However, a few kisses later, both men found that each scent acted as a stimulant that put self-control almost beyond their reach.
Also, a new element was putting a strain on their best intentions; for Horatio, it was seeing in his mind the images of restrained people from the news report, especially pictures of their partners, who were in control of the situation. As for Rick, the elemental raw look of hunger and want ablaze in those azure eyes of his beloved, coupled with the knowledge that he was a devotee as it were of such acts, were all things fascinating and frightening to behold.
The two traded kisses, until suddenly Horatio began a kiss so deep and so intense that only when he knew that the two of them were at the breaking point, needing to breathe did he release their lips. " you want, do you need a volunteer?" Rick said quickly after catching his breath.
The ginger haired man knew what his lover meant, but it had caught him by surprise, all the moreso because he could still feel Rick trembling in his arms, despite the loving kisses. " I want us to play, but it's not entirely a game, Rick. Are you sure you want to? Are you really sure?" Horatio caressed his face; his voice had a deadly serious tone to it, despite the need glowing darkly from his eyes. "Y...Yes... I do... I trust you," the brunet said; his intuition had read his lover correctly, their love for each other was a given, it was trust that needed to be confirmed here.
"My colt wants and needs a little lesson then," the redhead's voice was loving and seductive- he smiled, loving the fact that his lover was beginning to read him. "Stay here." Horatio said softly as he rose from the bed, first turning off the television.
Rick watched as the other man went to a drawer, pulling out a long black tie. "Have to get you properly dressed for this event." Horatio spoke softly yet firmly as he walked over with the tie. To Rick's surprise though, he saw that Horatio didn't mean for him to wear it, instead he blinked as the ginger haired man took a part of the tie and played with it right over his eyes. "Don't move now..." he murmured as with deft hands, he gently tied the black tie around Rick's eyes, depriving him of sight. "Still trust me?" he continued in a voice- although it would take all of his will, he promised himself he would stop if he saw too much fear in the dark haired man.
" angel." Rick had slipped into his Southern accent, Horatio noticed, the way he usually did when he was nervous but not overwhelmed with fear.
Other senses now came to play- the brunet felt warm, sturdy hands gently remove his robe, exposing him as nature had made him.Then he felt his lover leave the bed. Despite the smell of caramel still fresh in his nostrils, totally stimulating him, he did not move.
He heard footsteps go to a drawer and his lover say: "Have to put on something myself...just so I don't forget it," then quickly heard those same footsteps walk back towards him. He could hear his lover's breathing, feel the warm breath as well as sense a strong hand grip his left wrist, caressing it. Rick's arm felt the redhead's bare skin so, he too had disrobed, now Rick could tell. Next, Horatio began to kiss that left hand and lick the fingers that still had traces of the cinnamon powder on it. Rick had never felt anything so good; he could see that quicksilver pink tongue darting in his mind; he let out a groan. "I didn't give you permission to voice *anything*...just yet..." Horatio's used a tone that he normally used in interrogation- it sent a thrilling sensation down Rick's spine like he had never felt before.
What was this slight scraping sound? Rick thought but couldn't guess what that was. He began to smile despite the fact that he couldn't see a thing; he was starting to mellow out until just then....
His sense of touch: it registered the alien, bone cold feel of metal encircle his left wrist, while his ears registered the sound of a *click* and the word "Gotcha!" said in a triumphant voice while just seconds later, removal of the blindfold revealed that he was held indeed, held captive to the bedpost and to the whims of his lover, who wore a silver chain around his neck that had two keys to the handcuffs hanging from it.