Add a Bit (Horatio and Rick slash)

Horatio said in a wistful voice. He loved watching his partner eat; in fact, he found himself enjoying watching all the little things that the brunet did. So intensely did he continue watching that Rick finally smiled and simply took a forkful of salad from the redhead's plate and held it up to him with one simple word: *eat...* said in the most gentle of tones...
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Horatio laughed and took the bite from the fork. His eyes were smiling as he chewed and swallowed.

"I guess I was caught in the act," he said.
"That's what I love about you; you can be as wild as a storm one minute and gentle as a sweet summer breeze the next," Rick said with shining eyes, as he allowed his fork to spear a piece of cooked tomato and offered to feed his beloved again.

Just then, the sound of a small band got the couple's attention. It was a tango group and a couple who danced for the restaurant's guests began to come out to the middle of the room to dance...
"Well, isn't this nice," Rick said as the dancers swept into their routine, accompanied by lively, rousing music.

Horatio nodded, chewing his tomato, alternately thinking about what Rick had just said about him and watching the dancers.
He kept looking into those rich brown eyes of his lover, they reminded him of fertile land, something that was rich, constant, secure- something you could always count on. Horatio had loved and lost a great deal in his life and such turmoil had caused him a great deal of pain, the kind of pain that was still too raw to even contemplate even at the present time. Rick's love was assuaging those wounds, soothing those hurts.

It was in this frame of mind that he placed his hand gently on Rick's hand and smiled as his beloved seemed to delight in looking at the pale, beautiful skin delicately graced with subtle freckles. Without a word being said, Rick began to caress the hand, slowly, deliberately and sensually going from one finger to the next. This touch, instead of igniting desire, caused a feeling of warmth, vulnerability and a general feeling of well being to flow throughout the redhead's body...
**At the Stetler Household in Alabama, Present Time**

"No, Bradford, I am not a worry wort," Adelle Stetler informed her husband as she handed him the plate of cinnamon fritters. "There was a sound of heavy breathing on the line...and it just seems like he's staying cooped up in his room all the time. It's not healthy."

"Now 'delle, I'm sure Richard's doing just fine. I mean, what do you think we ought to do, honey--fly out there and check on him?"

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The elder Stetler looked at his wife for a moment; he could tell that he would have to use a great deal of his persuasive skills to solve this dilemma.

"Adelle, I know you'd go to Las Vegas in a heartbeat, but isn't that a bit overkill? After all, Rick is not in any danger and we would look foolish and worse, meddling if we were to go there and find out that it WAS a television show that he was watching. Let's give our boy benefit of the doubt this time." he sprinkled a bit more cinamon onto her portion of the fritters, knowing that it was something that always seemed to calm her nerves at times like this.
**Portenos Restaurant, Outside of LV, Nevada, Present Time**

"I could do this, forever," Rick said, lost in the contours of his lover's hand.

"Well, then, I think we should. "Horatio reached up with his free hand and gently stroked Rick's dark hair.

The waiter was walking up, and the couple gently retracted their hands from each other. But their eyes remained riveted together until the waiter spoke.

"Senors, are you enjoying your meal?"
"Yes, we are...very much so, thank you," Rick said politely looking at the waiter. As the waiter left to obtain a skewer of roast beef, Rick looked intensely at Horatio's hand and began to imagine just what type of ring would be perfect for it. If I had my way, it would be something platinum, with blue white diamonds perhaps. Rick's head nodded just slightly as he smiled at the thought.
Seeing Rick staring at his hand, Horatio reached forward and gently enfolded his fingers around Rick's hand which had been resting by the brunet's plate. Then he slid his fingers under Rick's palm. He marveled at the length of the man's digits; they were long and sensuous. They were one of the things about Rick that Horatio found so sexy. And he knew that some day, maybe not too far in the future, he was going to put a ring around a certain one of those fingers. Horatio started to lightly stroke Rick's ring finger. He imagined a gold ring--antique gold with sapphires around his lover's finger. Yes.
There was silence between the two lovers for a space of time. Finally, the brunet gently broke the romantic silence.

" I love you so much, Horatio; let me show you...let's go back to our place..." Rick's eyes held a dreamy aspect to them as he spoke in a voice meant only for his beloved's ears to hear.
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"Excuse me, waiter," Horatio motioned while contemplating his lover tenderly. "Could we have our bill please?"

"But Senor!" the man protested. "You are forgetting your next course of rare meats!"

"Oh, thats right!" Horatio said, remembering about the roast beef. "I can never have enough of those."

Rick leaned closer to his lover and whispered, " can never have enough, period."

Horatio chuckled and started to eye that spot on Rick's neck that he enjoyed tasting--and biting.

"I will get the meats for you right now!" the waiter called from where he was standing.

"We'd like them in a box to go, please!" Horatio informed him.
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After obtaining a very generous to-go package, the redhead paid the bill along with the tip and soon, he and Rick found themselves outside looking for their shuttle transport back to the inn.

A familiar shuttle came up to them and opened its door. "Hi guys, did you have a good meal? I forgot to introduce myself the last time; my name is Ben, Ben La Force," the older man said with a wave and a grin. "We did. It was very, very nice. It's also great to know your name, Ben. " Rick spoke smiling, as he was the first to board.

Horatio gave a pleasant greeting to their trusted driver as well, feeling very comfortable around him like he was an old and trusted friend. As the lovers went to settle down in the back seat, Ben waited until they were sitting down before he dimmed the lights and drove off.

The enamored pair made good a silent promise to each other not engage in any kind of romantic play until they reached their abode, although Rick felt himself blushing as his ginger-haired lover kept sneaking a smoldering peek at his neck from time to time-so eager was he to kiss and nip at it.

"Something's different," Horatio noted as it seemed like that no sooner had they boarded, they found themselves seeing the lights of their inn.

"Oh, I didn't mean to startle you two, but I took a safe but shorter route back to your place- you two look like you need some *real alone time* in a hurry; just a pair of lovebirds that's all." Ben cheerfully began to tease the couple as they got up and went to the front to disembark.

"You certainly are very understanding; thank you, Ben," Horatio tipped the driver as he was the last to leave.

"Be good to each other," Ben said in a voice only for the couple's ears and the lovers nodded in affirmation until the shuttle closed its door and drove off.

A few moments later, the redhead found that no sooner had he put the to-go box in the refrigerator, that the brunet had put his arms around his waist seeking to give teasing kisses from behind.

"I plan to love you, slowly, deliberately for a long time, my angel" Rick murmured as he took one of his hands and carded through the scarlet tresses. "Now it is time for our bed and time for me to explore you, to love you from head to foot...and..." Rick made his breath and voice heat gently into his lover's ear, "all points in between..."

Horatio felt his entire body stiffen and come alive akin to a lightning rod that had been struck by a bolt from above.
The arms tightened around Horatio's waist, and he felt the hair at the nape of his neck parting from the inquisitive nuzzling of his lover. He shuddered, arching back. Then the unmistakable sensation of teeth being set lightly on his skin.

Rick then said, against Horatio's neck, "Let me walk you to our room." And Horatio felt the brunet's playful lips smiling into his skin, kissing him, and then the man pressing in behind him to encourage him to move forward so that they could make their way across the carpetting molded together.

Rick felt like he had his arms wrapped around a warm, human-shaped timebomb, like something Horatio would have dealt with when he worked on the bomb squad. Horatio's muscles were so tense and hard. Rick would enjoy playing at difusing this bomb, if only to purposely cause it to explode--at the right time.
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When they finally got to their bedroom, Rick only let go of now what he teasingly thought of as ***his incendiary device*** just long enough to turn on a small night light that was situated on a small table by their bed. The soft dimness of the light would give him a view that he was eager to see.

Horatio was indeed tense, hardened with anticipation and fascination; he clenched his hands from closed to open in a rhythm that matched the same motion of his eyes- he could feel the perspiration roll off of his brow similar to a way he experienced it when he had gone on a rescue in the midst of the burning Everglades. Dampness oozed from every pore invading every essential part of his body. "Rick... honey, please...."he involuntarily breathed out his lover's name in an endearment, wondering why without even being really touched or caressed just yet, why the rush of desire was threatening to consume him like a whirlwind just from beyond the horizon.

Perhaps it was the wine, or really all of the teasing that had occurred between the two lovers practically during the whole meal that had set his body, just like his teeth on a veritable edge. His beloved just nodded and smiled in a loving, sympathetic way- this was an encounter that was going to be different; normally at such a moment, Horatio knew, his beloved would be in a teasing mood and subsequently, he could prepare for that. However, the look on his face, the nuances of warmth, determination and sheer desire were images the ginger haired man had not seen before and they added an element of the unknown to their moment- the eagerness was torturous, the feelings singing within his body were delicious, flowing like a lazy river running a slow summer course on fertile ground.

"I won't leave you like this, I've got you... I'll take care of you...I promise..." the brunet's voice held its Southern accent with the tone of a siren, leaving his lover quivering, his eyes growing wide. Just as carefully as if he were a student diffusing his first bomb, Rick removed each barrier to his beloved's body; garments fell one-by-one to the soft carpet until all that there was left was the man he loved as nature had made him.

Without a word being said, he put him gently on the bed and smiled, allowing his long, skilled and deft fingers to begin their magic journey; Rick almost burned from the sheer heat of the redhead's body as his fingertips played along Horatio's neck and shoulder, only to abruptly change course to begin a sexy journey traveling deftly down the middle of his chest.

" I treasure your eyes, keep them open for me... if you can" Rick allowed his drawl to slip from his lips as his lover obeyed- the brunet felt his own temperature rise and breath quicken as he looked hypnotized into those azure irises that caught the night light's glow and danced in a semi-divine way flickering in the night...
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