Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

@@@@@ Just about 25 minutes later @@@@@

"I'll take care of the dishes," Rick said as he got up from the table, blowing out the candles. "Why don't you check out what's on the news?" the brunet made his voice sound as innocent as possible, not wanting to spoil the surprise that he was about to cook...
"Ok, thanks colt, that sounds like an idea." Horatio left for the bedroom to watch it in there.

The back of his neck felt dry, so the redhead went into the bathroom to put some lotion on it, not really thinking about which kind he applied, not noticing that the tube had a caramel swirl design on it.

With the lotion smoothed into his skin, he walked out of the bathroom, got into bed, and turned the tv on.
Good thing I had the batter all done, the brunet thought to himself as he triumphantly brought his cooked surprise onto a wheeled cart into the bedroom.

"Well... since you SO reminded me of a treat, I decided to make some....fritters...." Rick could feel his voice catch in his throat and his eyes go wide. Horatio seemed not to have heard him; instead, he was mesmerized by a local news report that he was watching. Rick paused to see what was holding his beloved so captive...

"Ah *captive* is the operative word all right..." Rick began smirking as he spoke under his breath as he listened to the newscaster: " Two daring raids upon a couple of illegal establishments, a club called simply *Totally Knots* as well as a nearby store that catered to its party goers 2 doors down, called *Twists and Turns*, were conducted successfully just after both places were filled with customers.

The two places were infamous for providing entertainment and supplies for same for guests who, as a clip of a smuggled in camera is showing right here, liked to engage in what they termed nicely as voluntary mutual restraining techniques.

These establishments were considered illegal because they had neither obtained the proper business permits, nor did the club have proper safety exits, or working fire extinguishers. The latter problems usually occur with underground clubs. Also, both places failed to properly identify some patrons so, minors were slipping in or buying products using fraudulent identification. More details to follow..."the reporter signed off.

"My darkling little angel- so you really DO fancy all of that don't you?..." Rick began to tease he went over to put his hand on his beloved's shoulder; it was at that point that his nose took in the alluring scent of what the brunet cautiously called *the love potion.*
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Horatio hadn't heard Rick wheel the cart up. Rick had felt him start a little when he had touched him. The redhead turned and looked at him with his cheeks coloring a little, paused briefly, and then said, "It's a great stress-reliever."

"Now, wait a minute," Rick said, clearly fascinated. "This is why you wanted me to tie you're into that--I mean really into that..."

"Voluntary mutual restraining techniques," Horatio stated. And it wasn't lost on Rick that Horatio was now looking at him with eyes narrowing with lust. A dangerous lust.

"Would you like a fritter?" Rick asked, somewhat nervously.
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"Yes, really into that..." Horatio growled breathily. "And ohhh, the fritter looks absolutely delicious..." he continued, while he eyed the crispy treat that was in the other man's fingers.

Without a word, Rick gave him the dessert, but instead of giving him the one with raspberry jam dipped on the tip of it, as he had planned to, he gave Horatio the one that had cinnamon generously sprinkled all over it.

After the redhead accepted the treat, Rick ran a nervous finger through his dark hair, not realizing that his fingertips had been covered with the spice- now it would be in his hair, thus intoxicating to his lover as an aphrodisiacal scent.
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"Come sit next to me in the bed, Rick," Horatio said, and he took a bite of the fritter.

Rick got into the bed and sat next to his lover. And there was that alluring smell again coming from the redhead. Rick was starting to feel dizzy and overstimulated, like how he always started to feel when he smelled *CARAMEL*.

"Horatio, did you purposely put that caramel love potion of yours on?" he asked, feeling drawn to the redhead's neck, where the pleasant, intoxicating aroma seemed especially strong.

"I--Oh no, I think I might have accidentally reached for the wrong lotion," Horatio said. "But...Rick...isn't this a *CINNAMON* fritter you gave me?"
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However, a few kisses later, both men found that each scent acted as a stimulant that put self-control almost beyond their reach.

Also, a new element was putting a strain on their best intentions; for Horatio, it was seeing in his mind the images of restrained people from the news report, especially pictures of their partners, who were in control of the situation. As for Rick, the elemental raw look of hunger and want ablaze in those azure eyes of his beloved, coupled with the knowledge that he was a devotee as it were of such acts, were all things fascinating and frightening to behold.

The two traded kisses, until suddenly Horatio began a kiss so deep and so intense that only when he knew that the two of them were at the breaking point, needing to breathe did he release their lips. " you want, do you need a volunteer?" Rick said quickly after catching his breath.

The ginger haired man knew what his lover meant, but it had caught him by surprise, all the moreso because he could still feel Rick trembling in his arms, despite the loving kisses. " I want us to play, but it's not entirely a game, Rick. Are you sure you want to? Are you really sure?" Horatio caressed his face; his voice had a deadly serious tone to it, despite the need glowing darkly from his eyes. "Y...Yes... I do... I trust you," the brunet said; his intuition had read his lover correctly, their love for each other was a given, it was trust that needed to be confirmed here.

"My colt wants and needs a little lesson then," the redhead's voice was loving and seductive- he smiled, loving the fact that his lover was beginning to read him. "Stay here." Horatio said softly as he rose from the bed, first turning off the television.

Rick watched as the other man went to a drawer, pulling out a long black tie. "Have to get you properly dressed for this event." Horatio spoke softly yet firmly as he walked over with the tie. To Rick's surprise though, he saw that Horatio didn't mean for him to wear it, instead he blinked as the ginger haired man took a part of the tie and played with it right over his eyes. "Don't move now..." he murmured as with deft hands, he gently tied the black tie around Rick's eyes, depriving him of sight. "Still trust me?" he continued in a voice- although it would take all of his will, he promised himself he would stop if he saw too much fear in the dark haired man.

" angel." Rick had slipped into his Southern accent, Horatio noticed, the way he usually did when he was nervous but not overwhelmed with fear.

Other senses now came to play- the brunet felt warm, sturdy hands gently remove his robe, exposing him as nature had made him.Then he felt his lover leave the bed. Despite the smell of caramel still fresh in his nostrils, totally stimulating him, he did not move.

He heard footsteps go to a drawer and his lover say: "Have to put on something myself...just so I don't forget it," then quickly heard those same footsteps walk back towards him. He could hear his lover's breathing, feel the warm breath as well as sense a strong hand grip his left wrist, caressing it. Rick's arm felt the redhead's bare skin so, he too had disrobed, now Rick could tell. Next, Horatio began to kiss that left hand and lick the fingers that still had traces of the cinnamon powder on it. Rick had never felt anything so good; he could see that quicksilver pink tongue darting in his mind; he let out a groan. "I didn't give you permission to voice *anything*...just yet..." Horatio's used a tone that he normally used in interrogation- it sent a thrilling sensation down Rick's spine like he had never felt before.

What was this slight scraping sound? Rick thought but couldn't guess what that was. He began to smile despite the fact that he couldn't see a thing; he was starting to mellow out until just then....

His sense of touch: it registered the alien, bone cold feel of metal encircle his left wrist, while his ears registered the sound of a *click* and the word "Gotcha!" said in a triumphant voice while just seconds later, removal of the blindfold revealed that he was held indeed, held captive to the bedpost and to the whims of his lover, who wore a silver chain around his neck that had two keys to the handcuffs hanging from it.
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Rick pulled at the handcuffs, laughing nervously. With his free hand he playfully tried to grab at the keys around his lover's neck. But his hand grasped at nothing but air as Horatio stayed just out of reach. Horatio wore a devil's grin, surveying him, plotting a course on the map that was Rick's body. Rick felt a surge of panic. Might the redhead hurt him? He glanced again at his left wrist, at the metal ring encircling it and the bedpost. It was then that Horatio quickly leaned forward, grabbed Rick's other wrist, and pinned it to the mattress. "Aaaah!" Rick yelled in surprise.

"Oh, yes, my disobedient colt," Horatio said in a low growl, two inches from his face, "you do need some training."
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"...but first, you need to know this." Horatio's voice changed to a softer tone as he suddenly remembered something important. "Rick, you don't have to worry- there is such a thing as a *safe* word. If you want me to stop, completely stop, just say the word and I shall. I'll give you one that you can remember, all right?" Horatio allowed his grip on the brunet's right wrist to relax just slightly. In response, Rick struggled less in order to pay attention. "The safe word is: 'AMBUSH', okay? Can you remember that, my colt?" Horatio smiled as Rick nodded in affirmation....
Horatio started to nibble along Rick's jawline and up to his ear. He knew the brunet loved it when he did that. Horatio could feel the quivering skin under his lips and heard his lover desperately trying to stay quiet since he still hadn't given him permission to make any sound. Horatio mouthed and then gently bit Rick's earlobe, causing a muffled squeak from his lover. Then he changed course and made a path of quick, ticklishly soft kisses down the man's neck. Horatio heard muffled whimpers. The brunet started to throw his head in an effort to deal with feeling pleasure that he wasn't supposed to voice. Horatio caught Rick's forehead and held him still.
The ginger haired man's kisses down his lover's neck continued until he got to a special place on that neck that he liked, one where he was most likely to think of as a "rare meat" and normally give a love bite.

However, instead he just paused and said: " have my permission to speak or say anything you eager colt..." Rick felt the words as fire on his vulnerable neck.
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Horatio pushed back a little on the mattress so he could look into Rick's eyes. He saw that they were half closed and that the sensuous lips were parted slightly.

"Kiss me," Rick said.

"Where?" Horatio asked.

As he eyed his beloved captive, while desire was rushing through his own body like the tumbling, cascading waters of a waterfall...Horatio said breathily... "I'll pick up from where I left off..." His mouth began working in a series of kisses from the middle of the brunet's slightly furred chest, following his map, a map made up of flesh damp with perspiration...
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Horatio very slowly worked his way back upward, enjoying the soft feel of the chest hairs as they tickled his nose. " sexy, my colt," he muttered into his lover's hotness.

Rick moaned softly in response, watching the top of Horatio's head as the red hair came back up toward him. Horatio had his hand around Rick's right forearm, and Rick tested his lover's hold on him by trying to make a move to touch the luxurious ginger hair. "Uh uh," Horatio warned playfully and strengthened his hold on the brunet, just enough so he could feel it.
Rick gritted his teeth in frustration borne out of longing, his graceful hand was itching to run through the silkiness of his beloved's hair. "May I, touch your hair... please?" the brunet asked, totally surprised at the submissiveness in his voice- he had always thought of himself as a hard man, a strong man, but perhaps now, he realized only with this one- the man he loved who was so vital, who so epitomized the virility of love, of life itself would be the only man he'd ever submit to in this way. "No need to say please, love...I'm not that demanding and may touch...all of me..." Horatio crooned as he replied, then he continued to kiss Rick's brow in a vain attempt to keep the sweat from trickling down his lover's face.

Rick's hand dove into those soft crimson curls as if they were part of a priceless treasure and indeed at that moment he realized that they were a treasure, just like the rest of the ginger haired man's body. That was the lesson of the game of delay and discipline- to make one appreciate what normally was right in front of a person and being so accessible, would make one be tempted to take it for granted.

Now neither man would truly ever take the other one for granted-even if that sentiment had been in their hearts before, the harsh, yet gentle lesson here and now branded itself onto their hearts, their very souls for all time.

The unique scents of cinnamon, caramel and their own bodies made the very air around them so intoxicating that neither lover could resist the call of love any longer. Desire for both of them had put the very essence of their beings on a jack knife edge; if nature was not obeyed at once, she would leave them painfully spent and still in the depths of want, seeking sweet release.

The ginger haired man wrapped his arms around his lover and left thought and reason behind; all that was left was a image of his dark haired lover as fertile land, while he was a funnel cloud vigorously landing upon that ground.

The entity, that *one* always created by their union, was a ferocious, violent whirlwind of a being, landing hard, demanding, invading, seeking out, creating something new with every twist and turn of its body. The visceral cry of the entity went beyond loud to a voice that was almost ear shattering in its intensity.

The elemental energies released by the entity resembled a tropical waterfall in South America, called Foz de Iguazu; dense heat, a dampness that covered every pore, invaded every crevasse of that one body, as well as giving it a generous coating of spray akin to pure warm water from that waterfall that promised and delivered not only release, but also, a sense of complete emptiness of all the stored resources that the lovers had brought to their union.
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