Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Rick went over to Horatio and put him into his arms, holding him gently. "My dear one, as I grew up calling her informally,always taught me that the truth was the best. I love you and I'm not ashamed of you OR of us." the brunet began a very tender kiss...
And Horatio helped him continue and deepen that kiss. Then Horatio stopped kissing him, and loosened his embrace. "Oh no," he said, and started laughing. He took a step back.

"What??" Rick asked bewildered. "Why did you stop kissing me?"

Horatio was laughing heartily and staring at what Rick thought was his chin.

"The love bite, Rick, the love bite!"

Rick touched his fingertips to the right side of his neck, wincing slightly.

"She would have seen it, Rick, she obviously must have seen it," the redhead said, trying to control his laughter.
" Yes, she still has an eagle's eye that's for sure- we won't have to wear ties or anything for the tea, I mean." Rick just shook his head blushing and laughing as Horatio felt his own face turn a very deep red as well; he too began to break out into a bit of laughter.
"Yes, she couldn't have missed that. She still has an eagle's eye that's for sure. Well, at least we won't have to wear ties or anything for the tea, I mean." Rick just shook his head blushing and laughing as Horatio felt his own face turn a very deep red as well; he too began to break out into a bit of laughter.

@@@@ Later at 3:50 PM in Heloise's own suite @@@@@

Rick stood at the door feeling like he was meeting someone's parents; instead of clenching his hands, he found Horatio's own hand and held it tightly. Each man found comfort in the strength that they gave to one another. The brunet knocked onto the door and heard the familiar voice coming towards the door to let him in.

"You've come early, that's just fine," she smiled at her charge, but Horatio noticed that her hazel eyes were looking very keenly at the two of them although it was quite subtle and not at all rude. In the part of the suite that the redhead could see had been clearly set up as a salon of sorts, there were fine comfortable chairs made to be sat upon for a long period of time as well as an elaborate spread set out.

Both men helped the elderly woman to settle down in her chair from politeness although clearly she wanted Horatio to sit a bit closer to her.

"Young man," she said to the redhead looking at him directly. "You would think me quite dishonest if you didn't think that I was expecting a woman to come here with Richard, wouldn't you?" Horatio found her scrutinizing him in almost the same way that he himself, would examine a stranger.

"I wouldn't quite say dishonest, ma'am. It's an unexpected situation I am sure," Horatio replied- this woman is very upfront and frank, he mused.

No one had touched any cups or china, the room seem to be holding its breath, waiting for something. " My dear one," Rick said. "I want to introduce this man to you, in the honest ways that you taught me. I owe you that because your sweetling loves and respects you," Rick said looking at her calmly.

"This is Lieutenant Horatio Caine; he is my beloved, my partner, the one I'm intimate with, the one I hope to spend the rest of my life with. The one I've loved for..." Rick abruptly stopped as her hazel green eyes went wide and she interjected: " THIS IS HIM? * JE GROTE VLAM BOOM? Heloise lapsed into Dutch for a second. " I mean the one all those years ago you called your big flame tree?" she stood up to gaze at the fair ginger haired man as if she were seeing a miracle being enacted.

"OH RICHARD! Oh thank heavens! After so long, so very, very VERY long!"

Horatio's eyes grew wide and the shock of her reaction made him pale. A miracle? What more to the story WAS there?
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The memory of what had occured those years ago at the Academy, when Horatio had become distant towards him, and had then come back from the Canadian skiing trip with a new girlfriend, slammed into Rick's mind. Heloise had been the one who had comforted him when he went back home completely dejected. It was her shoulder he had cried on. He had told her all about Horatio. He had somehow repressed this fact--pushed it far back in his memories. But, yes, he had told her about the gorgeous redhead--his feelings toward him--and how his hair made him think of one of those big Flame Trees that were native to Heloise's country.
Horatio however, was still in the dark as to these musings. Seeing his reaction, Heloise decided to speak.

" We need to fill you in; but first it's okay if I call you Horatio, isn't it?" she spoke quietly.

" Of course it is, ma'am please DO tell me- I'd really like to know what's going on," Horatio said calmly.

"Richard told me about you, how special you were and I gather never stopped being special to him from when he met you at the academy. From the day he met you, he found you to be attractive, just like a flame tree. A flame tree is a very special tree that grows not only where I live but in other parts of the world as well," she went to get a picture of one that was in total bloom. "Here you can see for yourself," she handed the redhead a fine portrait of that tree, one she had taken when she went to visit New Caledonia in the South Pacific.

As Horatio gazed at the lovely picture in awe and admiration, Rick found he had regained his composure.

"Yes you were so special to him, but I guess the times and the situation kept you two from being together. My poor sweetling, I was afraid at the time and for many years afterwards, had given up hope on the two of you being able to be together, but I had not. I am glad that I did not give up. I know that as two men in law enforcement it's going to be difficult to be together," she took the redhead's hand and looked at the two men.

"But very little is impossible, if two people truly love one another. So I need to ask you- do you love my Richard? Are you happy with him, Horatio?" Horatio could feel her gaze upon him akin in its depth to his very own upon another, when something about that person was very important to him...
"Ma'am," Horatio said, and put his arm around Rick. "This man has become a very important part of my life. I love him very much."

Heloise saw that the red-headed man's eyes had become moist as he finished telling her how he felt about her Richard. And she also noted that Richard's eyes had become moist and full of emotion as well.
"...and I am very happy with him, happier than I've ever been, ma'am," the ginger haired man finally took out his handkerchief and gave it to his beloved, who dried his eyes and then returned it to him so that he could do the same for himself.

" Please..." Heloise stifled a sniffle as she dabbed at her own eyes. "Ma'am now is just too formal. Would it bother you if...if you called me Tante Heloise?" It's another word for Aunt. If you would like something else then, I am sure we can come up with something..." Heloise's voice still held a grateful sob in it as she began to touch the tea and coffee pots in order to keep her hands busy.

"Tante," I like that very much," Horatio spoke softly, trying to get a hold of his own exposed emotions."I'd be honored to call you Tante Heloise," the tears made his azure eyes shine like exotic jewels, ones that captivated the older woman.

"mijn lieve Ierse vlamboom..." she said almost musically as she smiled in approval of her sweetling's choice. "Now to me, you'll always be my sweet Irish Flame Tree... " her voice was catching and suddenly, the ginger haired man caught himself turning as red as the leaves of the tree he had seen in the picture.
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"Oh yes, sweetling," the older woman said to Rick, "such a uniquely handsome one your Horatio is." The woman smiled and set her gaze back on the redhead.

Horatio felt his cheeks burning dangerously. He was glad Rick's Tante liked him, but he wished that instead of tea, he had a glass of ice water, and that he could use one of the cubes to cool this fierce blushing. He was grateful when he felt Rick's hand start to gently rub his back. Hopefully it would distract him enough so that he could return to his usual coloring.
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"He's even handsomer when he blushes like this, my dear one, " Rick teased, finding that part of his lover's back that he knew with special rubbing would soon get his coloring back to normal- however, it would take a while and that suited the brunet just fine.

"I can see that; his special fire certainly melted away that icy persona you wore all these years- now I have my warm, loving but very mischievous colt back, don't I? " Heloise teased and laughed, her eyes sparkling with very vivid memories.

"Yes...he can be just like a colt sometimes," the redhead murmured under his breath, his sensual tone giving away to a wide eyed open look that led to more blushing as he looked at his partner.

"Colt? Did you grow up with her calling you that?" Horatio asked in a way that someone who had been playfully teased asked a question.

"Yes, I did"- Rick had that gleam in his eye that one could tell meant he was up to mischief as well. " Hmmm and you didn't tell ME..." Horatio pretended to be in a huff, he just knew his whole body must be turning crimson now.

"You never asked me and second...well, there has not been a lot of time... for talking anyway, frankly..." the brunet gestured his graceful free hand like a magician, while he smiled naughtily.

"Oh Richard, do not tease him anymore, or I swear he'll get sweet revenge upon you..." Heloise said with a knowing eye. "Je luitenant is mannelijk en vurig" she continued.

"Yes indeed," Rick laughed. "...she was telling me that your lieutenant is virile and ardent..." Rick kept smiling, all the while knowing that yes, the redhead would be unleashing a very *sweet* revenge upon him in the not too distant future...
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Horatio nearly choked on his tea when he heard Rick translate what Tante Heloise had just said. And he felt a new version of the blushing start to bloom on his skin again because he realized what the woman must have noticed. Horatio crossed his legs tightly. Rick's shoulder rub had had an unwanted effect.

Rick took another one of the small meat pies, and started munching on it in an effort to quell his laughter. And when he noticed how Horatio was sitting, he passed him one of the meat pies, too. Horatio focused on eating the tasty food and on drinking his tea, and started to gradually relax. Within a few minutes, he returned to his natural color, and was sitting in his chair comfortably.

Rick drank the last of his coffee and said, "It's been so nice seeing you again, Tante Heloise."

"It's been wonderful seeing you again, Richard," she replied. "And so very nice to meet your beautiful Flame Tree, so very, very nice."

"Oh, the pleasure was mine, Ma'--Tante," Horatio said, making sure to call her by her preferred title.
"Oh, I almost forgot, given the excitement and all. I had brought some flowers for the occasion; do you like flowers, Horatio? If not, I can keep them here- I don't want you to feel uncomfortable," Heloise suddenly felt shy as she noticed the bundle, which included long stemmed pink and red roses that she had all ready nearby.

Horatio eyed the lovely flowers and sniffed in admiration- these were sweet smelling ones as well as beautiful, he thought. "I really DO like flowers, Tante, very much so," he held out his arms for them as with a beaming smile, she went to get them.

"My dear one, I see a tulip or 2 in there too," Rick said as he noticed that the redhead took the flowers and cradled them. "Yes, I managed to get some- not always easy but as your father would say, when one has connections..." the older woman smiled when she noticed Horatio begin to blush at the attention being focused upon him once more.

At the mention of his father, Rick's eyes began to show a slight bit of concern, one that Horatio, being enamored of the flowers did not notice, but the older woman's keen sight did.

"Richard, I am keeping our introduction in confidence here. You can introduce Horatio as your partner to your parents when you feel the time is right. I am always here for you to confide to me, for both of you to, if either one of you should ever need me," her tone took a serious turn and it made the lovers look up at her with trust and admiration.

In was in that spirit that the three of them exchanged hugs and as Heloise gave the ginger haired man a pinch on his cheek and said to him that to her he was as lovely as the blue sky and roses themselves, the lovers left her suite, making their way back to their own.

"She's adorable Rick and so sincere, but honestly- I think that between the two of you, you'd rather just see me in a permanent state of blushing," Horatio laughed softly as Rick put his arm around him nodding, with the amber in his eyes shining brightly.
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Horatio looked into his lover's mischievous brown eyes, and put his arm around him.

"There is some room service at the Inn," Rick said as they walked back to their place. "What do you think about having something light brought to us for dinner--since our room is tidy now?"

"Sounds fine to me," Horatio agreed.

Forty minutes later, in the dining area of their unit, the couple ate some light meats, breads and fruit. Then they started to relax and watch tv, all the while smiling knowingly. Who would make the first move this time? Need was starting to build and it would have to be answered. Rick got up and disappeared into their bedroom, returning with something hidden behind his back. Before Horatio could find out what it was, he quickly disappeared out the sliding glass door towards the hot tub.

He's being awfully sneaky, Horatio thought. He watched as Rick returned to the sliding glass door entrance, crouched forward mischievously, and gave him a "C'mon gesture with his fingers. Horatio got up and walked toward his lover.
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Rick strolled toward the hot tub and Horatio followed. Rick had shed his robe and Horatio did the same, letting it fall on the clean cement next to their cushion. Rick had a shoebox in his right hand which he set on the wooden edge of the tub before slowly entering the water. Horatio went to lift the lid of the shoebox off to see what was inside.

"No, my angel," Rick said, grabbing the redhead's wrist to stop him. "You'll find out what's in there soon enough. But, first things first. Come on in the water with me." Rick practically pulled the redhead in, causing the redhead to break out in a chuckle. Once Horatio was in the water, Rick put a quick stop to that chuckle by taking his lover in a deep, heated kiss.

What followed was a great deal of splashing, moans and happy laughter that was only muffled by more kisses. The lovers raked through each other's hair and everywhere else. Both were breathing hard and ready to continue, but Rick managed to retract himself and reach for the edge of the hot tub.
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"Where are you going?" Horatio rasped.

"It's time for you to find out what's in the shoebox." Rick grinned with gleaming eyes. "I want you to lie on the cushion."


When Horatio had come out of the small pool and was reclined on the cushion, Rick took the lid off the shoebox. He pulled out a navy blue hankerchief, and held it in front of the redhead's eyes. "With this on, your ability to feel every sensation will be heightened. Does that sound good?"

"It sounds wonderful, colt."

Rick gently placed the material over Horatio's eyes, tying the ends behind the man's head.

"Now put your arms back." Rick instructed.

Horatio put his arms back. He enjoyed being in his lover's hands, but he really didn't expect to feel metal rings click around both of his wrists, and then the immediate prick of something sharp against his skin.

"Aahh! What is that?" Horatio tried to bring his hands down to his chest, but the handcuffs held him immobile. Horatio's fidgiting hands came in contact with what was anchoring the handcuffs: one of the stout legs of the umbrella table.

"Sshhhh," Rick said. "Just feel."

Horatio felt the prickly end of whatever it was run slowly along his stomach and up toward his chest. He moaned deeply. The feeling was acutely pleasurable. Especially since it was accompanied by ticklish, teasing kisses.
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