind what I just told you. I need to take you to our bed. Now."
"YES SIR!" the brunet said as with a devilish grin, he motioned for the ginger haired man to step to the side so he could get up out of his seat. When Rick was on his feet, he gathered his lover into his arms, relishing the feeling of fire that was building up between them.

"Better not waste a minute, you're really set to go aren't you?" Rick smirked as he released his hold.

As Horatio tapped rhythmically with his finger onto the hollow of his beloved's neck with a knowing gleam in his eye- he stifled a laugh as Rick began to blush at the meaning.

" Just like a water faucet now, aren't you, you EAGER, impatient little thing, YOU!" Rick's teasing smile and voice were suddenly replaced by a gasp borne of sheer longing and desire.

"Well, I might BE eager and impatient but as to the other...." before he could finish, the redhead found warm fingers touching his lips accompanied by twinkling in rich brown eyes...
Horatio looked into his lover's eyes and smiled. He walked around the man and closed in behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and stomach in a snug grip.

Rick laughed joyously. "Horatio, are you trying to ride me?"

"Yes, well, you are my colt," the redhead answered with a soft growl. "Now start walking forward so I can ride you into the bedroom."
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